The next day, I decided to confront the guy, to at least find out his name. I searched all over at school but couldn't find him anywhere. Finally, I broke down and went to the office, inquiring about the new boy.

The secretary in the office looked at me, staring at my hair with a look of distaste on her face. "Yes, dear, may I help you?" I shuddered at the term dear, I hated it so much.

"yeah, you can," I began roughly. "Who and where is that new kid? The one with the black hair that I pummeled into pudding?" She was looking like she didn't want to say anything to me, so I put my ability to lie perfectly to use. "I want to apologize to him, I overreacted to an accident..." I trailed off as she held up her hand.

"Stop, I know you are feeding me crap to get the information," she started with a stern look. I smirked, this lady knew teens huh? "His name is Kellin Quinn, and he didn't show up today, parents called him in sick. Now get moving to class." she added with a stern look.

"Thanks, dude!" I yelled on my way out of the office, laughing like a maniac at the expression on her face. One thing that brought me some joy was messing with the faculty, they never seemed to expect it and always got mad when you called them anything but their 'proper' name. Quickly forming a plan in my head, I went to my last period science class, where I usually sat in the back corner and didn't pay attention, lost in my own mind. Usually, I'd be thinking about how close I was to the edge, how one day I'd be gone but no one would care or change from it. Today, however, I sat and planned what I would say to Kellin tomorrow.

Finally, the bell rang and let us all loose. I walked slowly towards the door, not wanting to face my classmates as they all headed home to their perfect, stupid lives and perfect, stupid homes. Eventually I got outside and headed for home. About halfway there, well, more than halfway, I could see my house, I felt a presence next to me. I glanced up and to my left and gasped. There he was, standing against the wall in a black tank top with Anthem Made written on it, and black skinny jeans. I walked over to him, and opened my mouth to begin my speech about how I wanted to talk to him. But before I could get a word out, he grabbed my shoulders and did something I didn't expect.

**Kellin's POV**

When I woke up this morning, I simply didn't want to go to school and face her again. I mean, I wanted to know her, even just her name. So when I told my dad and step-mom that I wasn't feeling well, they assumed it was the huge time zone change and let me stay home.

All day, I did next to nothing. Essentially just thinking about how to introduce myself and find out her name when I saw her. Okay, so I spent the majority of the day thinking about her, her awesomely pink hair, bright blue eyes, her classic beauty when all I was used to was the fakes of LA. Agh, why could I not get her out of my head?!

After about four hours of thinking, I got online, thinking it's a small enough school, maybe they will have student profiles online? With that, I pulled up the school's site, and after some digging, sure enough, I came up with a list of students. Thankfully, there were photos along with the names, and I scanned them quickly. Suddenly, my eyes found her. She looked a bit different, when the photo was taken she must have not dyed her hair yet, as it was a mousy brown color. But I couldn't mistake her, not after thinking about her all day. The name next to the photo said Michaela Darcy Thomas.

* * *

Around three that afternoon, I left the house to go try to catch her outside the school. About twenty minutes into my walk, I realized I had no idea where she lived. At this, I stopped, and leaned against the wall behind me. How would I find her this afternoon now? The school site hadn't listed any extra-curriculars for her. Again, lost in thougths of her, I stared off into space. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the familiar shocking pink hair. It was her!! She looked up at me, and walked over, looking like she was going to yell at me again. I couldn't stop myself and did the last thing I expected to do before knowing her at all, I kissed her.
