Chapter 17 - A New Life

Summary: Link's transformation process to a Zora concludes.

It was a calm late evening in Zora's Domain, and the soothing sound of splashing water filled the night air. The plaza that was so busy during the day was empty now, and all but guards on duty were sleeping soundly in the slumber pools or open water.

But the house at Mikau Lake was not entirely quiet. Lapha and Midon were sound asleep in their rooms, but Mipha and Mila were not.

"I'm sorry, Mila, I'm simply too anxious about tomorrow to sleep," said Mipha as she and Mila floated together in her slumber pool. "Maybe you should go to your own room so I don't keep you awake all night. I'll be fine, sweetheart. I can manage one night on my own."

"It's okay, Mom," said Mila as she held one arm around her mother. "We're all excited about welcoming Dad home tomorrow. But keep trying to sleep. Maybe I should sing you a lullaby the way you used to sing for me. Do you remember those days?"

"Yes, I remember, sweetheart," smiled Mipha, thinking back. "You and your brother Midon were so cute! Your father and I used to alternate nights putting you to sleep while the other one took care of Midon. Your father called you his little princess. He fell in love with you and Midon at once."

"I know," said Mila. "And when we were older, you both told us sleep time stories. Of course, you alternated telling those, too. Dad's stories were lengthy sometimes. I didn't always stay awake to the end."

"To be honest, I don't think he did either!" laughed Mipha. "I used to find you and your father both asleep together in your pool, and I wondered who fell asleep first. But you used to always put your arm under his neck to help keep his head above water. You have the instinct to care for people, and I believe that comes with the healing power we both have. Anyway, I had to wake your father to come to our room, or sometimes I just let him sleep there. You both looked so cute!"

"If you close your eyes, can you still picture Dad and I together like that?"

"Yes, of course," said Mipha, closing her eyes and smiling. "It doesn't seem all that long ago."

After a moment, Mipha was fast asleep, and Mila smiled. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep a few minutes later.

For a change, Midon was the first one up the following day and, as usual, immediately checked his Tab. There was a message from young Link in North Hyrule addressed to all his siblings that Tila had arranged for a private high-speed watercraft to take Mom and them from Spool Bight to North Hyrule, and he would meet them there. The four siblings had discussed among themselves whether they should all go and decided they should. If anything went wrong with the transformation, they wanted to be there for their mother. There was also a message from his girlfriend Larena, wishing him and the family well. And there were a few work-related messages involving rune support. By the time Midon finished with all of them, he heard Lapha leaving her room and joined her in the dining room.

"I'll catch breakfast today," said Lapha. "Unless you want a rune-made fish."

"Ugh! No, fresh fish tastes better, thanks. And no preference - first fish is fine for me," said Midon.

Lapha returned a few minutes later with three Hyrule Bass and a Hearty Bass.

"Let's save the Hearty Bass for Mom," said Lapha. "She could use it."

"Of course," said Midon as he took a Hyrule Bass from Lapha. "We just have to convince Mom to eat it. She hasn't been eating as well as she should. By the way, it was smart of you to suggest Mom make Dad a new set of armor. It kept her busy and her attitude more positive this past month."

"It only made sense, and Mom agreed with me at once," said Lapha. "I got the idea one night when I stayed with Mom in their room and noticed Dad's Zora Armor hanging in the closet. As you know, it's a long-standing tradition for Zora Princesses to make special armor for their future husbands, and those husbands were all Zoras. It's actually very infrequent for a Zora to marry someone other than a Zora, our atypical family notwithstanding. So why shouldn't Dad have a set of armor as a Zora too?"

"It was a great idea, and yes, our family is certainly not a typical one," laughed Midon.

Midon paused for a moment to swallow a bite of fish, then continued.

"But, you know, Laff, I wouldn't trade our family for anything. Mom and Dad have been the best parents - still are the best parents. And I couldn't ask for nicer or more loving siblings. You're all great and I love you all."

"Well, thank you, Midon. That's sweet of you. But I hope your sweet sibling sentiment survives until Mila joins us," said Lapha.

"You sound like you're hissing at me, Laff! Mi knows I love her and would do anything for her as I would for you and Linky. Mi and I just can't resist teasing each other - though I admit I sometimes go a bit too far."

"I would say most times, not sometimes, but that's fine," laughed Lapha. "We all love you, too, by the way."

