Chapter 25 - Memories and Nightmares

Summary: It's Link's turn to have nightmares as his mind adapts to his new body. Mila pays a visit to North Hyrule.

Link was deep underwater, and looking upward, he could make out the mirror-like underside of the water's surface along with the sun's light filtering through. But the surface was too far away.

"I won't make it! I'm not going to make it!" Link thought as he swam upward with all his strength, but he was still too far away. His lungs felt about to burst, and he realized he was going to drown.

Then he jerked awake, took a gasp of air, and looked around. It was nighttime, and he was home, floating in the slumber pool in their room. He sighed with relief, but his sudden movement had awoken Mipha beside him.

"Another nightmare?" said Mipha as she reached out and caressed his cheek once, then put her arm around him.

"Yes," said Link as he reached out and returned her embrace. "I'm sorry I woke you."

"It's okay, sweetheart. I want you to wake me."

They held each other quietly for a moment, and then Mipha spoke.

"The scientist said this might happen for a while."

"I know," said Link. "But it's been three weeks now since the transformation process completed, and I haven't had a nightmare in four days. I had hoped I had finally gotten over it by now, but obviously, I haven't."

"At least your nightmares are less frequent, and that's an encouraging sign, sweetheart," said Mipha, as they continued to hold each other. "Was it the same dream?"

"Yes. I'm swimming in deep water, doing fine when suddenly I think I need to breathe, that I'm going to drown. I panic, trying desperately to reach the surface, but realize it's too far away. And then I wake up."

He and Mipha had already spoken about nightmares to one of the North Hyrule scientists, and he had explained that nightmares were a possible byproduct of preserving Link's memories. Link recalled a conversation he and Mipha had with the head scientist, Alson, before agreeing to the transformation process.

"There's one other thing we need to discuss," said Alson. "As you know, this is a more thorough transformation than in the past, right down to the cellular level. It would be easier if we could simply ignore your memories, Link, and start you over with a fresh Zora mind. The process would be quicker, less risky, and there would be fewer side effects for you."

"Sorry, Dr. Alson, but that's out of the question," Link answered immediately. "I've gone through losing my memory once before in my life, and it's a horrible experience. I'll accept whatever the risks and side effects are, but I want to awaken with all my feelings and memories intact. I want to remember and love my wife and family as much as I do now. Preserving my memories should be easier anyway, since I already lost so many."

"And that's fine. We will preserve everything," said Alson. "But so that you understand, that means your Zora mind will retain all your thoughts and feelings and memories from when you were a Hylian. It will take time for your mind to align with your new body. I don't mean conscious activities like swimming or eating, things like that. Those will align almost at once. I'm referring to your subconscious mind. It will take time for your subconscious mind to recognize you're not a Hylian anymore."

"How will I experience this?" Link asked. "What are the side effects?

"You may experience moments of panic, especially in your sleep," said Alson. "They can be triggered by recalling activities you did as a Zora that you could not have done as a Hylian."

"Any idea how long it will take for this to pass?" Mipha asked.

"We can't be sure," said Alson, shaking his head. "I'm going by what I understand of the process, but we obviously have limited experimental data to work off. My hope and expectation are it will take only a short time. The more things you do that are unique to being a Zora, Link, the sooner your mind should come to accept that's what you are."

"It's still too early to get up," said Mipha, interrupting his thoughts. "Close your eyes and relax. Then we can cuddle and sleep some more while we listen to the rain."

You could hear the patter of raindrops against the house.

"Love you," said Link as he smiled, kissed her once, and then closed his eyes.

"Love you, too," said Mipha as she held him close. "Very much."

After several minutes, Link's breathing stopped, and she knew he was asleep. She watched him for a few minutes to make sure he was sleeping soundly. It was ironic, Mipha thought. She used to have nightmares that something would go wrong while he was undergoing the transformation process. Now he was having nightmares after everything went perfectly right. Then Mipha closed her eyes and fell back asleep, too.

It wasn't until mid-morning that they both awoke in each other's arms and smiled.

"Good morning, sweetheart," said Link as he leaned forward, and they kissed.

"Mm, nice!" said Mipha after their kiss ended.

"I slept fine after the nightmare," said Link before she could ask. "I hope you slept too."

"I did, and that's good. I think you're getting better, sweetheart. It just needs a bit more time."

"I know," said Link as he shook his head. "I remember, and no jokes please, that I used to have nightmares after we first married. Back then, my mind struggled to reconcile what did and didn't happen anymore. Now it's struggling to reconcile my past as a Hylian and my present as a Zora. My mind's been through quite a lot, and I guess I should be grateful it works at all."

"You losing your memories again would have been very painful for our family and me," said Mipha. "Preserving them was the right decision."

"I know," said Link. "Losing my memories would be a lot worse than having some nightmares."

"I believe this will all be over soon. In a little while, these nightmares will be only a memory," said Mipha.

