Chapter 51 - Memory and Princess Power

Summary: In the victory timeline, far from Mipha and Link having the house to themselves upon their return from Lake Akkala, Lapha, Mila, and Midon return home for a late family dinner. Tiray discusses her interest in Midon with Tila and her sister Laray.

It was a clear evening in Zora's Domain, the sky sprinkled with stars and adorned with a glowing half-moon. Mipha and Link, their fingers tenderly interlaced, wandered the path toward home, their minds awash with the memories of the day's romantic adventure at Lake Akkala.

In the secluded heart of Lake Akkala, hidden beneath its gentle, undulating surface, lay an underwater cave of unparalleled beauty. Zoras called it Glittering Grotto since its walls were encrusted with the glow of luminescent algae, and its chambers were filled with magnificent stone structures. The couple had explored this hidden wonder, each twist and turn revealing new splendors that captivated Link upon seeing it for the first time. It was yet another introduction to the vast and mysterious underwater world he could now share with Mipha.

But not only the natural beauty marked the day as extraordinary. Within that private sanctuary, they also shared a deeply intimate connection, both physically and emotionally. The experience was something that they would forever cherish. Together in that hidden realm, they had not only shared the sight of Hyrule's hidden treasures but also their deep love for one another.

A gentle pull from Link brought Mipha closer, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of fondness and affection. Their lips met in a fleeting yet passionate kiss, leaving Mipha with a soft sound escaping her lips as their connection broke.

Her gaze held curiosity as she inquired, "Mm, that was nice, sweetheart. But what was it for?"

"Because I love you so much, ... and to compensate for the time I wasted when I should have kissed you sooner. It seems you've been holding onto that grudge for over forty years now."

Mipha playfully teased, a hint of a smile gracing her lips, "I did say I forgive you, didn't I? However, I may have been too impulsive and rushed my decision. If you're sweet enough, perhaps we could discuss it later, and you could continue to make up for lost time."

With a good-natured chuckle, Link continued, "I'd love that. In any case, I'll catch us some dinner, and we'll have the house all to ourselves for a little while."

No sooner had the words passed Link's lips than they were interrupted by a familiar voice, causing Mipha and Link to turn.

"Hey, Mom and Dad!" the voice exclaimed, drawing their attention.

Mipha's eyes lit up with delight as she greeted her younger daughter, "Lapha, sweetheart! What a lovely surprise!"

"Yes, it's wonderful to have you home," Link added.

Warm embraces were exchanged, and as they resumed their walk towards the house, Lapha shared her reason for returning.

"I know you're surprised to see me, but I thought I should be home for Midon's sake and to help Mila deal with him," Lapha explained.

Link's concern was immediate, "What's wrong with Midon? Your mom and I left this morning before he got up."

"Oh, right, you must not have heard the news. Larena broke up with Midon after her party yesterday night, apparently because he hasn't been making enough time to see her. Mila took him to North Hyrule to visit Linky and his family and to hopefully take his mind off it."

"That's a shame, but it was sweet of Mila to try to find a way to ease his pain," said Mipha.

Sympathy also laced Link's words, "I hope the trip helped. It's tough losing someone you've been close to for so long... I know that feeling."

"From what Mila said, Midon was quite broken up about it, at least at first," said Lapha. "But she told me he met the newly recovered Princess Tiray when they arrived in North Hyrule, which considerably dampened his spirits."

"Dampened his spirits?" Link asked with a puzzled expression. "Meeting Tiray somehow made Midon feel worse?"

"Made him feel better, of course, sweetheart," laughed Mipha as she squeezed his hand. "You're still thinking like a Hylian, and Hylian expressions are so counterintuitive!"


"I never understood why Hylians think something getting wet makes it worse," Mipha continued. "For example, Hylians say someone poured cold water on an idea to indicate their disapproval when just the opposite should be the case. Or they say someone rained on a person's parade to imply they spoiled their plans when we would love that to happen. Or someone is a wet blanket if they're no fun to be with. I could go on."

Link had to laugh, nodding, "True, we do have ... I mean, Hylians do have some funny expressions, and your perspective makes more sense to me, especially now. I'll have to remember that. But back to the point, it sounds like meeting Princess Tiray cheered Midon up."

