Chapter 1

"Watch this," Jupiter said to Caine while jumping off the building. You would think she was going to fall to her death but surprisingly she skated on air with a blue light coming from her boots. Caine followed her example and jumped off the building and flew with his wings.

Caine was snatched by these weird alien like beings. Jupiter looked back and noticed Caine wasn't in sight. "Caine?" she called out in question. No one answered. Jupiter was getting worried. She flew around the area calling his name out, but it was no use. Caine was nowhere to be found. Jupiter decided she would find him later since she was growing very tired.

The next morning she awoke early and did her normal morning duties. Then she remembered Caine's disappearance and remembered that she thought she saw one of those weird alien like beings out of the corner of her eye. Jupiter thought that he might have been kidnapped or they killed him.

Immediately assuming the worst, she was overcome with sadness and grief. Jupiter told her family at dinner that she was going to move. They tried to talk her out of it but they soon decided that it was useless.

Jupiter packed a bag full of clothes, her phone/charger, money, food, and a bottle of water. She bid her family farewell and promised to call. Soon, she was out of sight and skated to a place she had searched for earlier. It was a town called Tranquility in Nevada and she figured she needed a little peace to get herself together.
