Chapter 21 - Astra Visits Gerudo Town

Summary: Astra and Zelda travel to Gerudo Town to meet with Chief Riju.

It was morning at Hyrule Castle as Zelda and Astra finished breakfast together.

"Have a bit more eggs if you have room," said Zelda. "We may not be able to stop for lunch and only have time to snack on the road until dinner."

"Good idea," said Astra as she helped herself to another portion of eggs.

Astra and Zelda were beginning their journey to Gerudo Town this morning and hoped to reach the Gerudo Canyon Stable by nightfall.

"You don't mind traveling by horseback now?"

"No, it's an excellent way for me to see Hyrule up close," said Astra after swallowing a bite of eggs. "And we can talk on the way."

"Yes, very true," said Zelda as she smiled at her.

Astra had just finished eating when Myra came to the door.

"The guards and your horses are ready whenever you are, Your Majesty," said Myra. "And I had some water and the food you requested packed with your horses."

"We're both ready now, and thank you, Myra," said Zelda.

"And I will take care of all your routine meetings for the next two days, Your Majesty," said Myra. "So please do not worry about that."

"Myra, you've been such a great help. Remind me to explain to you what a day off means when we return. You need to take one."

"Is that meant as a punishment?" laughed Myra. "I guess I love my job too well. Safe travels!"

Astra and Zelda made their way to the castle entrance, where their horses and four royal guards awaited them.

"Thank you, Captain Rollin," said Zelda as they mounted their horses. "Any reason we cannot take the road south across Hyrule Field and then turn west just south of the Coliseum, stopping briefly at Outskirt Stable?"

"None, Your Majesty," said the Captain. "Two guards will scout the road ahead while two of us stay with you."

"We plan to spend the night at the Gerudo Canyon Stable, then proceed on to Gerudo Town tomorrow morning," said Zelda.

"Yes, that will be fine, and we're all ready," said the Captain.

"Then let's be off," said Zelda as she urged her horse forward, and Astra did the same.

They followed the road through Castle Town and then as it curved south of Mount Gustaf.

"I'm happy to be going on journeys like this again, especially with you," said Zelda as she and Astra rode alongside each other. "I didn't realize how much I missed it after immersing myself in royal duties and remaining at the castle so much. But your being here has revived my enthusiasm for horseback travel."

"I'm glad," said Astra. "And I've come to enjoy riding a horse as well."

The ride was uneventful as they traveled at a steady trot past green fields and small clumps of trees until, after they turned west on the road between the Coliseum and the Great Plateau, a steady rain began falling.

"Luckily, Outskirt Stable is just up ahead," said Zelda, as they picked up the pace and urged their horses forward. "We were planning to stop there anyway to water and feed our horses."

When they arrived, the guards checked the stable and found it empty of other travelers at the moment. Then everyone handed off their horses for care and waited inside the stable. The stable proprietor, seeing Zelda, was quite surprised and eager to offer his assistance. He approached the Captain, who was standing at the doorway to the left of the registration desk and spoke quietly.

"If only someone had informed me Her Majesty planned to stop here, I could have had some proper refreshments prepared for all of you," said the stable owner.

"Thank you, I am sure you mean well, Sir," said the Captain. "But for security reasons, we do not disclose Her Majesty's travel plans in advance. I'm sure you can understand."

"Oh, yes, of course, what was I thinking?" whispered the stable owner, shaking his head. "And I guess that is even more necessary after the recent sad and untimely death of His Majesty."

The rain continued to fall, splashing into nearby puddles and making a drumming sound on the roof.

"At least there's no lightning, and it looks like the storm will pass soon," said Zelda as she and Astra stood at the doorway to the right of the desk, and Zelda glanced up at the clouds. She was about to remark that she knew rain didn't stop travel in Astra's former timeline when she remembered in time to keep silent. Stable hands were working nearby, and the less said of such matters, the better.

As Zelda predicted, the rain slowed and stopped after about half an hour, and they resumed their journey south and then west across the long Digdogg Bridge. A barely visible shrine glowed blue far below them.

