Chapter 2

Jupiter arrived in about three hours thanks to her boots. She walked to a road and tried to figure out where she was in Tranquility. There was a high school on the right and a bunch of random buildings to her left. Jupiter decided she would go to the high school and maybe make a friend that could show her around and- if she was lucky- they might take her in.
Jupiter walked down the road in her black tank top, black jeggings, leather jacket, and flying boots. The high school let out and a bunch of students came pouring out. She spotted a guy coming her way by the tree.
"I haven't seen you around here. Are you new?" the guy asked.
"Umm yeah I guess you could say that," I responded.
"I'm Sam. Sam Witwicky."
"I'm Jupiter."
"Like the planet?" Sam asked.
"Exactly like the planet," I told him.
"Do you want to come meet my dad?"He asked and then saw the look I was giving him and said,"I-I not like that or anything not like I wouldn't want to date you or anything but I don't mean it-"
"Shut up," I cut him off.
"No problem"
"Do you still want to meet my dad or...."
We went to his dad's car where his dad was and he looked at me in confusion.
"Who's this, Sam?" he asked.
"This is Jupiter. Like the planet."
"Hi, Jupiter, I'm Ron Witwicky, would you like to come join us in getting Sam's first car?"
"Sure." I said awkwardly.
