After I had said yes, Kellin pulled away from the kiss and looked at me with darkened eyes. Realizing what he wanted, I gestured to the car, and he nodded. We walked back, hand-in-hand, but halfway there, Kellin let go of my hand and curled his arm across my shoulders. I leaned into him, glad he hadn't broken up with me like I had thought he was going to.

Finally, we reached the car, and he opened my door for me again, always the gentleman. As he began to back out, I reached over and fiddled with the radio for a second, switching the feed and plugging in my ipod. He glanced at me and smiled as our song began to fill the car.
All too soon, we got back to Kellin's house. He groaned out loud when he spotted the light blue Camry in the driveway. I recognized the car as his mom's car. He laid his head on the steering wheel and I laughed at the wet-dog expression on his face.

He mock-growled at me, "don't you laugh at me, they are gonna be all over your back because of this." He grabbed my left hand, holding it up slightly. I chuckled, then it hit me that I had just accepted a marriage proposal after only five months of dating. Oh, Lord, what had gotten into me? No, I thought, I am happy I accepted it, I love Kellin with all of my heart. With that thought, I quickly kissed him and we headed into the house to face his parents.

When we walked in, his mom was standing at the kitchen counter, mixing something in a large bowl. She looked up when we entered and Kellin cleared his throat, "Mom, where are the other two? I have something important to tell everyone." He smiled and took my hand, the left one, covering my ring without his mother noticing.

"They went to get some stuff for dinner, can you tell us then?" He nodded and she turned to me. "Micky, are you staying for dinner, dear?" When I responded with a yes, she shooed us upstairs with a small smile and a warning against 'lover activities' as she put it. I just smiled at her and followed Kellin up to his room, leaving the door open when we got there.

When I walked in and left it open, Kellin laughed and closed it, turning back to me and pulling me towards him. I saw the glint in his eye just before his mouth crashed onto mine. As his lips moved with mine, I tangled my hands in his hair and he trailed his hands down my sides, settling at my hips and drawing me closer.
After a few moments, I pulled back slightly. Kellin groaned and drew me back to him, kissing me again and nipping at my bottom lip. Putting my hands on his chest, I pulled back again. He settled his chin on my shoulder, gently kissing where my collarbone met my neck.

**Kellin's POV**

When Micky pulled back the second time, I changed to kissing her neck. When she took a deep breath, I assumed to speak, I ever so gently bit at her collarbone, knowing exactly what it would do to her.

"Kellin, not yet, I can't.." she spoke so shakily, as though she were having trouble breathing right. Good, it meant my idea was working. "Your mom is downstairs, and I'm just not ready." I lifted my head, looking her in the eyes.

"Okay, my love, we will wait." I pressed a soft kiss to her mouth, then pulling away. "I don't want to push you." She smiled and pulled herself away, going to sit on my bed. I went to the other side, sitting behind her and wrapping my arms around her middle. I simply enjoyed holding on to my love, the only girl I wanted to be with right now, or ever.
