**Vic's POV**

I stood at the front of the church, watching the pastor sprinkle Anna's head with water. I couldn't help but smile, I was so happy that Kellin and Micky had asked me to be Anna's godfather. I couldn't wait to see that little girl grow up and be as amazing as her mom and dad, and me of course.

I saw, out of the corner of my eye, the photographer snap a picture of the baptism. It was such a perfect moment, Micky and Kellin holding their little girl, with me and my wife, Char, standing next to them. As the water hit Anna's head, she let out a piercing scream. The entire audience laughed, and I couldn't help myself, I did as well. I'll say it again, those three were the perfect family.

**Micky's POV**

I held Anna close after her baptism, thanking people as they left the church. I was starting to get a headache, I just wanted to go lay down and let Kellin take over baby duty for a little while. I sighed at the thought of just getting a short nap, even just a few minutes. Anna was so fussy sometimes, especially at night. And with Kellin leaving back to tour in a matter of weeks, I knew I wouldn't get any sleep in the coming weeks.

“Micky, you okay?” Kellin asked sweetly, taking Anna from my arms. I swear, the boy could read my thoughts some days.

“Yeah,” I answered. “Just a bit of a headache.” He shook his head and told me to go sit down for a bit, looking concerned. Instead of arguing with him, I just went over and sat down in a nearby chair, keeping a close eye on my little girl and my fiance.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the text, seeing it had come from the owner of the local bridal shop. It wasn't long, simply reading 'your dress for the wedding is in, need to fit it soon!'. I replied quickly, telling her I'd be in next week to get the fitting done. I planned to leave it at the shop so that Kellin wouldn't see it before our wedding. I was beyond excited, we set the date for December 16, three days after he got back from the tour he was about to leave on.

*       *       *

I kissed Kellin hard, not caring that Vic was standing there holding Anna. I was going to miss him so much, even though it would only be a matter of weeks until I saw him again. Then it would be our wedding, then Anna's first Christmas and our first Christmas being married.

“Babe, I'm gonna miss you so freaking much,” Kellin whispered to me as he pressed his forehead to mine. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight. He kissed me one last time, then took Anna from Vic.
