Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan Newyork
Tuesday 9:56 pm.

It had been three official long days since Judah's last encounter with Jonah and his family. Judah hadn't been losing sleep over it but he couldn't help but question if he was overreacting. Because his feelings mattered too, right?

Judah ignored his thoughts and turned to his phone which had received multiple messages and calls from Monet. As he said "There wasn't any bad blood". So he was confused as to why everybody was calling him acting like he and his brother had fell out. By everybody he meant Monet, Jonah and Eman.

He understood that his big brother was only looking after him but he was grown and didn't need nobody telling him what he knew already. He knew that popping pills were wrong but he still did it because he was grown and could do whatever he pleased. Or maybe that was just his excuse-- was that he was grown.

That was his response every time someone brought it up. Judah reached up to glide his hands down his face in annoyance. His fingers trembled and his body was sore and worn out, his head was pounding and his eyes just wouldn't stop watering.

Judah slept long enough but never understood why his body was always tired. His phone rung once again and he picked it up before looking over the contact name.

"Wassup Gunna?" Judah greeted the man over the phone.

" A whole lotta shit. I'm out here in NYC tho and I'm trynna get back in the studio," Gunna announced, Judah nodded to himself while he stroked his beard.

"I can do that, You need the address?" Judah questioned pulling his phone from his ear and putting it on speaker.

"Nah, I'm already here," Gunna responded with a chuckle. Judah shook his head and placed his phone in the pocket of his Harlem hoodie and hiked his Hunter Camo-styled cargos up.

Judah looked down at his black rick owens and smiled because he was glad that he had gotten ready.

"Come on boy," Judah called out to Roy that laid peacefully on the couch but jumped up once he heard his owner's voice.

Roy followed Judah out of their home and Judah unlocked his car doors and Roy jumped into the passenger seat. Judah soon got settled in the drivers seat.

He reached into his glove compartment and pulled out one of the many orange pill bottles. He popped out the white top when Roy began to whine and Judah frowned.

Judah hadn't been feeling the best for the last couple of days and didn't wanna give off any bad energy plus he had a lot on his mind. Judah never mixed his personal life with his work but 'this' he needed.

"Chill out it's only for a little while," Judah spoke, most would call him crazy for speaking to a dog but Roy wasn't just a dog. Roy was his best friend and it probably would be like that until Roy was called up to god.

Judah never minded what sounded like Roy trying to speak back to him and jiggled the bottle and by accident 4 pills fell in his palm. He had never taken that many, the most he'd taken was three nothing higher.

He wasn't a junky and understood his limit to the pills he just had a hard time letting the bad habit go.

With nothing else to think about he through three pills into his mouth and swallowed them dry one by one. He put the fourth one back and started up his car so he could get to his destination.

40 minutes later due to traffic, Judah was pulling up next to a Blacked out SUV. Gunna and a few other niggas Judah had never seen leaned on the car with loud music.

Judah hopped out of his car and went to Roy's side to let him out. He grabbed his harness from the back of his car and placed it on him along with his collar.

"I thought New York niggas was fast-paced?" Gunna questioned reaching out to dap up Judah. Judah chuckled and snapped after their shake-up.

Judah shrugged with slight chuckle. "On lil folks grave this nigga is, took his ass like uhh hour. On my mom's I was ready to dip." One of Gunnas's many friends spoke.

Judah's smile faded as he unlocked his studio doors and decided to keep quiet after all he was making money just by having a conversation with Gunna.

"Nobody told you to come," Gunna replied walking past him and into the booth.

The Unknown man smacked his lips and took a seat next to the rest of them.

Judah took a seat at his station and began plugging up the mics and logging into his computer. He glance at Roy who later calm and quietly in his bed beneath Judahs feet.

"Yoo! I gotta a new soundtrack I've been working on." Judah raised his voice since the walls were soundproof and even with the mic it was hard to hear.

Gunna nodded and placed the headphones over his ears and Judah played the most recent beat he'd been working on.

