Caine VS Titus Part Two

Hey guys!! I finally found some time to write... Let's just say it's been a pretty busy week for me.
Anyways, enjoy the story!!

Caine's POV
Titus has been torturing me for days. The good thing is that I haven't seen a sign of Stinger or Jupiter yet. Hopefully I can escape and kill Titus before they get captured. I've been in here a long time. I lost track of how long I've been in here, but I came up with an idea for an escape plan. I'm not sure it'll work but it's worth a try.

" I see you're awake now, Caine," Titus said as he walked in the torture room. "It's too bad because I was looking forward to waking you up with the screams of your best friend," Titus continued. "What are you on about now, Titus?" I asked while trying to figure out a way I could trick him into telling me where Stinger's at. "You know what I mean. Plus I have his daughter with him too. I guess you'll be hearing both of their screams for what you did to Balem," Titus confirmed my fear of taking Stinger's daughter too. "You should keep them out of it. This is between you and me," I said.

"SILENCE!!" Titus yelled. "You will die a painful death after watching your best friend, his daughter, and your lover die painful deaths and I will make sure your life crumbles away like paper in my hands," Titus threatened.

"If they're really here then prove it. Bring them in," I told him.
"You mean you don't believe me," Titus asked with fake shock and a ton of sarcasm.
"No I don't," I replied.
Titus straightened up and said, "Alright, bring them in," to his assistant.

When they were brought in in handcuffs that looked easy enough to break through or pick I knew it was time to put my plan into action.
"Hey Titus, you gonna let us have a moment alone before my life crumbles or what?" I asked Titus.
"I suppose you can," he replied before walking out of the room and locking the door behind him. I checked and there are no security cameras oddly enough.

"You got a plan don't you, Caine?" Stinger said more than asked the question.
"Yep, but I'm not entirely sure on it," I replied.
"Whatcha got?" Stinger asked as his daughter just looked at us.
(A/N I just completely blanked out on her name. Sorry that I can't get it at the moment.)
I quickly told them my plan and Stinger's first reaction was to tell me I'm insane.
"You expected something like this coming from me though," I told him.
"Don't I know it," he replied.

"Okay, fun time's over time to go you two," Titus barged in and told them. "Unless...." Titus said with a devious grin, "They want to watch him get tortured again."
"You know what I'm gonna do just that," Titus said as he saw the fear and worry on their faces.

Thanks for continuing to read this story!! I'm thankful for you guys so much and I love you all!!
Peace out my lovelies!!
