Chapter 8 - Astra Visits Zora's Domain

Summary: Zelda shares half of Astra's parentage with specific individuals. Astra, Purah, and Zelda visit Zora's Domain. Astra reveals the alternate timeline to Prince Sidon.

It was late evening at Hyrule Castle as Astra stood gazing out her open bedroom window. A gentle rain was falling, but with hardly any breeze, there was no harm having the window open for now. Besides giving the room some fresh air, it gave Astra a better view of Hyrule. She looked out as far as the eye could see into the darkness. What awaited her out there? Why was she here?

There was not much to see in the dark and rain. You could make out the Central Hyrule Sheikah Tower glowing blue in the distance and fiery red Death Mountain far to the east. But Castle Town was dark and quiet now, its shops all closed for the night. The only people out and about were palace guards on duty.

After a late dinner, upon their return to Hyrule Castle from the Korok Forest, Astra had said goodnight to Zelda and Purah, then retired to her room. But though physically tired, she wasn't sleepy yet. Instead, her mind kept going over the day's events.

Today had undoubtedly been an eventful one.

First, she had bonded with the sword that seals the darkness, confirming her as its chosen hero. She had expected that, of course, but it was still a solemn occasion. For though she had taken up the sword before when the need arose, it was never really hers - until now. It felt humbling to be chosen by the Goddess's sword and bear the burden of knowing the fate of so many might depend upon you.

And then, having been chosen by the sword, who knew she would need to wield it so soon, cutting down a Yiga Clan warrior in battle? Her fight today had been a real one - not one of Purah's simulations. But her actions had come naturally and were pure instinct. She had Purah and her father to thank for that. They had made her training challenging and pushed her to excel at being the best.

As Astra gazed out the window, her thoughts turned to this Hyrule and its experience. She wanted to feel it, understand people's lives here. This was a wounded Hyrule, still recovering from the massive loss of life and destruction of the Great Calamity. Ganon had caused the death of the Champions and King Rhoam, the destruction of the Hyrule Army, and the loss of almost an entire generation of Hylians. It was a terrible and utter defeat for the kingdom, though it had happened 125 years ago now and was beyond the living memory of all but Purah, Zelda, and some of the Zora. But Hyrule's recovery had only begun in earnest after Ganon's defeat 25 years ago and still had a good deal to go.

Speaking of the Zora, that was her next destination. She recalled they had discussed it briefly at dinner that night.

"I met with Myra, my chief of staff, to explain you were Link's daughter, Astra," said Zelda. "She has been my loyal right hand for years now, and I owe her some trust. I will meet with Colonel Lorton, head of castle security, first thing tomorrow morning and explain that to him as well. However, forgive me, but I did not yet feel ready to reveal that you were also my daughter. That part is more difficult to explain, and I hope you understand."

"I understand perfectly," said Astra.

"It is definitely wise to limit those who know these things," said Purah. "The longer we can keep the Yiga Clan ignorant of Astra's identity, the better."

"So, the Yiga Clan is the principal threat to the kingdom now?" Astra asked.

"Most assuredly," said Zelda. "You might still encounter a rare monster or two hiding out in some remote parts of Hyrule. But yes, it's the Yiga Clan that poses the greatest danger to us now. They have been experiencing something of a resurgence of late. They were demoralized after Ganon's defeat and lay low afterward, licking their wounds. Ganon's destruction was a blow to them, especially losing the regeneration that his malice once provided. But within the last five years or so, we've noticed an increase in Yiga Clan activity. They are attempting to rebuild their organization and work toward creating a path for Ganon's eventual revival and triumph."

"I agree," said Purah. "The Yiga Clan's goal is to destroy the Hyrule Royal Family and aid their lord Ganon. They hate all who oppose them, of course. But their anger toward you, Astra, will blaze hotter than Death Mountain should they learn who you are. For not only are you the child of the despised Hero of Hyrule who slew their leader and helped defeat their lord, but you are the sword's chosen one and a royal blood descendant of the hated Goddess Hylia. In fact, I can't conceive of anyone in Hyrule they would hate more and be more eager to hunt down and kill."

Zelda cast Purah a disapproving glance, feeling she had gone too far. Purah's zeal for accuracy often came at the expense of a blunt lack of tact. But Astra merely smiled.

"I trust in the Goddess, her sword, and my skill," said Astra. "Let them hate me all they want. But I believe they will also come to fear me."

Purah and Zelda exchanged a glance, and then Zelda spoke up.

"I don't doubt any evil creature would come to fear you, Astra, after seeing your ability with the sword you now wield," said Zelda. "But let us discuss the next steps. If we are to fight the Yiga Clan, we will need the cooperation of the other races in Hyrule. Of course, I have worked toward rebuilding the Hyrule Army, but we are still stretched thin. We do not have the resources to do this alone. Therefore, I suggest as a first step we meet with the leaders of the other races and explain matters. We can introduce you to them, Astra, and seek a pledge of their support. I suspect they will be heartened by your presence. Link's departure was a grievous loss to us all, for he had earned the friendship of all the other races and was greatly respected for his courage and bravery."

