Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New York
Monday 12:32 am.

Judah adjusted the tempo of the beat before he replayed it from the beginning. He smiled at the outcome while bobbing his head.

The beat caused Judah to slip into a daze as he spun around in his chair. He was lost in his thoughts while the beat continued to play, the rhythm and melody blending together like a perfect harmony. He closed his eyes, focusing solely on the sound, allowing it to wash away all of his worries and cares. He felt the music course through his veins, energizing his spirit.

He loved moments like this where he wasn't worried about society.

"Why are you still here?" Lauryn, his executive producer asked. Judah shrugged and turned off the beat and logged out of his computer. Her presence disturbed his peace and that upset him since he rarely felt relaxed without being medicated.

"I was just about to head out." Judah responded with annoyance in his voice.

"See you Juggy." She smiled and waved while Judah walked out of the studio with his computer and backpack in hand. Judah couldn't tell if she was flirting with him or if she was just a pleasant person. Either way he didn't want anything to do with her. Her vibe was off. But why should he judge? He was just as 'weird'.

Despite the cold wind blowing toward his face, Judah sat his things in the backseat of his car before getting into the front seat to blast the heat. After feeling his hands start to shake, Judah leaned further back in his seat. His eyes wandered off to the side as he sighed. He sometimes wished he could go 24 hours without taking pills to deal with his problems.

Judah had become so accustomed to using pills as a coping mechanism that he had forgotten how to deal with his problems without them. He was hoping that this time, he could make it through the day without turning to medication.

Taking one of the many pill bottles from his glove department, he reached down and pulled it out. They were all filled with unprescribed medicine with his name on them just in case he got 'caught' or pulled over. He tossed 2 back dry before settling back into his seat.

He waited over 15 minutes for the effect to take over before he was able to gather the strength to start driving himself back home. His signature smile escaped his lips while he sang along to 'Wood Lady' by Toosii.

Judah just needed that push from something or someone.

Although he grew up in a loving two-parent household most would think he had nothing to complain about. Most were right, he himself didn't even know how he got to this lowest point in his life. Despite the loving two-parent home he was raised in, Judah still had his own inner struggles and issues. Those feelings of inadequacy and doubt built up over time, leading to his eventual downfall.

He wished he could turn back and relive those moments but that was absolutely impossible and here he was stuck on a planet he no longer felt wanted or needed. He remembered when he was celebrated for his accomplishments and contributions to the world. Now it felt like no one even knew he existed-- Besides his brother, he seemed to be the only one who hadn't forgotten about him.

As Judah shook his head and exited his car, he didn't bother to grab his bags from his backseat and walked up the steps to his brick one-story house. Despite making more money than four average people, Judah was only one person, so he felt no need to have a large living space when he couldn't be in more than one place at once. It was comfortable for him and Roy. The property even had a garage, a basement, and a good amount of back yard.

Judah stepped out of his Yeezy 350's and soon emerged from his Addidas hoodie while walking down the short hall to his room. "Roy, where you at boy?" Judah asked and walked back in the living room. Soon Roy came up the basement stairs. Judah smiled lazily and refilled his water bowl.

Judah never gave his dog dry dog food. If he was eating good then so was Roy. Judah disregarded the left over foods from Roys bowl and grabbed a meal prep from the fridge. He placed it in the bowl and a little bit of coconut oil before placing it back down on the floor for Roy to enjoy.

Judah watched as Roy dug into his dinner. Judah turned back around to walk back to his room and closed his door since Roy always liked to jump on his bed when he was in the shower so to prevent that he closed the door.

Judah laid out grey Nike joggers and a white tee shirt. He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a new pack of Ethika boxers from his top draw. He threw them on his bed along with his lotion and deodorant. 20 minutes later he was out of the shower and rubbing Magic Johnson baby lotion all over his body including his feet.

He dressed himself before placing all of his night essentials back in their spots. Judah opened his door and on command Roy walked straight in and found his way to the bottom of his bed. Judah lifted the heavy weighted duvet blankets and slid underneath it. His breathing slowed down as almost instantly he fell asleep.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New York
Wednesday 4:19 pm.