"Aren't you going to add that you know that feeling too, dearest, how spending time with a beautiful princess has the power to touch your feelings and brighten your outlook on life?" Mipha teased.


"Well, there was Zelda, of course, whom you were especially fond of and got along with so splendidly. And let's not forget Princess Midna with her magical twilight kiss to help you remember her. Oh, and should I be so presumptuous as to include myself on the list of princesses that cheered you up?"

"You're such a comedian, sweetheart," laughed Link as he pulled her close. "And you know very well that you're the only one I love." Then he added to tease her back, "As far as I can remember, at least. And I do remember we've had this conversation before."

"I remember, too," said Mipha.

Then, they both laughed and shared a quick kiss.

"You two are both so funny sometimes," laughed Lapha. "And Mom, you have a great memory, especially about things that got Dad in trouble."

"I must remember them since I can't trust your father to," teased Mipha.

With the approach of their home, their conversation shifted to practical matters.

"I guess I had better catch fish for five if Mila and Midon are on their way home and in case they haven't eaten. Perhaps we can all have a late family dinner together," said Link.

"I'll help Dad with the fish," Lapha replied. "A quick swim sounds great after being stuck in the lab all day."

"And I'll go inside to set the table and tell Mila our plans," Mipha said.

Mipha entered the empty house while Lapha and Link headed to Mikau Lake.

"This shouldn't take long since you're so much nimbler in the water now, Dad," Lapha laughed as they dove underwater to catch some fish.

Meanwhile, the hum of its ancient energy propulsion system quieted as the ferry from North Hyrule floated gently to rest alongside the Spool Bight pier. As the first officer temporarily secured the vessel, Mila whispered to her sleeping brother Midon, "Sorry to wake you from whatever dreams you're having, but we've arrived."

Midon groaned as he lifted his head from Mila's shoulder.

"Hmm... sorry, Mi, I didn't sleep very well last night. I guess it finally caught up to me. Don't remember what I was dreaming about, though."

Midon got up and took Mila's hand, and with a nod to the first officer, they left the ferry together. No one else disembarked, but four passengers remained onboard—most likely heading on to Hateno Village. Mila felt her Tab buzz as they walked away from the pier and toward the Spool Bight underpass.

Mipha_ZD:To:Mila_ZD:: Lapha, Dad, and I are home. We'll catch dinner for you and Midon if you haven't eaten. See you soon, sweetheart!

"It's Mom," said Mila. "She said Lapha is also home, and they're catching dinner for us. Let's hurry back."

Mila was still worried about Spool Bight dredging up memories of Larena, its architect, though Midon seemed much more cheerful than before their departure.

"Oh, should I tell her not to worry about dinner for us since we already ate some porgies at Linky's house?" Mila added.

"I wonder why Lapha came home?" Midon said. "And, um, no, I'm actually pretty hungry, Mi. I didn't eat much as I was kind of too deep into conversation to eat."

"Oh, yes, with the charming Princess Tiray," laughed Mila. "Okay, I'll just say we're on our way home. Since you're starving, you can eat my fish too."

Mila_ZD:To:Mipha_ZD:: We're just leaving Spool Bight. Home soon. Love you!

After navigating the tunnel, illuminated by the soft glow of Luminous Stones, they found themselves poised at the edge of East Reservoir Lake. The vast expanse of water lay still and silent, disturbed only by a family of ducks nestled peacefully in sleep. Looming over the scene was the majestic form of the Divine Beast, Vah Ruta, its stillness mirroring the lake's. The pale luminescence of the moon cast a shimmering reflection on the serene surface, and the cool lake water held an irresistible allure for any Zora gazing upon it.

"This swim will certainly jolt you awake," Mila teased with a playful glint in her eyes, giving his hand a gentle tug as they stood on the precipice.

Midon chuckled, "And probably fuel my hunger even more," he retorted moments before they took the leap together, splashing into the cool embrace of the lake.

Their synchronized strokes carried them swiftly to the northwest pier. From there, they followed the path toward Mikau Lake and their home.

"Look, it's Dad and Laff," Midon observed, spotting the duo wading towards the shore, their hands cradling a bounty of fresh fish.