"Funny!" laughed Link, but just then, his stomach growled.

"It's late, and we're both hungry," said Mipha. "Let's go get some breakfast."

Mipha and Link had the house to themselves at the moment. Mila was visiting Tila, Linky, and Tara in North Hyrule, while Midon and Lapha were away working with the excavation team in the Faron Region.

They climbed out of the slumber pool, then made their way outside to Mikau Lake, where they each caught and ate a Hyrule Bass. Afterward, they sat on a rock by the northwest shore of the lake, arms around each other, and enjoyed the rain and a quiet moment together.

A steady rain had been falling over Zora's Domain since just before sunrise. It was the kind of rainfall any Zora would love, as there was no hint of lightning and the feel of water was always welcome. The expression "may your fins stay wet" was a popular farewell these days. And if you couldn't be in the water itself, then the rain was the next best thing.

"It's not Veiled Falls, but it's still beautiful here," said Link as he admired the view. "I love the Domain!"

The tall waterfall to the east sent water cascading down the massive blue wall into the lake below, churning it into white foam at its base. Golden Fleet-Lotus Seeds on slender stalks swayed in the breeze at the shallow end of the lake amidst patches of green grass. A steady sprinkle of raindrops rippled the water's surface, sometimes creating a small bubble that floated for a second or two before popping. Their only company was some wildlife. A pair of Bright-Chested Ducks were enjoying the rain as they paddled about near the waterfall, vigorously wiggling their tails every so often. And sometimes, a Hot Footed frog could be seen lurching across the water, then hopping off into the bushes. After sitting quietly for a few more minutes, Mipha spoke up.

"It was way too nice to be inside the house, don't you agree?"

"I agree," said Link. "Who doesn't enjoy the rain? It's refreshing, and its music is beautiful. There's the steady patter of the raindrops on the water, of course, and the separate sound of them hitting the rocks. But like a third instrument in the background, you can also hear the deeper sound of larger drops dripping from tree branches."

"I'm happy you're hearing it that way, sweetheart," said Mipha. "It is a beautiful sound. And there are more such sounds you will come to hear in time."

"But none as lovely as the sound of your voice, sweetheart," said Link as he gave her a gentle squeeze, pulling her closer and resting his head against hers.

"So sweet! This change really brings out the romantic in you!"

"I thought I was already romantic," laughed Link. "You know, I love we can do more things together now. But what makes me happiest is knowing I can be here for you, that we won't need to say goodbye because I aged too quickly on you."

They both smiled and kissed. Mipha was utterly thrilled to have Link as a Zora now. He looked even more handsome to her, and his increased longevity gave her a new positive outlook on life. And it worked the other way around as well. Mipha looked even more beautiful to Link, seeing her as Zora to Zora. His attraction to her was intense.

"You have such beautiful eyes," said Link as he gazed into them, and it stirred his emotions. "I can't tell what I fell in love with first: your beautiful eyes, your sweet smile, or your gentle voice and loving nature? Probably all of them at once."

"It wasn't my spearmanship?" laughed Mipha as she pulled him closer. "Now you tell me! And here I spent so much time improving my combat skills to impress you when all I needed to do was smile at you and talk."

"Very funny. I know you're teasing me. But your skills with a spear weren't wasted, as you've put them to good use many times. And you impress me with everything you do," said Link, and then they kissed once more.

"You're in such a sweet mood this morning! It must be the extra rest or the rain. But speaking of eyes, I'm happy you kept your bright blue ones. I always loved your adorable eyes. But I thought perhaps this more thorough transformation might revert your eye color to a more typical shade of gold."

"I'm glad I kept them too, and you like them. And speaking of eyes, I sometimes feel like Ruta is watching over us here."

Link nodded toward the south, where you could make out the top of Ruta's massive head peeking over the wall containing the stairway to East Reservoir Lake.

"She is keeping an eye on us," laughed Mipha as she glanced that way. "And I'm keeping an eye on her, too. Ruta and I are bound to each other, and she feels like family to me. Maybe you can grow closer to her too, now."

They turned back to watch the rain on the lake for another moment, and then Mipha spoke up again.

"Speaking of family, are you excited about our second grandchild on the way?" said Mipha. "I know I am. Just a few weeks to go!"

"I am, too," said Link. "And if their next child is anything like Tara, Link and Tila will definitely have their hands full!"

"And so will we," said Mipha. "I'd like us to visit and help them, and that means spending time in North Hyrule, of course."

"But are you sure we won't just be in the way? I mean, Tila already has plenty of relatives there."

"Only one sister she speaks to and some cousins and such, but not parents," said Mipha. "I think it's important for grandchildren to bond with their grandparents. Father did with ours, and you certainly did with Tara."

"You're right, as usual, and we can stay there as long as you like," said Link, who then took a moment to glance around the area.

