Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New york
Friday 7:19 am.
Dec 13th.

Judah eyed the house and the black Audi that was parked neatly in the drive way, he fixed his black Cart-hart beanie before exiting his car making sure his doors were locked. It wasn't a bad neighborhood but you never know. Judah silently made his way up to the front door, he was always quiet but even his thoughts were quiet knowing this could all go one of two ways.

He wanted to turn away and head back home but he'd already traveled 15minutes and in those fifteen minutes he was worried that he'd be turned away. He raised his right hand to knock using his knuckles bare knuckles. He stepped back a little rocking in place trying to keep his blood flowing, he regretted not bringing his coat but he didn't plan on being long so he chose to just wear his Gallery Dept' sweat suit. It was casual but not warm at all.

Judah could hear footsteps approaching the front door just as it swung open. Dylan stood there with a tired look, still in her bonnet and robe. She looked up at Judah with a smile before stepping to the side to let him in.

"You didn't ask who it was." Judah spoke first, taking his dunks off, leaving him in his white socks. "I could see you on my cameras." Dylan replied. Judah shook his head before following after her into the kitchen.

Judah came unannounced and didn't really expect Dylan to let him in. Mane reason why nobody had his address. If you came unannounced at his house he'd let you freeze outside.

"Hungry? I cooked last night." Dylan asked before taking out pots from her fridge, he could tell she was confused to why he was here but she still welcomed him with an open arm. Judah nodded his head yes and sat down in her Velvet upholstered wing back barstools.

It was funny because he remembered her scolding him for sitting on her counters when she didn't have and stools or couches. Now he could see her living room fully decorated and clean spotless from the kitchen. The kitchen was no different; spotless he meant.

If her food was anything like Monet's he would be over here everyday, plus it was a quicker drive to Dylan's house.

"I made oxtails, rice and cabbage." Dylan showed Judah the plate that was plated with cold food before placing it in the microwave. Judah didn't move or nod his head as he was too stuck on Dylan who payed no mind to him or she was ignoring because she had yet to make real eye contact with him and that was something she did often.

Either she was ignoring him or she genuinely didn't feel him staring and was in her own world. Judah's bottom lip was tucked between his teeth and his eyes never left Dylan's bare face. He so loved her face, she just looked so clean and he knew she smelled like baby lotion and a little like sugar. He loved it, especially her sweet smell.

Judah and his brothers grew up using baby lotion on their very sensitive and dry skin, their mom would mix her breast milk with it sometimes when Judahs skin broke out. He just never stopped using it because it was the only thing he could trust.

Judah wanted her touch, he craved her touch and he looked forward to her touch. The only touch he wanted, the only touch he wanted to want. He was obsessed with her and there was no going back. He could feel his obsession getting stronger and stronger everytime she showed him new traits about herself.

Judah's eyes followed her even as she approached him, his eyes never left her face. She walked between his legs and wrapped her short arms around his neck letting her rings rub his back. Her touch warming him but also made him shutter from how soft it was.

Judah couldn't hold back the smile he felt creep up on him when she took ahold of his hands and made him hug her back. "Hold me." Dylan lowly whined tightening her grip on him.

"Stop Allat." Judah palmed her side pulling her closer, Judah hated hearing people whine especially little kids but Dylan's didn't all annoy him to much. Judahs head furrowed in her neck and his low red eyes relaxing and enjoying the feeling Dylan gave him.

Judah jumped at the sudden outburst that the microwave sent into the room. He slowly let her go allowing her to walk to her stove where her microwave sat above. She grabbed his plate out and made sure to stir it around, using her finger to make sure everything was warm.

"Here you go, handsome." Dylan sat his plate in front of him ready to go back to the fridge to get him a beverage. Judah groaned at the usage of her words, his dick stood up at attention in his pants making him shift trying to get it to go down. Dylan wasn't making it any better, her face just alone had him feeling excited, but Judah couldn't hide the fact that her body hidden under her robe had him going crazy. Watchin her ass sway with each step like water was driving him crazy.

Dylan sat his drink down and left the kitchen leaving Judah alone all by himself, he didn't mind about the absence presence he was used to being all alone anyway. ever since his brother died he'd felt alone and nothing was different this time.

Judah surprisingly didn't sworm in his thoughts instead he just ate his food in silence and let his high take over. It seemed as food always increased his high, he loved it.

Judah heard the shower start to run just as a room door was closed. Judah knew she'd take a minute so he just focused on his food using his free hand to scroll on TikTok. He didn't have an account and wasn't able to like videos but he didn't care because he just liked to scroll.

Several moments later Dylan was back, she no longer sported her bonnet and robe but now was dressed in a loungewear set from an instagram company, Judah loved it especially since it was black. Her braids were now flowing down her back and framing her chubby face well, she wore her glasses and her lips were full and moisturized. She carried her Gel Chrome ASICS in her hand along with her fluffy multicolored cropped cardigan.