They each finished eating a Hyrule Bass and quietly chatted until they heard Mipha and Mila awaken and join them.

"There's fresh fish in the kitchen," said Lapha after everyone exchanged good morning hugs.

"I'll get yours, Mom," said Mila. "Just sit down and relax."

"I'm so glad I could get at least some sleep," said Mipha as she sat down at the table. "These four months have been so stressful!"

"But now the wait is finally over, Mom, and today is the big day," said Midon. "Oh, Tila arranged transport for all of us from the Spool Bight pier, and Linky will meet us in North Hyrule. Tila also assumed you would want to return here right afterward, so the transport is reserved for both ways."

"Now I hope you will eat, Mom," said Lapha as Mila returned with the fish. "A Hearty Bass will do you some good."

"I'll do my best," said Mipha.

They had just finished breakfast when there was a knock at the door. It was King Dorephan and Sidon.

"We came to see you off," said King Dorephan as everyone exchanged hugs. "Sidon says I don't get out enough, but I still get around fine. Is there anything you need, Mipha dear?"

"No, Father, I'm just trying to calm my stomach bubbles," said Mipha. "This has been both a dream and a nightmare for me the past four months. But Link and I spoke about this several times, and we agreed we both want to do this so our life with each other and our love can last."

"I predict it will be fine, Sis," said Sidon. "Doesn't it usually turn out well when you follow your heart?"

"Usually," said Mipha as she smiled at him.

"I wonder if Link will remember all you taught him the first time he became one of us?" said King Dorephan. "You spent a great deal of time with him in the water, teaching him many skills to prepare him for combat and such."

"I won't mind repeating his training if necessary," said Mipha. "I expect he and I will spend a great deal of time in the water together."

"Oh!" said Mipha as she blushed. "That's not exactly how I meant that to flow."

"It's fine, dear," laughed King Dorephan.

"I just got a message that the boat is waiting, and we should get ready to leave," said Midon.

"Yes, we should go," said Mila.

They exchanged goodbye hugs with Sidon and King Dorephan, then Mipha, Mila, Midon, and Lapha made their way to East Reservoir Lake.

"A morning swim across the lake will refresh all of us," said Mila.

"Want to race me, Mi?" asked Midon. "I think you're getting slower."

"Not this time, but maybe later," said Mila. "None of us want a sore loser for company the rest of the trip."

"I'm sure you'll get over it," said Midon as he stuck out his tongue at Mila.

"Now, where was all that sibling sentiment, Midon?" said Lapha with a laugh. "You should have heard him, Mi. He actually said he loves us!"

Midon shook his head, and they continued to swim across the lake together. When they reached the far side, they made their way to the pier at Spool Bight.

"I would say Larena did a great job as the architect of this structure," said Midon.

"You do say it, quite often, in fact," said Mila. "I just hope someone as talented as Larena meets the right person someday, someone more her intellectual equal."

"Very funny, historian!" said Midon.

"Come on, you two," laughed Lapha as they made their way to the dock.

A boat was waiting at the pier but on the opposite side from where ferries docked. The vessel was small, with room for only five passengers and two crew.

As Mipha looked about, she remembered it was only five months ago she found Link here alone, thinking about their future together. Then a month went by as they first discussed the Zora transformation process and the risks involved with Purah and the North Hyrule scientists. Then Link underwent the required physical exam and passed. And after some more heartfelt conversations, they finally agreed to proceed.

The voice of one of the two North Hyrule Zora crew returned her thoughts to the present.

"Welcome aboard! It is an honor to transport such distinguished passengers," said the officer with a bow. "I ask that you all please take your seats and do not stand or move about after we get underway. This ship travels quite fast once we reach the open sea. And I apologize we do not have the usual passenger amenities, such as an enclosed cabin. This was originally built as a military vessel to transport soldiers. But I promise you, the voyage will be a short one at least."

When everyone was seated, the officer unhitched the moorings and signaled the captain, who started the propulsion system that eased them away from the pier and into the Lanayru Sea. Once they were well away from the dock, the first officer reminded everyone to stay seated, and the boat started picking up speed. And it kept picking up speed until it was skimming over the water so fast they had to turn their heads to one side from the wind.

"Wow!" said Midon as he watched the shore slip by. "This is amazing! I have never traveled so fast!"

