The Lake Party

Sorry for not updating sooner. I've just got a lot going on and had writer's block.
Enjoy the story.

Jupiter's POV
Sam put pedal to the metal when he saw his friend's mother screaming at them. "What was that for?" They both asked at the same time.

"You slammed the door and hurt Bee," I told Sam's friend.

"My mother was screaming at me to take another shower," he said to Sam.

Sam noticed his friend looking at me and said, "Miles meet Jupiter, Jup meet Miles, my best friend."
"Like the planet?" Miles asked me.
"Exactly like the planet," I told him.

The rest of the car ride was Miles throwing pick up lines at me, but I kept rejecting them.

One was, "Jup, if I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put u and i together."
My reply: "I don't have to. N and O are already next to each other and don't call me Jup. Now stop with the pick-up lines or I'll rearrange your face."

The rest of the ride to the lake was pretty much silent until we got there.
"Dude! Dude! Mikaela's here!! Just don't do anything stupid, alright?" Sam excitedly told Miles.
Yeah right. Like Miles is going to do anything not stupid.
"Alright how do I look? How do I look?" Sam asked Miles.
"Am I good?" He asked.
"Yeah you're good," Miles told him while I got out of Bee and leaned against the hood with one boot on Bee and the other on the ground.

I seriously don't know why he was asking Miles of all people on how he looked because I think Miles needs a lesson on personal hygiene.

That's when this jock noticed Sam and started towards him. Miles decides that that is a good time to climb a tree. I facepalm and shake my head while I feel like the car is shaking as if it were shaking it 's head too. I bet my face looked really confused at the moment because that's how I felt.

While I was thinking, the jock guy said to Sam, "I remember you from football tryouts.
Sam replied with, "Oh no that wasn't a real tryout I was just doing research on a book I was writing."
"What's it about?Sucking at sports?" Jock asked Sam.
Why that little-
I didn't finish my thought because what Sam said next made me really happy that I befriended him.
He said, "No it's about the link between brain damage and football."
When he saw jock's face he continued with, "Oh no you and your friends will love it! It has pictures, coloring areas, and pop-ups in it!"
Jock got really mad at him and took a step forward. I really have to learn this guy's name. Before things could get ugly, the girl Sam was fawning over stopped the jock from further advancement and he said, "Come on guys I know of another party we can go to."
After they left and Sam's crush was walking down the road, Sam yelled at Miles to get out of the tree. We piled into the car whereas Miles jumped in through the window. I smacked the back of his head for it. Before he could ask I said, "For not using the door, idiot."
Sam was still standing outside Bee.
All of a sudden the radio turned on.

'Who's gonna drive you home tonight?'

I looked at the radio in shock and surprise.
"Dude I think there's something wrong with your radio," Miles told Sam.
"I'm gonna drive her home tonight," Sam muttered to himself.
"What! No! She's evil jock concubine man!" Miles told Sam.
"I'm not gonna let her walk."
"Fine, she can sit in the back with Jupiter."
"Sit in the- did you just say to put her in the back!"
"You gotta get outta my car, man."
"What! But the rules-"
"What rules, Miles?"
"The bro code. Bros before hoes."
"Sisters before misters," I but in.
"See! Jupiter knows it!"
"She lives 10 Miles from here, man, just get outta my car, please."

Miles got out of Bee looking dejected.

"I can't believe you just did that to your best friend," I told him.
I unbuckled and got out. While I did so the car shook like it was in surprise.
"What are you doing?" Sam asked.
"I'm walking to your house," I told him.
I wasn't really gonna walk. I was gonna use my rocket boots but he didn't know that.

He started protesting and saying that it's too far a walk and his parents would kill him.
I just continued walking. He kept driving next to me though.

"Go get your girl, Sam. We already established that I'm walking," I told him.
He sighed and tried to go faster but the car wouldn't let him.
Sam looked at me and said, "Bee won't let me. C'mon just get in the car."

I sighed and said, "I'm only getting in for Bee" before getting in the back.

Sam drove up to Mikaela and asked, "Hey, Mikaela, it's Sam. Sam Witwicky. I wanted to know if I could ride you home."

I face palmed when he turned bright red and Mikaela rose an eyebrow.

"I-I mean c-could I give you a ride home?"
She looked around and sighed, but finally got in.
I just noticed that the seat was really warm and I was really comfortable. I didn't want to move at all.

All I remember hearing before I passed out was Mikaela saying, "I can't believe I'm here right now" and me thinking 'how rude'.

I woke up hearing Sam saying, "-I love my car."

I scared him by saying, "I do too."
"When did you get up?"
"Just now."
"Oh well we're going home now."
"Best hurry, it's almost 11."
His eyes went wide and put the pedal to the metal while a string of curses flew out his mouth.

We finally got home and Sam walked through the grass again. I shook my head 'he will never learn'.

While Ron was chewing Sam out for walking on his grass, I went inside and flopped on the couch and fell asleep instantly.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I don't own Transformers or Jupiter Ascending.
Comment on whether I should continue with the story. I kind of got a little writer's block but finally got some inspiration today.
Peace out my lovelies.