"Speaking of that, what do people know of my father's departure from this land?" Astra asked. "We did not discuss it my first night here."

"Of those still alive here, only you, Paya, Purah, and I know the truth about Link," said Zelda. "Our answer to any who asked was that we do not know where Link is, which is technically true. I felt it wise not to discuss time travel, and I couldn't bring myself to say that Link was ... gone forever. But after being missing for twenty-one years now, most people assume that Link met his end somehow, and his body was never found."

Zelda paused and looked away, and Astra noticed again that Zelda grew emotional whenever they discussed Link's departure. She knew that Zelda had saved her father's life in this timeline, but not in the one she came from. And their relationship must have been closer, at least from Zelda's perspective. After all, they had spent four years together after the Calamity was defeated as each other's only friend, and that had not happened in the other timeline either. But then again, Zelda had just recently lost her husband, so perhaps her emotional state had nothing to do with Link. Thinking of losing Link might just be reminding Zelda of her most recent loss. It also reminded Astra of hers.

"So, perhaps we should start with a visit to the Zora," said Zelda finally as she recovered her composure.

Small talk comprised the rest of the dinner, and then everyone said goodnight.

Astra's thoughts returned to the present as she continued to look out the window.

"I miss you, Mom, Dad, Sis, and I hope you are well," whispered Astra.

Then she closed and latched the window, said her daily prayer to Hylia, and went to bed.

The following day was sunny, and after breakfast, it was time to ride to Zora's Domain. A Rito had earlier flown a message from Zelda to King Dorephan alerting him to their plans. And since Astra was traveling in the guise of Purah's assistant, it made sense for Purah to accompany them as well. As before, four guards joined them. Two of the guards scouted the road ahead while two stayed with the party.

"Has much changed at Zora's Domain?" Astra asked Zelda as they rode side-by-side.

"From when your father left? No, I don't believe too much has changed. Perhaps Prince Sidon has taken on more duties as his father, King Dorephan, gets on in years. At some point, King Dorephan might even relinquish the throne, I suppose. But I imagine the Domain will feel drastically different from the one you know."

"Yes," said Astra. "Mipha's surviving changed many lives, not least of which was my father's and his other four children."

The rest of the journey was uneventful, and it was almost evening by the time they reached the Great Zora Bridge. Astra, Purah, and Zelda dismounted and left their horses with their guards, while two Zora guards escorted them the rest of the way on foot into the Domain.

The first thing Astra noticed upon reaching the plaza was the statue of Mipha. Her father had mentioned its existence, of course, but it still touched her to see it. She stared up at it as they passed by, but they were quickly escorted past it and then up the stairs to the throne room where King Dorephan and Prince Sidon received them.

"Welcome, Your Majesty Queen Zelda and Dr. Purah," said King Dorephan, but then he stopped and stared at Astra. "Link? Is that you?"

"No, Father," said Prince Sidon. "But I agree there is a strong resemblance."

"This is Astra," said Zelda, beginning to introduce her.

"Ah, forgive me then," interrupted King Dorephan. "Welcome, Astra, to Zora's Domain. I'm getting older, and my eyesight is not what it used to be. But, for a moment, my mind dove back to the time Link appeared before me after his one-hundred-year slumber, and I thought perhaps he had returned once again."

"But if my eyes do not also deceive me, I recognize what looks like the sword of evil's bane upon Astra's back," said Sidon. "Is that not so?"

"It is, and your confusion about Link is quite understandable," said Zelda. "Astra is Link's daughter, and she inherited not only Link's appearance but the hero's spirit as well."

"What?!" exclaimed both King Dorephan and Prince Sidon, and King Dorephan rose slightly out of his seat.

"Link has a Sheikah daughter?" said Sidon, also visibly shaken. "No, I cannot believe it!"

Then Sidon spoke up again after a moment to compose himself.

"Pardon me, Astra, if I seem shocked, and please forgive my ill manners. I, too, welcome you to Zora's Domain," said Sidon as he approached and shook Astra's hand.

Then Sidon turned to Zelda and Purah.

"But are you sure of this? I find it hard to believe Link had a relationship and a child with someone, and I knew nothing about it," said Sidon.

"I can think of at least two possible scenarios why that could be the case, Prince Sidon," said Purah. "It might have happened after you last saw Link. Or he could have hidden his feelings for another from you out of respect for your memory of Mipha."

"I suppose that's theoretically true, Dr. Purah, especially the former," said Sidon. "I am not the best judge of Hylian ages, but Astra does look younger than twenty-one years of age, the time I last saw Link. Forgive me for speaking as if you're not here, Astra. So, I suppose it is possible Link formed a relationship after the time he and I last spoke. But I still find it hard to believe."

"Why is that?" asked Purah.