Link's eyes sparkled with anticipation, "What impeccable timing for a fresh catch! Mom's waiting inside. Ready to head in?"

As they approached, Mila and Laff shared a fleeting embrace. "Thanks for being here, Laff," Mila whispered.

"Of course, Mi," Lapha whispered back, then turned to Midon.

"You doing okay, big brother?"

"I am, thanks to Mi," Midon replied with gratitude, "She's told you all about it, hasn't she?"

The group shuffled inside, engaging in welcoming, warm chatter before settling down for their meal.

Mila shared news from their recent encounters, "Linky and Tila send their love. They were nothing short of gracious during our impromptu visit. Did anyone else have any adventures today?"

"Your father and I reveled in the magic of Lake Akkala," Mipha began, her eyes distant with memories, "And we took the time to thoroughly explore Glittering Grotto, which was as impressive as ever. I love going there."

"How awesome! Everyone loves that place, and your first visit is especially impressive," Lapha responded. "I'm glad Dad finally got to see it."

"I'll never forget it, especially being there with your Mom," Link added. "And please, no jokes about my memory, okay?"

"Thank you for the gentle reminder. And would I ever tease you about that?" Mipha said with a twinkle in her eyes, laughter bubbling forth.

"See, Dad?" Mila quipped with a playful nudge. "Adventures like yours with Mom are precisely why you need that journal. You know, the journal you thought was rendered obsolete. It seems there are still countless tales waiting to be penned."

"Did I foresee my transformation into a Zora back then and discovering this enchanting underwater realm?" Link replied with a chuckle. "And does everyone keep track of every misstep of mine? There are some memories I'd genuinely prefer to forget."

"It's all in good fun, my love," Mipha assured, leaning in closer. "Your reactions are simply too delightful to pass up."

"Exactly, Dad," laughed Lapha. "Remember, we all love you."

After savoring another bite of her meal, Mila continued, "Speaking of delightful, our little escapade was enjoyable as well, albeit not as picturesque. Midon spent part of the day with Linky and Lanka at Jabbu Lagoon, right, Midon?

"Um, yes, right," said Midon after swallowing. "Lanka is so cute and fun to play with."

Mipha nodded, "He's at a cute age. We really should spend more time visiting with them."

"And Midon might have additional motivations for such visits north," Mila teased with a wink.

After a moment's silence, Mila turned to Midon, "You're unusually quiet. Everything alright?"

"Oh, sorry, yes, I'm fine," said Midon after swallowing, his mouth full. "Too busy eating to talk."

"Because you were too busy talking to eat," laughed Mila. "They served porgies at Linky's house, picnic style," she added by way of explanation. "But Midon was too captivated by Princess Tiray. And not to research the effects of Ancient Energy, I assume."

"But actually, speaking of that," Lapha said, seizing an opportunity for mischief as Midon took another bite. "If things get serious between you two, it would greatly benefit Aldora's and my research if you could gather some information for us. We want to build a full profile on Princess Tiray. Perhaps you could note any unusual aspects of Tiray's behavior that may be due to the lingering effects of Ancient Energy consumption. You know, the kinds of things Aldora and I would have difficulty measuring in a lab. Like does Tiray kiss more or less passionately in your experience, is she more romantic, things like that."

Midon's cheeks flushed crimson, "Lapha! You can't be serious!"

Lapha laughed heartily, "I'm not, but the shade of red you've turned is truly worth it!"

Mila clapped her hands in delight, "Well played, Lapha! It's about time someone turned the tables on our witty brother."

"Why does this take me back to those warm but chaotic family dinners we had when you were all growing up?" laughed Link.

"You actually remember them, sweetheart?" teased Mipha.

"Only because Dad wrote about them in his journal, Mom," laughed Mila. "J-O-U-R-N-A-L," she added, spelling it out.

"What a wonderful family! I love you all so much," laughed Link.

Earlier that evening, Tiray and Laray stepped into their cozy dwelling, still resonating with the memories of their time spent with Mila, Midon, and Linky's family.

"Ti, I hope you weren't upset about me asking you to be with Tila while I was engaged today," Laray began, her voice filled with genuine concern. "My heart still fears for your well-being, even if you feel you've recovered. Your return to us feels nothing short of miraculous, and I can't afford to lose you again."