"Shit tuff," Gunna mumbled and Judah nodded leaning back into his chair. His high was invading his mind but he was glad that he was able to keep it professional.

"Play it back for me, Jug," Gunna spoke into the mich and Judah did just that. As soon as the beat dropped gunna began to spit bars into the mich.

Judah nodded his head approvingly while swaying in his chair.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan Newyork
Wednesday 8:22 am.

Judah twisted the familiar door knob and walked in. He stepped out of his Jordan 12s and that left him in his socks.

The mild chattering he once heard stopped and a couple of footsteps were heard walking towards him.

"I just knew his fat ass wasn't missing dinner," Eman joked causing Judah to Scrunch up his face. He didn't even know Eman foreal.

Judah looked up to see Jonah mugging him also.

"You need to mind your business. Stay worrying about everybody else. Where dat baby at?," Mrs. Jillian questioned Eman while Judah slipped passed them and trailed into the kitchen.

He lifted random tops to the pots on the stove but couldn't tell what anything was besides Greens and the baked macaroni that was in the oven.

"Get out Juggy," Judah turned around at the sound of someone speaking. He turned around to see a visibly angry Monet. Judah chuckled and took a seat at the island. He wasn't leaving until the food was ready so she better have kept her attitude on lock.

Whenever Jonah and Judah "argued" Monet always seemed to have an attitude towards Judah and he didn't like that but that had nothing to do with her food.

"That means get out of my kitchen," Monet explained pointing to the exit. Judah looked her up and down before rolling his eyes and heading out of the kitchen. He didn't have time for Monet.

Judah stopped in his track when he saw Dylan walking down the hall with her face in her phone. He didn't attempt to move instead he stood there and waited for her to collide with him and she did.

"Damn, You okay? I'm sorry," Dylan spoke rubbing over her hair to straighten it back out. Judah nodded and slipped past her but didn't get too far when he felt his hand being tugged on.

Judah looked down at their hands before looking back up at her, his natural mug stuck on his face. She frowned before letting his hand go and turned on her heels to walk away.

Judah ignored it and made it to the front door where his shoes were and put them back on. He fixed his black Givenchy beanie on his head before walking out of Jonah's residence.

Honestly, Monet had ruined his whole mood. "Judah!" A voice behind him shouted as he approached his parked car. He didn't bother to turn around since he recognized the voice and nobody else knew him as Judah besides his brother.

"I know you hear me talking to you, Jug." Jonah pushed his shoulder once he got close enough to him. "You older but I'm bigger," Judah replied pushing Jonah back with a grin.

"Chill out big boy, Ion want no smoke with a junky you know how ya'll ass get, all strong and shit," Jonah teased causing Judah to huff in annoyance.

"Ain't no junky and never will be one. Sassy ass bitch, what Monet taught you that?" Judah teased back seeing his brother mugg him.

"You thought you ate?" Jonah asked with a chuckle and Judah stood there with a mug still plastered on his face.

"Queer ass bitch," Judah muttered shaking his head. This was Jonah's way of apologizing and unfortunately, this happened every time it was Jonah's turn to apologize. Jonah would crack a joke or too and expect everything to be normal.

Judah had no problem owning up to his mistakes and often blamed and owned up to things he had no control over. But Jonah on the other hand never took accountability for his actions.

Somehow Jonah talked Judah into coming back into the house and promised Monet wouldn't have anything else to say to him. So now Judah was sitting in their second living room alone on his phone.

Judah always felt like Jonah's in-laws were his family and only tolerated Judah because of Jonah. He couldn't wait for when it was his turn to meet his in-laws and see his wife walk down the aisle but at the rate, it looked like that would never happen for him. But he always silently hoped God blessed him even though he knew he didn't deserve it.

Judah didn't follow the Hebrew bible nor did he believe that Yahweh would ever forgive him so he kind of just gave up on it. Judah's Mother was Jewish while his father was Christian.