"It just shows your father truly went everywhere," said Zelda as they glanced below as they rode. "It looks like a decent spot to camp in a pinch, but certainly a nuisance to climb back up from."

"That shrine actually played a role in an attack on Hyrule," said Astra. "It, along with similar shrines, was corrupted to spawn monsters. But the circumstances of Ganon's defeat and my father exploring the shrines here make things different. So, I suspect that could not happen."

"Indeed," said Zelda. "Nevertheless, I should like to hear the full story when we are back at the castle. And perhaps it would be wise to share what you know with Dr. Purah."

"Yes, of course," said Astra.

It was afternoon when they finally reached the foot of Mount Nabooru and the start of the Gerudo Canyon. The land changed as the road wound between steep yellow and orange sandstone cliffs, and the air became hot and dry. Strange misshapen-looking trees with massive trunks and presumably deep roots searching for water dotted the landscape. They eased back on their horses a bit to keep from tiring them out. The Captain moved closer and spoke up.

"We need to watch out for falling boulders along this road, Your Majesty," said the Captain. "So I will need to ride closer."

Indeed, several boulders did fall from above that they all managed to avoid, and the road was even blocked at one point by fallen boulders. It took a few minutes to clear away the obstruction, and the Captain kept watch, concerned that this might be an ambush. But nothing happened, and they were soon underway once more.

"You can begin to see some Gerudo architecture along the route now," said Zelda as she pointed to an archway. "I imagine in an age long past, this road was in much better condition and well maintained. Perhaps it will be again someday. But we need to work on rebuilding the settlements for the people first."

Zelda sighed. There was still so much to do to restore Hyrule to how she wished it would be.

"It will happen," said Astra. "Just give it more time."

They continued onward, riding past old wooden scaffolding still left over from the search for Naboris and the occasional glowing orange light marking the path. And it was early evening when they finally arrived at Gerudo Canyon Stable and boarded their horses.

"The rest of our journey will be on foot anyway," said Zelda.

"Two of us will take turns keeping a lookout on the small cliff just above us by the ancient shrine, Your Majesty," said the Captain as he pointed up at it. "The rest of us will keep watch here. Can I order you and Astra a meal?"

"Thank you, Captain Rollin, but no," said Zelda. "I've decided to relive my youth a bit, so Astra and I will cook our own meals. We will be fine. You and your men go have dinner."

The Captain bowed, then went off to join his men while Astra and Zelda sat down at the cooking pot beside the stable, and Zelda retrieved the food Myra had arranged to be packed.

"I should have checked with you but wanted this to be a surprise," said Zelda. "I hope a meat and mushroom skewer is alright for you. And there is some fruitcake for dessert."

"Sounds delicious, thanks!" said Astra. "I should tell you that I'm not a fussy eater. I eat just about anything, something my father said I likely inherited from him. He claimed his appetite was a valuable skill and that he sometimes experimented with recipes in the wild, hoping to find food that would enhance his combat or survival ability. But we thought he also just loved to eat, and his family often teased him about his appetite."

"Funny," laughed Zelda as she began cooking the food. "But yes, Link was quite capable when it came to meals. He even ate some Rock Roast Daruk offered him, and I was amazed he didn't lose all his front teeth! I thought that would have been such a pity because he had such a sweet smile. But somehow, his teeth survived the ordeal, though he told me privately later he would never do it again."

When the food was ready, they ate quietly, then took time to stroll about the area near the stable before bed. The sky was clear and dark, and the stars shone brightly overhead. There was also a chill in the air now, so they returned to warm up by the fire now and then.

"I love the desert," said Zelda as they strolled together. "I have happy memories of visiting Urbosa here, and she taught me to appreciate the desert's beauty. It can be harsh, but its flowers are quite beautiful and strong - able to survive the difficult conditions. Indeed, the Gerudo compare themselves to a desert flower, beautiful yet able to thrive and flourish amidst hardship. And nowhere in Hyrule do the stars shine so brightly. I learned a great deal from Urbosa during our time together."

