17 - FINAL


December 15

**Kellin's POV**

I shook as I stood at the front of the church. I had left tour and flown home within two days of getting that call from the hospital. Micky had died at the scene of the accident. Anna was in the car with her, amazingly, she was perfectly fine without even a scratch.

I had finally gotten the full story. Micky had stopped at the red light, but for some reason, had hit the gas before it turned green. When she did, the car had pulled in front of a pickup truck that was going the other way at the light. She was thrown from her car, the only thing coming from her was her screaming our daughter's name in the seconds before she died.

Now it was the day before our wedding date. I found myself standing in front of the church turning our rings over in my hands. Vic stood a few feet back from me, holding Anna. I crumpled to the floor, crying for the millionth time today. I cried for the marriage that would never come, for the love of my life that I would never hold or talk to again, for Anna losing her mother. I felt Vic move forward and put his hand on my back. Straightening up, I took my daughter from him, and he walked back to the last pew, giving me some time with her.

“Anna,” I whispered to her sleeping form. “Never forget your momma, okay? She was too perfect for this world, and she is among angels now.” I began to cry softly and walked out of the church, back to the car, and headed home to put Anna to bed, as it was nearly midnight.

*       *         *


**Anna's POV**

I sat on the edge of my bed and picked up the framed picture from my nightstand. It was made up of two photos from when I was a baby. One was a photo that my uncle Vic had taken the day I was born. My dad was kissing my mom on the head while she held me. The other was a picture of the last time my parent's were together before the car accident that killed my mom.

I sighed as I heard my dad yell up the stairs that the bus was here. It was summertime and he had finally agreed to take me to Warped Tour with him instead of leaving me with Uncle Vic. That had partially to do with the fact that Vic's band was on Warped too. Yeah, my dad is in a band. He's kind of famous and everyone says he's really hot, but ew, that's my dad we are talking about here. Just no, ew.

Hearing him yell again, I set the picture down and grabbed my duffle bag. I ran down the stairs and hugged him, handing my bag to him to put in the bus. As a last minute thought, I ran back up the stairs and grabbed the picture I had been looking at. I couldn't remember my mom, but I would never, ever forget her.