"Because Link and I were like brothers and often shared our thoughts during his visits here," said Sidon. "I know Link's heart belonged to my sister, and if anything, his love for her only grew with time as he recovered more of his memory of her. You should have seen how thrilled he was telling me of some new flashback he had of a time he and Mipha spent together. Every visit, Link would stop to place a Blue Nightshade flower at Mipha's statue, and sometimes seeing his flower there was the first I knew he must be here. He missed my sister terribly and was consumed with a passionate desire to be with her somehow. I pray their spirits at least found each other, and they are happy together now. So, please understand my bewilderment at the idea Link fathered a child with another."

"Yes, well, that part is rather complicated, Sidon, and not exactly how one might expect," sighed Zelda. "You will just have to trust me for now or take it that it doesn't matter. The point is, Astra has the spirit of the hero and was chosen by the sacred sword, and that is what is most important for Hyrule. But concerning Link, you don't have to tell me of all people that he never lost his love for your sister. I fervently wished he had, if only for his own sake. I was one of those who urged him to move on with his life as the rest of us did. I agreed he should never forget your sister, but I hoped her loss would not consume him the way it did. However, Link wouldn't listen to Impa or me. He clung to his feelings for Mipha to the very last day I saw him."

"Very well," said Sidon. "I won't pretend to understand it, but I will accept what you say, Zelda. Now you must all be hungry after your long journey. Let's have dinner together, and I hope everyone likes fish."

The dinner discussion was mainly about the state of Hyrule restoration and conditions at the Domain. They had agreed not to discuss Astra any further, explaining why there was a great need for secrecy about her. However, Astra did notice King Dorephan and Sidon staring at her during lulls in the conversation. And as expected, both King Dorephan and Prince Sidon pledged Zora support in whatever campaign against the Yiga Clan took place.

It was late when dinner was over, and Zelda, Purah, and Astra made their way to the Seabed Inn to sleep. Kodah and her husband Kayden welcomed them, and Kodah also stared intently at Astra with a puzzled expression. But it was late, and so, without further conversation, they secured beds for the evening. Purah and Zelda fell asleep quickly, but Astra remained awake. And after a short while, she quietly arose and left the inn.

"You can't sleep, Miss?" Kodah asked quietly. "Is your bed uncomfortable?"

"No, the bed is fine. I just need to speak privately with someone," whispered Astra.

The plaza was quiet and almost deserted as Astra made her way to Mipha's statue. Prince Sidon was standing there gazing up at it, and she approached him. He turned to Astra then.

"Hello Astra, are the sleeping arrangements not comfortable? You are unable to sleep?"

"The sleeping arrangements are fine, Prince Sidon, but I am not ready to sleep," said Astra, and then she stared up at the statue as well.

"That's my sister, Mipha," said Sidon. "I still come here every night to think about her. We had so little time together, yet I still recall her loving nature as well as her encouragement of me. Did Link, your father, I mean, ever speak to you of her?"

"Yes, you would be surprised how many times," said Astra.

"That's good," smiled Sidon. "It makes me happy to think he would speak of her to you. And you truly inherited Link's fighting skill? He was a marvel to behold. I was told my sister was always trying to live up to his ability, perhaps partly to earn his respect and attention."

"Yes, I did learn his skills," said Astra. "I hope to put them to good use here."

They were quiet for a moment, and then Astra finally spoke up.

"Prince Sidon, I am not supposed to share something, but I feel you deserve to know. And I know Link would want you to know as well. So may I have your word that you will not share what I am about to tell you to other than your father?"

"If preserving your secret does not jeopardize my people, I will agree to keep silent about it," said Sidon.

Astra pulled out her Tab and called up a picture of Mipha and Link together. Then she showed it to Sidon.

"What!? What is this, and what does it mean?" Sidon exclaimed as he stared bewildered at the picture and the device it was on.

"As Zelda said, it's complicated," said Astra. "But a means was found here 21 years ago to send Link into the past, to shortly before the Calamity. He was able to prevent the death of your sister and the other Champions in that timeline. He and Mipha are married and are living happily with a family now. I know all this because I came from that timeline myself and was sent here by Goddess Hylia. All this is known only to Paya, Purah, and Zelda, but I thought you and your father should know."

Sidon kept staring at the picture and began brushing away tears from his eyes.

"Forgive my show of weakness, but seeing my sister's picture and learning of this news is nothing short of miraculous, and my tears are partly out of joy," said Sidon. "So, Link's disappearance was due to his time travel to the past? And my sister is alive there and married to Link? But then, are you my sister's daughter? I did not think it possible for a Zora to bear a Hylian female."

"No, I'm not Mipha's daughter," said Astra. "That is the complicated part Zelda spoke of. But all I can say is Link was always faithful in his love for your sister and never betrayed her. I know you must have many other questions, and we can speak again should the opportunity arise. Tomorrow I will let Zelda and Purah know I shared this with you. They will likely not be pleased, but I felt you should know. And I will try to find a way to get you a picture of your sister. But I must go now. Goodnight, Prince Sidon."

"Goodnight, and thank you for telling me," said Sidon. "As I promised, I shall speak of this only to my father and swear him to secrecy as well."

Astra returned to the inn, leaving Sidon staring at Mipha's statue.
