**Micky's POV**

"Kellin!!!" I literally screamed from the bedroom where I had been getting dressed for our date tonight. We had been 'home' from tour for about two months now, living in LA with the rest of the band, instead of back in Michigan. "Something is really wrong!" I was in so much pain, but it wasn't time yet. I was only about seven and a half months along, I couldn't be in labor yet, right? I screamed for Kellin again, as he hadn't gotten there yet. "Kellin Quinn I swear if you don't get in here right now, I will never let you touch me again!"

About three seconds later, the door burst open, and Kellin, Gabe, and Justin all ran into the room. I was laying on the bed, curled up on my side, with my arms wrapped around the planet that was my stomach.

"Micky!!" Kellin yelped, running over to me. "What on Earth is wrong my love?"

"Something is wrong with the baby," I gasped out, through another wave of piercing pain. "I need to get to the hospital NOW!"

Kellin stood there like an idiot for about two seconds, until Justin walked over and smacked him lightly on the head. He told Gabe to go start the car and helped Kellin get me up and to the door. We managed to get in the car, with me curled up in the backseat crying, and Kellin, him gently stroking my hair and quietly trying to calm me down.

**Kellin's POV**

The moment I heard Micky scream, I froze. I heard her yell that something was wrong, but I couldn't move right away. After about three seconds, I snapped out of it and ran for the bedroom we shared, half aware of Justin and Gabe following close behind me. I got to the room and saw my Micky curled up on the bed, holding her stomach, and crying. No, I thought to myself, it's too early for her to be in labor. Mentally I calculated how long she still had to go.

Before I knew it, we were in the hospital, and I was pacing outside Micky's room. With a bitter laugh, I thought about how, just a few months ago, I was outside her room, praying she would live. Was this our life? To constantly be pacing the hospital hallways, always worrying, always scared of the next time we would be here? The thought stopped me short, I had to be wrong.
Mentally shaking myself, I cleared the thoughts from my head as the nurse beckoned me into the room. I practically ran in and stopped short at the sight of my Micky squeezing the sides of the bed, crying and shaking. Taking a deep breath, I walked over and ran my hand over her bright pink hair. I murmured to her that everything would be okay.

Turning to the doctor, I spoke, "What is going on with my fiancé and child?"

He took one look at me, with one hand on Micky's shoulder, and the other being crushed by her clutching hands, and spoke quickly, "She has gone into labor early. We believe she is safe to give birth, but I'll leave it up to you two." I looked at Micky, with tears of pain still on her face.

I nodded at the doctor, "Just get my love out of pain." Looking at Micky, I spoke with confidence, "My love, we are gonna have a baby."

After we told the doctor that we were okay with her labor going forward, everything moved really fast. Within moments of deciding, Micky's water had broken, leaving us no choice to go back on the choice.

A few hours later, there was still nothing new, just more contractions and swearing. A nurse came in with a rather large needle, causing me to nearly pass out at the fact that it was going into my love's spine. She waited until there was another contraction and stuck the needle into Micky's lower back. Micky jumped and swore at the nurse.

"Holy crap!! You have the stab of a freaking serial killer, you know that?!" The nurse laughed and said she had heard worse. All of a sudden, Micky's face contorted into an expression of pure agony. The young nurse reacted quickly, checking her, and hit the call button for the doctor.

Everything moved in a blur. Micky's legs were pulled up and braced open, and suddenly it was time to push. She screamed within seconds of starting the second push, and suddenly the doctor was holding a tiny human. I was happy and about to collapse in relief when he spoke the words I'd been waiting to hear.

"It's a girl." I reached over and he handed her to me. Luckily, Micky and I had already decided on names, and I whispered her name to her as I held her.

"Anna Rose Quinn Bostwick, I already love you."