"I know you and Urbosa were close," said Astra.

"Yes," said Zelda. "She was friends with my mother and took it upon herself to look out for me as much as she could after mother passed. She even sometimes accompanied me on my pilgrimages to the sacred springs. I had no aunts or other relatives, and she became like a mother to me."

Zelda sighed, thinking back to those days, and Astra was reluctant to interrupt her thoughts. Then Zelda regained her composure.

"Anyway, we should get some rest," said Zelda finally. "We have a full day tomorrow, and it's wise to leave early before the sun is too strong."

They said goodnight and retired to beds at the stable. Astra lay awake for a short while, listening to the buzz of the insects. But their buzzing was uninterrupted, soothing even, and she fell asleep a short time later.

The next morning everyone rose early and, after a brief breakfast, prepared to walk across the Gerudo Desert to the Kara Kara Bazaar.

"Captain, it makes sense for you to accompany us as far as the bazaar," said Zelda. "Gerudo guards will meet us there and escort us the rest of the way to Gerudo Town. You are forbidden to enter Gerudo Town anyway, so it will save you and your men a long walk there and back."

"Is there some way we can verify the Gerudo guards are genuine and not Yiga Clan in disguise?" said the Captain.

"Yes, I was sent a password from Chief Riju herself that only the real guards would know," said Zelda. "And I know the letter from Riju is genuine as a Rito I trust took it directly from her hand."

"Very well, Your Majesty, if that is your wish," said the Captain. "But we will keep an eye on you as far as we can see."

The six of them began their walk and were happy to remain in the shade of the nearby cliffs for as long as possible. Though still early morning, the dry desert heat was already apparent.

"I had better prepare you a bit for your visit to Gerudo Town," said Zelda to Astra as they walked alongside each other. "Things will be a bit different there. For one thing, you needn't worry about anyone recognizing your resemblance to Link, except perhaps Riju herself. Link was forced to disguise himself as a Vai whenever he came to town, and he wore a veil that covered his face. Link said he showed himself to Riju before appeasing Naboris, but nobody else would know how he looked."

"Yes, he told me about that as well," said Astra.

"Also, unlike the other villages, nobody there credits Link with appeasing the Divine Beast: they give Riju credit for appeasing Naboris. Riju and her personal guard Buliara could not admit they broke their strict law by allowing the Voe Link to remain in town. Oh, there are tales of a brave Hylian Vai who helped Lady Riju, but nobody knew her name, and she is largely forgotten by now."

"That is understandable," said Astra.

Walking in the sand was slow, and it was an hour later that they finally reached the Kara Kara Bazaar and could cool off.

"Time for a drink," said Zelda, as everyone refreshed themselves and some guards splashed themselves with water from the oasis.

Four Gerudo guards noticed them and approached.

"Sav'otta, Queen Zelda and Astra," said the Gerudo Captain. "I am Captain Rayna. Lady Riju is expecting you both. Oh, and we are to exchange a password. The password is little bird."

"Yes, that is the correct password," said Zelda with a smile.

Then Zelda turned to the Hylian Captain.

"Please enjoy yourselves here or back at the stable," said Zelda. "We will return tomorrow and meet you here."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," said the Captain. "Most likely, we will remain here. There are plenty of beds at the inn and more things for all of us to do here."

"Yes, Captain, you will find that Voe are very welcome here," laughed Rayna. "I think staying here will be more to your liking."

Then Rayna turned to Zelda.

"Shall we go? It is about an hour and a half walk, and it is best to leave before the sun gets any higher. We would have brought Sand Seals but were not sure you knew how to ride them."

The six of them began their walk, and the sun was even stronger now. Breathing was difficult, and again, the sand slowed their steps. The air shimmered from the heat rising from the sand and made distant objects blurry and appear to shake. Gerudo town could be seen in the distance, and two shrines near it glowed blue. Small patches of sand blew into the air, stirred up by intermittent gusts of wind. By the time they reached the Gerudo Town entrance, both Astra and Zelda were tired and thirsty. The guards at the entrance nodded to Captain Rayna, and they were admitted at once to the town.