Judah loved the way she dressed and really admired the way she was able to put something really simple on and make it look Amazing.

Dylan left the room for a moment before she appeared again with her braids now flipped over to a side part and her cardigan was now on her body. She grabbed Judah's plate and cup setting it in her dishwasher, she started it up standing there to make sure it was running successfully.

"I'm running errands today. You can come if you want." Dylan shrugged looking up at Judah fixing her necklace around her neck. Judah nodded his head yes, scratching his head underneath his hat.

"You going on the trip with your hair like that?" Dylan questioned reaching up on her tippy toes to touch his ginger inches rubbing his soft curls in her fingers.

"No I'm looking for somebody to do it," Judah replied taking ahold of her hand and locking their hands. His large hands slid underneath her armpits picking her with ease and he sat her on the couch. Picking up her shoes one by one he placed them on her feet and fixing the laces to match her outfit better.

"Oo, I like it like this." Dylan happily stood back to her feet. Judah didn't respond but followed her out her house after she went through every room turning out the lights. Judah didn't question her since it was her home and he wasn't an impatient person; plus it didn't take long either.

"C'mon." Judah grabbed Dylan's hand again leading her to his Lamborghini Urus truck, he had been driving it the whole winter because it was his only car out of three that had snow tires. He open his passenger seat for her letting her settle herself in first before he closed the door then walked over to the driver's seat.

Judah didn't know what he was doing or why he was doing all this. Everything was new for him, he'd never had a girlfriend before, only experienced other's relationships from a third person perspective. He didn't even know if Dylan saw him in that way, he also wasn't sure how far he wanted to take it with her. He didn't want a relationship if it ever came down to that, it was way too much responsibility for him and he couldn't handle it, he liked it like this.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New york
Friday 11:20 am.
Dec 13th.

"D? You like this?" Judah tapped her shoulder getting her attention showing her a two piece set hanging on the women's rack. Judah knew she was worth more than a target outfit but they handn't even made it out of Target yet. They'd been looking around and shopping for Jonah, Monet, her mom and the kids since they'd arrived.

Judahs whole plan was to get to know her so that's why showed up at her house, was because he planned to try and get a good understanding to what she'd like for Christmas. So far while being here she'd only picked up little kids clothes and toys.

"Yes that's cute! Imma get this for my sister." Dylan grabbed it checking the size before placing it in the cart. Judah huffed following after her, she was finally moving out of this section. The basket was halfway full, it shoulda been more considering how long they'd been at the store.

Now Judah was stressed because he hadn't seen her looking at anything she liked. So far she was only worried about others even asking Judah if he liked a nice smelling cologne. Judah was skeptical because he'd never bought cologne from target but it smelt good so he let her get it for him.

When Judah looked up he realized he was a lot further than he thought from Dylan. He caught up quickly with his long legs. He watched her eyes lite up at a kitchen set. It came with 20 pots and pans, baking sheets, muffin pans, and an Apron.

Her smile dropped looking at the price. It was a little over 1,000 dollars considering it was high quality and non stick. Judah smiled knowing that's exactly what he'd be getting her for Christmas. He was gonna give it to her before the trip because of how big it was. He slickly took a picture of the set while she strolled down the aisle looking at the aprons with cute Writings on it.

"My mom would love this." she exclaimed holding up a pink apron with 'if you know what you're doing you don't need measurements'. Judah nodded his head in agreement taking it and placing it in the cart.

"Okay come on foe we not make it to the mall." Dylan instructed pulling the heavy basket to the register where she quickly snagged a spot in line at self checkout. They probably shouldn't have waited to shop so late but, oh well.

"You liked that pots and pan set?" Judah asked wanting to make sure it was something she really wanted so he wouldn't just be spending a hefty amount.

"Yesss, of course but I put a certain amount aside for shopping and that would dent my funds for my people," Dylan's explained. Judah nodded loving how she was thinking about her family.

Judah helped Dylan scan the stuff and place them in bags. They repeated this process until they were done and the total came to over three hundred dollars.

Judah shook his head typing in his phone number to get the reward points and went ahead and swiped his card. Not everything that was in the cart was from him but he didn't mind. He had things in there for his niece and nephew, couple things for Jonah. He let Dylan pick everything for her sister and he'd just write his name on the bag as well.

"Mmtch, you finna blow me." Dylan rolled her eyes leading them out the store. "Why, what's the matter?" He thought women loved when men paid but that's not why he did it.

"Cause I coulda bought that pot set for myself if I knew you were gonna pay." Dylan whined frowning her face up, she reached his car waiting for him to unlock his doors.

"You can use your money at the mall." Judah reasoned he didn't want her to be frowning and he also didn't want her to go back and get the set.

"C'mere." Judah pulled her body from behind the cart as he leaned against his car. He pulled her body into his holding her chin with his hand so she'd look up at him.