Growing up they were all given the option to follow either one and Judah & Jace chose their mother's Jewish ways while Jonah chose to follow his father's Christian path. After Jace's passing Judah never after that had another sit down with Yahweh, he didn't believe that there was anything else Yahweh could do for him. Yahweh took someone he never saw leaving his life somone who protected him from hard trials and tribulations. Yahweh hurt him.

He fell off with Yahweh and often wondered if he chose the right God. All of it was confusing.

"Hey baby, the food is done." Mrs. Jillian spoke as she stood in front of Judah's frame. He hadn't even noticed her there. He nodded and stood up from the couch, he adjusted his jeans and continued his way following Mrs. Jillian to the kitchen.

"Juggy!" Aaliyah screamed as she spotted her uncle. She wrapped her tiny arms around his legs. He maneuvered her from his legs to get to the table.

"Always doing my baby wrong," Jonah spoke shaking his head at his brother. Jonah picked up his daughter she started to dramatically cry.

Judah rolled his eyes and sat in an empty chair. He pulled out his phone as everyone waited and chattered around the table.

"Who the fuck are we waiting on?" Eman asked rubbing his stomach. "We waitin' on Dylan ass," Jonah announced and Judah looked up and realized that she wasn't at the table and hadn't seen her since their hallway encounter.

"She's sitting in her car. Bae go get her so we can hurry up and eat." Jonah insisted as he turned to his wife.

"Do I look like your fuckin assistant? Go call Nicole." Monet inquired as she made a face at her husband.

"Did I fuckin say you were? I simply asked for you to get her," Jonah replied with a similar mug to Judah's.

"And I said 'Do I Look like your fuckin assistant'?" Monet repeated her words previously from moments before. He smacked his lips and stood to his feet while dragging his wife with him.

Judah had to bite back his laugh as he stood up from his spot. "Lord help them work through this." Mrs. Jillian prayed while she shook her head.

Judah stood up from his seat at the table and exited the kitchen, he put his shoes back on before walking out the door. The cold wind hit his face causing him to bring his beanie further down on his ears. He spotted an all black Jeep wrangler in the drive way.

He walked up to her driver's window and placed a knock onto her window. Dylan jumped and turned to face her window.

How the fuck she ain't see me?

Judah rolled his eyes at her dramatics and motioned for her to roll down her windows. "Yes, Juggy?" Dylan asked and paused her music, from what Judah could tell it was something by either Summer Walker, Jehne Aiko, or SZA, to him they all sounded the same.

"Time to eat," He mumbled opening her car door. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "I'm not hungry. I'll be in there for dessert though," She spoke shaking her head no.

Judah motioned his head to the house. He didn't feel like talking especially since he had Cotten mouth and was a little annoyed.

"Not right now Juggy. Tell Monet to say grave without me," Dylan responded attempting to close her car door back.

Judah mugged her before taking it upon himself to help her out the car himself. Judah's large hands reached over Dylan's lap and unbuckled her seatbelt for her, surprisingly she willingly allowed him to pick her up out her seat and place her on her feet. Judah shut her car door and Dylan used her key fob to lock her doors before she was walking along with Judah up to the house.

Judah kept quiet letting her walk back into the house before him. He slipped back out of his shoes and that left him in his socks once again.

Judah's face scrunched up as Dylan removed her feet from her shoes, she only had one sock on. Her toes were pretty though. Dylan looked up at him and snickered. "It's in my shoe," She spoke up reaching into her uggs to grab her black sock.

Judah silently nodded his head at her and walked back to the kitchen. He sat at the table seeing Jonah and Monet back at the table but now on opposite ends. Judah had no other choice but to sit in the middle next to Mrs. Jillian and Dylan.

"You look beautiful baby without all of that hoochie momma stuff on," Mrs. Jilliam spoke to Dylan causing Eman gasp.

"Thanks," Dylan dryly responded and pulled her phone out. The platters of food started to rotate around the table. Judah noticed Dylan had barely anything on her plate.