The ship moved north, then began slowing down as it turned west into the North Hyrule channel, and finally slowed to a stop at the pier there. The North Hyrule domain was slightly further west, and the Shrine of Transformation near the Sheikah settlement to the east.

"Please be careful getting off," said the officer after securing the moorings. "And we will be waiting here when you are ready to return."

As they disembarked, they saw young Link, Tila, and Tara waiting for them onshore.

"Thank you for arranging such rapid transport, Tila," said Mipha as they embraced. "It was nice getting here so quickly."

"Of course, Mother," said Tila.

The rest all exchanged hugs, and then young Link spoke up.

"Tara and Tila need to remain here as Tara has lessons soon," said young Link. "But we're all looking forward to a happy family reunion back in the Domain this weekend."

Unspoken was what young Link and his siblings had already discussed: it would be best for Tara not to be present at the Shrine if something were to go wrong.

"Yes, and we will be sure to bring some Akkala Angler to celebrate," said Tila.

"Yummy!" said Midon. "I can't wait!"

"In the meantime, please give Father hugs for Tara and me when he wakes up," said Tila.

"I can't wait to play with my new grandpa!" Tara exclaimed.

"Didn't you like playing with the old one?" laughed young Link. "He's going to be the same person, you know."

"The old one's too easy to beat in water games when we play," said Tara. "Like you, Dad."

"I guess everyone has their own perspective on what's important," laughed Tila.

"We should go," said Mila, checking her Tab. "They want Mom to be sure to be there when Dad wakes up."

Tara waved goodbye as Tila held her hand, and then the rest of the group began the thirty-minute walk along the familiar path to the Shrine. When they arrived, the head scientist, Alson, welcomed them.

"Glad you're all here on time. Everything looks perfect," said Alson. "And hello, Dr. Lapha. It's good to see you again, and I hope your research is going well. Anyway, according to the readings, the transformation should be completed in about an hour. It would be best if you all stayed in the waiting room, and I will let you know when it's time."

"Come on, Mom," said Mila, taking Mipha's hand as the five of them walked up to the room set aside for waiting.

They all struggled to make conversation, as everyone knew what was on their minds. The time passed slowly until about 75 minutes later, Alson finally signaled for them to come down.

"The process is complete," said Alson. "In a moment, the chamber should open. Just stand back for now until I can examine Link and make sure he is okay."

There were two other scientists present, one of whom was responsible for terminating Link's life if the procedure somehow failed.

Mila reached out and gently squeezed Mipha's hand. After another few anxious minutes, there was a loud hiss, and then the lid of the chamber slowly rose. Everyone strained to see the figure lying face-up within it.

Then Mipha let out a small gasp of relief as a perfectly formed Zora with pale blue skin came partly into view.

"Oh, thank Nayru!" Mipha whispered as she squeezed Mila's hand back. "He looks fine."

A Zora version of Link was lying motionless, face up with eyes closed, partially immersed in a pale blue liquid. Alson approached, checked Link's condition, then signaled the other scientist with a hand gesture that the injection would not be needed.

"Link is fine. The process went perfectly. Mistress Mipha, I think it would be most fitting if you were the first person Link sees when he awakens," said Alson with a smile as he beckoned Mipha over and then stepped back.

"Thank you," said Mipha as she made her way to the side of the chamber and looked down at Link.

He looked much the same as the last time, his skin the same color as his Champion tunic. And he was taller now, of course, the height of a typical adult Zora.

"The ancient energy solution is slowly draining away," said Alson. "When it gets low enough, he will awaken."

Mipha watched the liquid level become lower, slowly revealing more of his body. And when only a small amount of liquid remained, Link stirred and opened his eyes. He blinked several times as everything looked blurry at first. Then he saw Mipha smiling down at him.

He smiled back and tried to speak, but only sounds came out. His voice sounded unfamiliar like it came from further back in his throat. Then he cleared his throat and tried once more.

"I love you," whispered Link as he smiled weakly. "I hope I'm not dreaming."

"I love you too," said Mipha, as her face lit up with joy. "I love you so, so much! And no, you're not."

Then she bent down as happy tears filled her eyes, and she kissed him.

"I'm glad you remembered me," said Mipha after their kiss ended, and she wiped away her tears.

"I only forgot you once, sweetheart," said Link. "And that was once too often."