Tiray offered a reassuring smile, "I get it, Sis. Even though I feel like I'm fully recovered, it's better to be safe than sorry."

There was a thoughtful pause, and then Tiray probed gently, "But, Sis, that doesn't mean you'll always want to shadow me when I hang out with friends, right?"

Laray chuckled, "As long as you're not wandering solo, I promise to keep my overprotectiveness in check. Speaking of friends, I couldn't help but notice Midon's rather vivid interest in you."

Tiray blushed, "It was kind of hard to miss, wasn't it? He certainly caught my eye, too. I'm curious about him."

"Why not ask Tila? She's quite familiar with the family. And don't forget, she's always been your close friend, even if your memories of her are a bit foggy now."

"Do you think it's too late to contact her?" Tiray mused.

"Given Lanka's bedtime routine, I'd wager it's not too late. Maybe drop her a message first, just to be sure," suggested Laray.

Taking her sister's advice, Tiray pinged Tila, who promptly responded, signaling she was available for a chat.

Tila's voice came through warmly, "Had a feeling you'd call Ti Ti. Looking for some inside family info?"

Tiray laughed softly, "Was I that transparent? I just want to know more about Midon. He seemed... interesting."

Tila responded thoughtfully, "Midon's got layers. He's brilliant, especially when it comes to tech stuff like coding. He's serious when the moment calls for it, but he's also got this infectious wit. Sometimes, it irks his older sister – who, by the way, is only a smidge older. I think tonight he was trying to charm you a bit. In my books, he's always been great company. Sounds like you're considering exploring more with him?"

"Perhaps," Tiray admitted, a tinge of curiosity evident in her voice. "There was a connection, and I'm keen to see where it might lead."

Tila, ever the protective friend, advised, "Take it slow, Ti Ti. Word is, he's nursing a fresh wound from a recent breakup. The last thing I'd want is for you to be hurt by being a mere emotional rebound. I'm not saying that's his intention, but hearts can be unpredictable. Swim carefully."

Tiray nodded, appreciating Tila's candidness, "I get it. And honestly, after everything that happened, I'm still piecing together my own emotional landscape. But I should let you go. We can talk more later. Thanks, and goodnight, Ti."

"Goodnight, Ti Ti. And watery dreams," said Tila.

Tila ended the call just as Link returned from putting Lanka to sleep.

"Thanks for being so hospitable to my family on no notice, sweetheart," said Linky, pulling Tila into a soft embrace.

"They're always welcome," Tila replied, looking up into his eyes. "They're my family, too," she chuckled, breaking away slightly. "Or have you already forgotten our wedding?"

Linky tilted his head, feigning contemplation. "Hmm... a grand day, a stunning bride... Oh! That was you, wasn't it? How could I ever forget one of the happiest days of my life," he laughed, playfully squeezing her hand.

She swatted him lightly. "Always the Joker!"

"But tell me, what was the deal with Midon?" said Linky. "I got Mila's message, not to mention Larena to Midon, but no context. And with him around, I couldn't press for details."

Tila sighed, taking a moment. "Mila knows more about it than me, but word is his girlfriend Larena left him because he wasn't giving her enough time."

Linky's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really? That's... unexpected. They were inseparable in school."

Tila nodded, "Mila said he'd been taking it hard. She hoped bringing him here might distract him a bit."

"Yet he seemed so lively tonight," Linky remarked, puzzled. "If anything, he was more cheerful than normal."

Tila smirked, "Ever heard of princess power?"

Linky blinked, then laughed, "Is that what's going on? Midon is enchanted by Princess Tiray?"

Tila winked, "Didn't you see? He barely touched his food, too busy being entranced. That's princess power in action."

Linky pulled Tila closer, "Now that you explain it, I know the feeling. I can feel princess power whenever I get lost in your golden eyes. Like right now, sweetheart."

"Flatterer," Tila teased, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Since the children are asleep, maybe you'd like to ... experience more of that power?"

Linky's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Sounds delightful. Is there such a thing as Prince power, too?" he teased as they moved towards their bedroom.

"Only with the right Princess, dearest," Tila whispered back, pulling him into a deep kiss as they closed the door.