Link realized that over the years, his wanderlust had diminished. Even during the four years after the Calamity was first defeated, he spent a good deal of time here in Zora's Domain. This was where he came to learn who he was: to speak to those who remembered him and to seek flashbacks to help restore his memory. And ever since he and Mipha married, there was no place he loved more. Mipha saw his expression and could tell what was on his mind.

"It won't be long before they can visit us here after their new child is old enough. I know how attached you are to living here."

Link smiled as she had indeed read his thoughts.

"I am attached to our Domain. But it's because of you, because of all the happy moments we've shared here over the years. You don't know how precious memories are until you lose all of them. Then you realize memories make you who you are, and you don't take them for granted anymore. But I'm looking forward to making fresh memories together too. And I'm sure I'll enjoy our time in North Hyrule with our son's family. For one thing, their deep-water fish is delicious!"

"Somehow, food always ends up playing a key role with you, doesn't it?" laughed Mipha as she gave him a playful squeeze. "That hasn't changed either."

"I'm still me!" laughed Link.

"Yes, you truly are!" laughed Mipha, and they kissed once and then kissed again, a longer, more romantic one.

"Come, enough sitting. Let's swim up two more levels," said Mipha as they stood up, holding hands. "There's more privacy there."

"Race you up the falls?"

"Maybe afterward," said Mipha, and then they both laughed.

Sharing frequent laughs together hadn't changed, either. They waded into Mikau Lake and swam to the falls, prompting an annoyed quack from the ducks who viewed the lake as their own. They swam up the waterfall together, and then the next waterfall after that as well. It was a short walk from there to the uppermost part of the lake.

"I feel like swimming's getting even easier, more effortless," said Link. "My mind and body are working better together each day."

"As they should, sweetheart," said Mipha. "Swimming like a Zora is good, and Dr. Alson said the more Zora things you do, the better. So now let's do some more Zora things together."

They smiled at each other as Link took her hand.

"That's not a unique Zora thing, you know," said Link.

"It will be if we stay underwater," said Mipha. "And maybe it will help your dreams."

"Being with you is already a dream," said Link.

"I love this sweet you!" laughed Mipha as she took his hand.

Then they both laughed as they raced into the water holding hands and then swam behind a rock near the falls. Finally, they embraced and held a long kiss as they sank underwater and stayed there.

Meanwhile, Mila was visiting with her younger brother and his family in North Hyrule.

"Well, Tara and I have a meeting now with Tara's tutors to go over her progress," said Linky. "We'll leave you two to your girl talk, whatever that is."

"It's where all the big decisions in life are made, sweetheart," laughed Tila. "Let me know how your meeting goes."

"See you later, Aunt Mila," said Tara. "You can celebrate my excellent grades with us."

"I'd love to, sweetheart," laughed Mila. "I'm glad you're so confident."

Linky and Tara left, and then Tila spoke up.

"Let's get in some water time together," said Tila, and they made their way to one of the nearby ponds, then waded into the water and relaxed.

"How are you feeling, Ti?" Mila asked as they floated together. "We're all so excited and thrilled, of course."

"I'm fine," said Tila. "It's not uncomfortable until shortly before the egg is due."

"How are Link and Tara taking it?"

"Both happy and excited. Link tells me every day about how happy he is and to take care of myself. And Tara keeps thanking us for doing as she wished, giving her a sibling. Now she's thinking about what next to wish for," said Tila.

"Tara's so cute!" laughed Mila. "And smart too. I bet all her grades are excellent."

"Yes, she's too clever sometimes," laughed Tila. "How's Father doing?"

"He's okay but still having trouble fully transitioning to his new body," said Mila. "Mom says he has occasional nightmares, thinking he's going to drown."

"It must be hard becoming one of us without growing up, experiencing a childhood where you learn so many things," sighed Tila.

"Yes, it can't be easy," said Mila. "But Mom is so thrilled it has to be worth it for them, to know they can live out their lives together now."

"I can imagine," said Tila, and Mila realized too late that might already be a sensitive subject for Tila too, especially with a new child on the way. But before Mila could say anything, Tila spoke up again.

"Anyway, what about you, Mi? Are you and Kendal still seeing each other? Any chance of a wedding soon?"

"We're still seeing each other, but we both just reached the age of consent," said Mila. "We think it's still too soon to make such a serious commitment and want to experience more of life first."

"Very understandable," said Tila. "My friends here are of the same mind. When one of them uses her mind at all, that is."

"I know who you mean," laughed Mila.

"After we relax a bit, want to share some porgies? I get hungry more often these days."

"Of course, Ti," said Mila. "Whenever you want. I'm planning to stay overnight."

"Great! After dinner, we can listen to music and chat some more! Tara insisted I listen to the Octo Rocks, and I found that some of their songs aren't too bad after all."

"Sounds good, no pun intended," laughed Mila.

Mila looked at Tila, and she never looked happier. Life was going well for her little brother Link and his family.