"You heard what I said, right? Quiet Allat whining." he palmed her sides kneeding it in his hands relaxing her.

"I hear you." she nodded pulling out his grip walking to the back of the trunk getting ready to help with the bags. They quickly did that forgetting how cold it was, neither brought a coat figuring they'd be alright since they'd be in and out stores.

Judah helped her open her door and quickly got into the drivers seat waiting for the heat to warm up the car. "Can we stop and get McDonalds?" Dylan asked catching Judahs attention since he was leaned back into his spot feeling his high wear off.

Judah just nodded his head yes he could feel himself getting sleepy. He felt like when he was high it gave him a lot of energy but as soon as he was winding down he got undeniably tired. Plus the food he ate hours before wasn't doing any justice.

Judah drove silently to the nearest McDonalds while the radio was on but neither of them was focused on it. Dylan indulged in her phone typing away quickly and Judah was forcing himself to stay awake.

He pulled into the empty McDonalds drive through he then looked over at Dylan waiting for her to say what she wanted.

"Can I please get a McChicken with no Mayo and add American cheese, a small fry and small fruit punch," Dylan leaned over Judah's lap her head now nearly out of his window to order her food. In fear of her falling Judah held onto her thigh making sure she didn't fall through.

"Yes is that all?" The person asked awaiting them. Dylan looked at Judah who shook his head yes and helped her back into her seat. They pulled forward and Judah let Dylan pay because he wasn't in the mood for her whining.

"Thank you, I'm so hungry I could pass out." Dylan spoke unwrapping her McChicken taking a bite out of it. Judah chuckled pulling out the parking lot now on their way to the mall.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New york
Friday 4:17 pm.
Dec 13th.

Everything that Dylan looked at in any store Judah picked up within a reasonable price or he felt like she would wear it. Now they were currently in Footlocker looking for Jonah some nice shoes. Dylan didn't question it but Judah also didn't think she noticed too much. She was always in her own world.

Besides the kitchen set and the Ugg boots, a pandora charm and a couple sets she found in Lululemon, even after all the things bought Judah had bought her he still wanted to get her one more thing. Something his mom always loved as women that cooked a lot. His mom was more a baker but she could cook her ass off as well.

"What size does Jonah need?" Dylan abruptly turned around looking up at Judah who fixed the clothes hanging on his arm. "A 13." He replied looking at the shoe she had in her hand, he chuckled at the new balances she held. Definitely was something Jonah would wear but they were still nice as fuck; in Judahs opinion. He might get them next time he came back.

Judah watched as the employee came back with the new pair of Jordan 3's in Judah's size. Judah figured since they were at the mall he'd buy him so things for the trip.

"Y'all wear the same size?" Dylan asked peeking at his feet. "No I wear a 12.5." Judah responded standing behind her in line. Judah payed for his things after her, she then stood at his side as he swiped his card waiting on his bags.

"I'm so ready to go home." Dylan sighed and grabbed her phone once it started to ring. She answered it and placed it to her ear and Judah slowed down further behind her so he wouldn't eve's drop. He hated hearing people business it bothered him. He was unsure why but he felt like people should only know what you shared with them.

Judah caught back up with Dylan as soon as she placed her phone back in her pocket. "Can we stop at Auntie Annie's before we leave? Please??" Dylan asked shifting the heavy shopping bags. Judah noticed taking ahold of her hand dragging her towards a seated area. He took her bags from her and sat them down, he reached in his pocket taking out his Givenchy wallet and he handed her his card.

"Thank you Handsome face." Dylan reached down holding his face in her hands kissing his soft cheek twice making him smile cheesely.

"Gone head so we can dip after." Judah gave her thigh a light push. Judah watched Dylan carefully as she walked to the auntie Annie's.

A big flash went off then followed by a small and quiet gasp. Judah turned his head watching as a man with a huge camera quickly tried to act as he wasn't taking pictures of him probably even pictures of him and Dylan together.

Every once and while Judah would experience Paparazzi because of the celebrity's he associated with but he never associated himself with them outside of work only record labels, signing meets, etc.

He felt annoyed that they had done that now knowing Dylan would be exposed to the media and they'd be on the Shaderoom rather quickly give it a couple hours. Judah turned to glare at the photographer as he continued to hear camera clicks, how didn't he hear it before? Judah thought of how he was distracted with Dylan and making sure she got what she wanted.

Dylan eventually headed back towards him with a frown. Judah ignored it not wanting to deal with it now knowing the camera man would have more to post.

"What happened?" Dylan asked confused seeing Judah grab all the bags rushing to the exit with his hand holding onto her. "Wait Juggy! I can't walk that fast." Dylan called out but being ignored so all she could do was hold her Pizza pretzels and keep up as best as she could.

‼️this story is completely fictional, the people's pictured have nothing to do with the story/plot. they are just used for representation.
this story may not be copied, repeated, or rewritten, in any way, shape, or form.‼️
