Knowing Part of the Truth

I grinned hugely (A/N if it isn't a word, it is now!) when Ron paid for Bee.
Yeah that's right. I named the car Bumblebee. Bee for short.
"Want a ride home, Jup?" Sam asked while smirking.
Not thinking I replied with, "Sure, why not."
After getting in, he asked, "Where do you live?"
Realization dawned on me and I was cursing myself out in Russian for it.
I directed him to a decent two-story house about a 30 minute drive away from the high school.
"Are you sure this is where you live?" he asked me with one eyebrow raised.
"Yes," was my ingenious reply.
"That's my house. Jupiter, just tell me the truth," he said.
Out of all the houses I had to choose Sam's house. Just my luck.
I sighed and said, "long story short I moved from my home in Russia to here but I forgot to rent an apartment or house or something like that."
He made an 'oh' face and said, "Maybe you can live here with us until you get back on your feet," Sam suggested.
I immediately protested with, "I don't want to intrude or anything."
"You're not intruding! Here hold on for a sec," Sam said.
"MOM, DAD, CAN JUPITER STAY WITH US UNTIL SHE FINDS A HOUSE?!?!" Sam hollered at his parents.
"SURE!!" They shouted back.
"See. I told you so," Sam said.
I gave in and with my booksack still on my back I went in the house.
"Hey, Jup, do you want to come with my friend and I to a lake party?"
"Sure, I guess, but I'll have to wash Bee first," I told him.
"Bee? You named the car?" Sam asked.
"I don't normally do that but he looks like a bumblebee with his paint job plus the bee on the rearview mirror, so I shortened Bumblebee to Bee," I told Sam.
He shrugged and said, "Suits him," and went inside.
I went upstairs and found the bathroom. I went inside and took off my leather jacket and put on some denim short shorts. Overall I had on my black tank top, denim short shorts, my rocket boots that reminded me of Caine so much.... Okay getting off topic here. I put my chocolate brown hair in a ponytail, grabbed my backpack and headed outside. I went into the garage and took out car washing supplies.
I sprayed Bee down with the hose. Did he just... shiver? I played it off as my imagination and put the rag into the soap to continue washing Bee. When I got the top part of the hood, I had to press up against Bee to reach across the whole car. I think Bee warned a bit and shivered. What the heck is going on? I shook it off again putting it on my imagination. When I was done and picked up the supplies, Sam came out and walked across the grass to Bee. He didn't see Mrs. Witwicky telling Ron that the stones were uneven.
When he was about halfway across his dad spotted him and said, "Sam, I don't like footprints on my grass."
"Footprints? Wha- there's no footprints," Sam defended.
"I would like if you step off my grass and on my path," Ron told him.
Oh this is just too good.
"It's family grass dad," Sam told him.
"When you get your own grass you'll understand," Ron told him.
By now, I was covering my mouth and my shoulders were shaking.
Sam went onto the path shaking his head when he saw his dog that I'm guessing his name is Mojo because of his "penthouse".
"What? I can't take this anymore mom. You're putting girl jewelry on a boy dog," Sam told Mrs. Witwicky.
I was now out of breath a and clutching my sides.
"That's his bling!" Mrs. Witwicky said like it was obvious.
That's when I truly lost it and started rolling on the concrete in laughter.
They all looked at me like I was crazy until I stood up and acted like nothing happened and said, "Coming, Sam" while gesturing to Bee.
He walked over to the driver's side.
"Be back by 11 o'clock!" Mrs. Witwicky said.
"11 o'clock," Ron repeated sternly.

Sam just waved them off and climbed in. When he started the car, it let out a huge black cloud from the exhaust pipe. I could practically hear Mrs. Witwicky say "Ron, you are so cheap".
I smiled at the thought.
"Where are we off too now?" I asked since I forgot from the funny argument that the Witwicky's had.

"My friend's house, then the lake," Sam replied.
"Oh," was my ingenious reply.
After a bit of silence I asked, "What's your mom's name?"
"Is she always that crazy?"
"Even worse if she's had alcohol"
I snorted. That must be a sight to see.

Soon, we were at a one-story house. A guy came running out and I immediately moved to the back. The door was flung open and the guy jumped in and slammed the door while screaming, "Drive!Drive!Drive!"
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head hard for slamming the door and hurting Bee.

It would've been updated earlier but Wattpad decided to delete it so I had to re-write the whole chapter.
I don't remember everything because it's been a while since I've seen transformers so please bear with me.
Peace out my lovelies.