"Don't move too much yet, Link," said Alson as he returned to stand alongside Mipha. "Take a few minutes to awaken fully. You've been asleep for four months, and your entire body structure is new. But you're fine, a perfectly normal Zora. And when you feel up to it, you have more company."

Link turned his head, saw his children, and smiled. Then, Alson beckoned them that it was okay to approach, and they all rushed over to him.

"Are you okay, Dad? How do you feel?" said Mila.

"I'm okay," said Link. "How do I look?"

"You look great! And you kept your blue eyes again," said Mila.

"When you feel ready, you can try sitting up, Link, but slowly," said Alson.

Link sat up as Mipha held his hand, then he reached out as each of his children hugged him in turn.

"It's great to see you, Dad," said Midon. "We missed you! And you look great!"

"I'm thrilled for you and Mom," said young Link. "I can see it was clearly the right thing to do."

"I'm going to study this process to better understand how it differed from last time," said Lapha. "But it looks completely successful, Dad."

"I'm glad you're all here," said Link. "I love you all so much. But you all look slightly different, more reddish and less bluish. I remember that was true last time as well."

"Zora vision is shifted slightly spectrum-wise compared to Hylians and better adapted to seeing underwater," said Alson. "It's perfectly normal. Your hearing will be different, too."

"But that's still no excuse not to listen to me," teased Mipha as she kept holding his hand, and everyone laughed.

"If you feel ready, you can put your legs over the side of the chamber and try to stand up. Your physical readings are all perfect, Link. And with your family here to help take care of you, I'm confident you can leave anytime you feel ready. But even though you've done this before, I need to remind you of several things. First, you need to ease into activity and grow accustomed to your new body. Give yourself time, and don't risk hurting yourself by rushing. You've been provided with enough nutrients to last several more hours, so you shouldn't be hungry for a while. But I would avoid solid food for the first day and stick to soup. Also, remember that now you are much more vulnerable to harm from electricity, so be very careful about that. You will also need to get comfortable breathing through your gills. Don't panic when you first go underwater and hold your breath. Just trust in your body. Your gills will work as naturally and unconsciously as breathing."

Mipha held Link's hand as he shifted position and put his legs over the side, then slowly eased himself down onto the ground. He was unsteady on his feet at first and needed Mipha's support. But he gradually got his balance. Then Link turned to Alson and extended his hand.

"Thank you, Alson, and give my thanks to the other scientists," said Link. "You've given me a new life, and it means everything to me."

"You're welcome, Link, and we were happy to do it," said Alson as he shook Link's hand. "It's not every day we can repay the hero who saved Hyrule. Now, enjoy your new life and your lovely family."

The others expressed their thanks as well. Then, before they began the walk back to the pier, Mila took a picture of Mipha and Link holding hands.

"I'll share this with the family and Zelda," said Mila, who did so with a message that all had gone well.

Then they proceeded to walk slowly along the path back to the dock to let Link become acclimated to his body. Mipha held Link's hand as they walked, and they looked at each other and smiled.

"You look more beautiful than ever, sweetheart," said Link.

"And you look quite handsome. But I liked you just as much before."

"Are you happy now?" said Link. "I know I am now, knowing I can be here for you as long as you need me."

"I will always need you, sweetheart," said Mipha as she squeezed his hand. "And yes, I'm happy. And so very relieved. These last four months were so stressful! You owe me an entire sea of romance!"

"I can't wait to repay you!" laughed Link.

"Here's the boat," said young Link. "I'll say goodbye here. Tila, Tara, and I will visit this weekend. I know Tara is quite eager to see how much your swimming's improved, Dad."

Link reached out and hugged his son Link.

"Thanks for understanding," said Link. "I look forward to seeing you all this weekend then."

Then Mipha hugged her son, too.

"Love you," said Mipha. "And thank Tila again."

"Love you, too, Mom, and I will," said young Link.

"Remind Tila about the Akkala Angler," said Midon.

"And plan to stay longer," said Lapha. "I'd like to do some catching up with you."

"I will," said young Link. "Have a safe trip home, everyone."

The rest of them boarded the boat, and after the safety announcement, young Link waved as the ship pulled away from the pier, then glided slowly down the channel toward the Akkala Sea.

When the boat was out of sight, young Link turned and made his way back to where Tila was waiting, floating in one of the ponds. Tara was still away at lessons.

