Kiba x Sasuke


Sasuke: Why do I have pierced ears in this.

Kiba: Is that really your concern?

Sakura: Hm. Looks pretty good Sasuke. You should think about it. 

Sasuke: Hn. Maybe I will. 

Naruto: This couple doesn't make any sense!

Shino: Naruto is correct. That is because Kiba is just a shittier version of Naruto. It would just make more sense for Naruto to take his place. 

Naruto: Hey!

Kiba: HEY!

Shino: Sorry Kiba, but I only speak the truth.

Sakura: Shino is a bad ass bitch and there ain't nothing anybody else can do about it.

Shino: Correct.

Sasuke: Well I don't like this ship either. And not because Kiba is just basically discount Naruto, but because he is just another version of Naruto, and I don't want either of them. 

Naruto: Hey!

Kiba: HEY!

Kiba: Can we like, maybe chill with the Kiba bashing? Just a tad?

Sasuke: Fine. I'm finished. I rate this a 0/10.

Kiba: Agreed with Sasuke. 

Naruto: 2/10.

Sakura: 6/10. 

Shino: 3/10. 