Judah kept his gaze on her as he eyed her closely. She never really said much like him and always smiled and that confused Judah. Her big plumped lips were coated with a clear gloss and a bit of pink in the middle. Her silk press was now in a ponytail with a curled bang hanging over the right side of her face. She looked pretty- as usual. Judah never was the type to hold his tongue but Dylan made him nervous to show her his ways.

"Jug? You alright?" Jonah asked with a small smirk on his face from across the table. Judah rolled his eyes and nodded his head yes while stabbing at his garlic mashed potatoes. Although Monet got on his nerves most of the time- all of the time, she could still cook her ass off.

"You look a little pale in the face," Jonah continued to tease while bouncing Corey on his leg. "Watch out." Judah waved him off as he didn't want Jonah to start.

"Has anyone had any big accomplishments lately?' Mrs. Jillian questioned and looked up from her plate. Monet cleared her throat.

"Dylan," Monet spoke up causing everyone's heads to snap to her except for Judah who was too invested in his meal.

"What about me?" She questioned playing with her asparagus. "Tell Mom about your house." Monet requested as she held a big smile on her face.

"Oh um, I built my house from the ground up," Dylan announced and a round of applause went around the table even a couple claps escaped Judah's hands.

"Ain't god good?" Mrs. Jillian questioned and a bunch of 'All the time' and 'Yes he is' was heard around the dinner table.

Judah hadn't answered though because honestly, he didn't know. Judah wanted to ask a question but decided against it.

The rest of dinner went okay as everyone sat around talking and fighting Itis. Judah's body was spread out across the loveseat as Eman shared the opposite loveseat with Aaliyah and Corey while Monet and Jonah took the opposite couch while they all watched Big City Greens on Disney Plus.

Mrs. Jillian had gone home and Dylan was nowhere to be found. Not that Judah was looking for her he just happened to notice she was gone and hadn't returned since she excused herself from the dinner table two hours early.

"I'm finna head out," Judah announced as he found himself growing sleepy and knew he wouldn't want to drive home if he stayed a while longer.

"Hell no, It's way too late for you to be driving home," Monet spoke sitting up from her husband's chest. Judah chuckled stretching his body out.

"You're not leaving it's way too late, the guest room downstairs still has some of your things so you should be comfortable until the morning," Monet insisted.

"Cool," Judah agreed before heading into the downstairs guest room. He walked in and looked around, everything seemed to be the same since his last encounter there.

Judah strolled over to the dresser that was near the window and opened it to find a bunch of clothes he was looking for and new packs of boxers. He couldn't find any pajama pants but he did find a pair of basketball shorts and he just decided not to wear a shirt.

15 minutes later Judah was walking out of the shower with the fresh men's dove scent lingering on his body. He oiled himself up with some baby Aveeno's lotion in the guest room's connected bathroom.

He placed all his things neatly back in their spots before opening up the thick duvet covers and sliding his body in. Before he could get completely comfortable two soft knocks were placed on his door.

He didn't respond and attempted to turn the other way but the person let themselves in and Judah could hear their small footsteps plus the cold air from outside of the room.

"Juggy?" A voice called out behind him and he groaned in annoyance. "Hm?" He hummed and flipped over. Dylan stood there in a big Tee-shirt and by the looks of it, she didn't have any pants on.

"Youn' got pants on?," Judah questioned her as his eyes finally traveled up to her face. It looked shiny like she had just finished her skincare routine.

Instead of responding Dylan lifted her shirt to show her spandex shorts and Judah nodded in response.

"Can I have a pillow or too?." Dylan asked pointing at the multiple pillows on his left side.

Judah was a little skeptical because why wouldn't the other guest room have pillows, why'd she want his? But nonetheless he nodded his head yes. He watched as she smiled and grabbed to pillows as she asked.

"Goodnight may the lord protect you throughout the night". Dylan said a small prayer over him before completely leaving the room.

‼️this story is completely fictional.
this story may not be copied, repeated, or rewritten, in any way, shape, or form.‼️