"Join me," said Tila as she beckoned him into the water.

He waded into the water to her.

"They're all safely on their way home. Everything went perfectly, and Mom is thrilled."

"I'm sure she is. Are you okay, sweetheart?" said Tila as she took his hand. "I know you said you accepted all this, but still."

"No, I'm really okay with it and happy for them," said young Link. "It's the right thing for Mom and Dad to do now. They deserve a chance at a long, happy life together."

"I couldn't agree more," said Tila.

"But one thing is starting to bother me."

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Now I'm the slowest swimmer in the whole family!"

Tila laughed and splashed him, and he laughed and splashed her back.

"There are better things to do than spend all your energy swimming, sweetheart," said Tila as she embraced him, and they began kissing.

Meanwhile, the boat had turned south after leaving the channel and then picked up speed as it entered open water and headed toward the Lanayru Sea and Spool Bight. Mipha and Link sat holding hands and laughing at the strong wind, their heads resting against each other and Link getting used to the feel of a tail fin. Lapha was using her Tab to calculate their speed, while Mila and Midon were quiet as it was hard to talk over the noise of the wind.

They went through the usual docking procedure when they arrived at Spool Bight and then disembarked. Everyone thanked the officer and captain.

"It was our pleasure," said the captain. "We don't often get an opportunity to pilot these fast ships, and it's rather fun. We'll probably dial the speed up a notch on our way back. Farewell."

"Now, let's see if you remember how to swim," said Mipha as they made their way to East Reservoir Lake.

They all dove in, and Link managed to swim like a Zora again after a few moments.

"It came back to me pretty quickly," said Link.

"It's not bad for your first try, Dad, but you're going to have to do better to beat Tara," laughed Mila.

"Come, let's go home," said Mipha. "We can practice swimming another time."

But the rest of them excused themselves.

"You and Dad go on ahead, Mom. You look tired," said Mila. "The rest of us could all use some more water time. And my brother here still thinks he can beat me in a race, which he will soon learn he can't. So we'll be home for dinner."

"Very well, see you then," said Mipha. "And thanks."

Mipha and Link continued on their way until they were home.

"It feels like I just left," said Link after they entered the house. "But I know it must have been hard for you worrying about me."

"It was stressful," said Mipha. "But I'm glad now."

Link smiled, and they kissed once more.

"Come to our room. I have something for you," said Mipha, taking his hand. "And since we're already married, you can't turn it down."

Mipha led him to their room, then retrieved a new set of armor made for a Zora.

"I used your measurements from last time, so I hope it fits," said Mipha. "I give this to you with all my love, sweetheart, and pray you will wear it in good health."

"It's magnificent!" said Link as he held out the armor. "I love you, sweetheart. Thank you!"

They embraced and kissed, and then Link spoke up.

"Let me try it on. Oh, I guess I have to put it on this way because of my tail fin."

Link slipped on the armor and adjusted it once.

"It feels fine. How does it look?"

"It fits you well," said Mipha as she stepped back to look. "And it makes you look princely. Let me show you."

Mipha took a picture with her Tab and showed him.

"Now remember, you need to take things easy today," said Mipha. "Don't be reckless and hurt yourself."

"I remember, and I won't, sweetheart," said Link.

Then Mipha yawned.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night."

"It's fine. And since, as you said, I need to take things easy, an afternoon nap might do us both good," said Link as he took her hand and led her to their slumber pool.

They entered the water, then put their arms around each other as they floated alongside each other.

"I love you," said Mipha, as they kissed again.

"I love you, too. I think I'll feel better and more alert after a nap."

"I'm counting on it, my cute Zora hubby," said Mipha as she smiled and caressed his cheek with the back of her hand.

Then Mipha's eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep.

Link smiled, leaned over, and kissed her gently on the forehead. Then he let his body relax. It was funny, he thought. They had first journeyed to North Hyrule all those years ago to find the missing element for Purah's anti-aging rune in hopes of a longer life together. It had helped make Purah's rune more stable, but Purah still thought it risky to use it too often. But in North Hyrule, they had also found this, and now they had an exciting new life to look forward to. Mipha really was so very special and the most beautiful person in all Hyrule! He loved her so much! He gently kissed her once more, then relaxed and closed his eyes. After a moment, he stopped breathing and fell asleep, too.