"I can see you are not used to desert travel. The Chief will have refreshment waiting for you," said Rayna. "Please follow me."

Astra looked around as they walked through town, and it was busy with shops and shoppers as well as small groups of people chatting. They made their way straight to the Chief's residence.

"I will leave you here," said Rayna. "You may go right in."

"Thank you, Rayna," said Zelda.

They entered the hallway and could see Riju seated at the far end of the hall, and a guard stood by her side. Riju looked to be a woman in her late thirties and in excellent condition, quite athletic looking. The guard was much older but also exceptionally fit and held a Golden Claymore at the ready.

"Vasaaq Queen Zelda and Astra!" said Riju as she stood to greet them. "You must be tired and thirsty after your walk here. Let's all sit down and have some refreshment. This is my personal guard who has been with me since I became Chief, Buliara."

"Thank you, Lady Riju," said Zelda. "And let me introduce you to Champion Link's daughter, Astra."

"Sav'aaq Lady Riju," said Astra. "I am honored to meet you."

"Sav'aaq Astra," said Riju. "I must speak softly as guards are nearby, but you do very much remind me of your father. And I see you carry the sacred sword Link once carried as well. I often thought it was a pity Link was not a Vai himself - it would have made things so much easier, would it not Buliara?"

"Yes, a Hylian Vai Champion was exactly what we needed!" laughed Buliara. "But Link played the part well and did not give away his secret. And he even had the nerve to compete in our Sail Seal race and become Sand Seal champion for a time!"

"Yes," laughed Riju. "Link's Sand Seal record racing time stood for some years before it was finally broken. But he said he did that only to access a shrine. Anyway, Link achieved great things, all we ever asked of him and more. And though we speak lightly, Astra, we mean no disrespect. Link was a brave and noble person, and I greatly admired him. I wish he was still here among us. Anyway, let us sit down and eat."

They sat down to eat, and Astra and Zelda at once drained their water glasses, which Riju refilled from a pitcher.

"Please try the Creamy Heart Soup," said Riju. "It's quite filling and a Gerudo specialty. It will make you feel better at once."

The soup was indeed revitalizing, and both Astra and Zelda felt much better.

"I came to seek your support for when we are ready to launch a campaign to destroy the Yiga Clan," said Zelda. "I am hoping we can count on the Gerudo for support."

"Rest assured, we would love nothing more than to destroy the Yiga Clan once and for all," said Riju. "No other enemy has been such a thorn in our side over the years, though they have been less active here of late since they abandoned their hideout in the Gerudo Highlands. And forgive me, but of course, we also know how much you have personally suffered at their hands, Zelda."

"Yes, very true," said Zelda. "But in other parts of Hyrule, they have been increasing their activity lately and seeking to recruit new members. And we have even found them disguised as soldiers. So, remain on your guard."

"If I may speak plainly for our soldiers," said Buliara. "They dearly hope to find a Yiga spy to acquaint the point of their spears with. We hold them responsible for helping to resurrect the Calamity all those many years ago, which caused the death of our grand champion, Lady Urbosa. We Gerudo have long memories and have no word in our tongue for forgiveness."

"All that is true, Buliara," said Riju. "But we must not act rashly and only strike when the time is ripe. The taste of revenge does not sour with age, and I would not wish to lose lives needlessly."

"We will plan our attack carefully," said Zelda. "We also do not wish to lose lives. And I believe Astra can help lead us to victory."

"I will use all my ability to achieve our success when it is time," said Astra. "I have trained well for this."

"So you have inherited your father's combat abilities?" Riju asked.

"Partly inherited and partly developed through training," said Astra.

"If you wish to lead, it would be wise to gain the respect of our soldiers by demonstrating your combat skills to them. Would you be willing to spar with one of them?" Buliara asked.

"If you wish," said Astra.

"After lunch then," said Riju. "Buliara, please notify the guards."

Buliara left to arrange the contest while the rest finished their meal. A short time later, Buliara returned to say the guards were assembled in the barracks courtyard when they were ready.

"All but those on active duty are present," said Buliara. "And our most skilled fighter named Lonya will be your opponent, Astra."

"I'm ready," said Astra.

They made their way to the barracks courtyard, where Astra could see guards standing along the walls talking to each other and a very capable-looking fighter standing in the center with a spear in her hands. Buliara had apparently already announced the intent of the gathering, and Astra heard some guards making bets with each other. A few seemed to bet on the fight's outcome, but most on how quickly Lonya would defeat this brash young Hylian Vai.

"Lonya, this is Astra," said Buliara. "You know the rules. A fair fight and no fatal injuries. You may begin when ready."

"Though a sword is my preferred weapon, I would be happy to spar using a spear instead to make this fight a fair one," said Astra.

At this, there was some murmuring from the crowd and some of the betting updated.

"This Vai must be suicidal!" Astra overheard one person remark. "Lonya is unbeatable with a spear! I will double my wager."

"As you wish," said Buliara.

Buliara nodded to one of the soldiers, who walked over and presented Astra with a spear, then withdrew. Astra gripped the spear, turning it over in her hands and feeling the balance. But while she was distracted doing so, Lonya rushed forward and knocked Astra down with the handle of her spear. Lonya was about to press the point of her spear against Astra and ask her to yield when Astra rolled away and jumped back up to her feet.

"Sorry, I thought the start of the fight needed to be announced again after I changed weapons," said Astra. "Shall we continue?"

Lonya nodded, and Astra and Lonya approached each other. Then what happened next reminded Zelda of past events watching Astra in combat. Astra moved her arms with such speed and force that they were a literal blur, and the spear flew from Lonya's hands. Some soldiers along the perimeter had to dodge the falling weapon to avoid injury. All everyone could see at the end was the point of Astra's spear pressed against Lonya's chest.

"Yield?" Astra asked.

"Yes, I yield," said a startled Lonya. "But I have never seen such rapid combat movement! It was as if you fought me while I remained frozen in place."

"It's a skill I inherited," said Astra, lowering her spear.

There was murmuring from the crowd for a moment, and then they all burst into applause. Astra wondered how the bets would be paid off.

"You would fit in here wonderfully," said Riju. "I think you have earned everyone's respect."

"Thank you," said Astra.

"Now, let me show you the rest of our town, as this is your first visit, Astra," said Riju. "If you have any interest in jewelry, we have an excellent shop here. And we can each have a Noble Pursuit at the Noble Canteen. Of course, I will vouch that you are of age, Astra. And I also highly recommend the full spa treatment later at the Hotel Oasis. It will do wonders for you."

"Sounds delightful," said Astra.

Meanwhile, at the Yiga Clan hideout, Master Kohga was receiving the latest update from his Chief of staff, Rohga.

"Purah has returned alone to her lab by Hateno Village," said Rohga. "And we learned her so-called companion is named Astra. Zelda and Astra left the castle and appeared to be traveling to Gerudo Town. However, they traveled with four guards and could not be safely attacked."

"Appeared to be traveling to Gerudo Town? Did no one follow them there?" said Kohga.

"I could not ask anyone to follow them to Gerudo Town," said Rohga. "It would provoke a revolt."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not know what the Gerudo do to any of us who fall into their hands?" Rohga asked.

"No, tell me," said Kohga.

"They start by...."

"On second thought, never mind," said Kohga, interrupting. "It will only ruin my sleep. But I gather it is not good."

"Not good? It has created such fear of capture among our troops that nobody will dare risk going there," exclaimed Rohga. "They would rather take discipline from us."

"It must be pretty bad, huh?" said Kohga. "What a terrible bunch of women!"

"Perhaps some of our Lord Ganon's ruthlessness has rubbed off on them," said Rohga. "He was once a Gerudo himself."

"Yes, I know," said Kohga. "Anyway, keep at it and keep me informed."