Judah squinted his eyes while scrolling through his Twitter timeline. Every once in a while he looked up so he didn't collide with anyone. Roy stopped to sniff out a tree and that gave Judah the perfect opportunity to text Jonah back.

On top of being a music producer he and his brother also owned a 7v7 flag football team and an athletic gym. Jonah always dreamed of being a football player but was injured in his freshman year of college. By then his body wasn't the same anymore and had no other choice but to go to college for his business degree.

Jonah always tried to press his little brother about sports but they genuinely never interested Judah. His body was very well built without sports-- of course before the drugs.

He now had gained weight but it looked more like happy weight because it was mostly in his face and arms. His stomach hadn't been affected and that surprised him but if it did that wouldn't be enough to get him to stop popping pills.

Judah snapped out of his daze when he realized that he was walking up the steps to his home. He unlocked his door and stepped in taking his Wheat Timberland boots off and along with his Moose Knuckle coat off.

He heavily sighed and plopped on his couch, days like this when he tried to step back from relying on pills but it always put him in a mood because it took so much consentration and thought but that was the reason he took pills and got high was because he didn't wanna have concious thoughts or worry.

Without thinking Judah sat up and pulled the flower vase off of his coffee table. He reached in and grabbed a clear baggy full of pills. he grabbed three and juggled them in his hands.

Do you really want to?

Judah nodded his head yes at his own thought and threw them back into his mouth and swallowed them dry one by one.

He frowned immediately after he realized what he had done but knew in fifteen minutes he'd be able to escape to a serene place.

Judah wondered if Roy could smell the pills Judah took because always on command Roy hopped up on the couch and awaited for Judah to lay down and sit in silence.

Judah never had anyone over his house and his own brother didn't even have his address, for no perticular reason it just never came up.

His eye began to attach to a framed picture on his wall. Two loving parents and three young boys. Except now there was only two loving parents and two boys in reality.

Judah frowned as his eyes became heavy and he allowed them to close gently.

- Flashback, 7 years ago.

"Judah skye now don't you lie to me!" Naomi, Judah's mother spoke sternly cupping her baby boys face.

"Momma I said I don't know. Maybe you should stop trying to keep us captive in this house and maybe- Just maybe Jace would tell you were he goes," Judah unententionally ranted pulling back from his mothers hands.

Naomi leaned over the counter gripping her Ginger treases. Her shoulders violently shook as she cried. Creed, Their father walked over to console their mother and grabbed her wrist so she'd stop gripping her hair harshly.

"Son, you know we just want to make sure our boys are okay and if that means giving you guys early curfews than so be it," Creed spoke after he kissed his wife Forhead.

"We all know Jace can handle himself," Judah replied, he wasn't gonna let them downplay how he felt. Every Sunday night they woke him out of his sleep to question about his oldest brother where about's.

Judah had two brothers and they were both older than him. Jonah being the oldest and Jace being the second oldest and Judah the baby of the family.

Jace trusted his brother with his secret and Judah valued that, all he ever wanted was to be able to have the bond like his older two brothers.

Jace secretly snuck out every sunday to do illegal street boxing and MMA fighting. Their parents never let him persue his dreams of being an MMA fighter.

And by parents he meant his mother. "But that wasn't the point Juggy. What if something happens and we don't even know where he runs off too at this time of night?" Creed questioned letting go of his wife and took a couple steps to Judah.

Judah stood there unfazed since he knew his father was a sucker just like his mother.

"Dad I'm tierd, can I go to bed?" Judah asked toying his ginger shoulder length curls.

Creed sighed and pulled his son into his chest. "Yeah son, we'll continue this in the morning" Creed announced placing a kiss on his son forhead.

Judah nodded and started to walk to the stairs of their brickstone but didn't get far when his mother let out a loud wail.

"My son! My son! My Son!" His mother cried crouching down to the floor with her hands covering her face.

Judah rushed back to ask what happened but stopped once he saw Jace colasped on the floor near their front door with his hand covering his neck. Blood was everywhere and his father was attempting keep his son's eyes open.

Judah was frozen with his feet stuck to the ground and his eyes staring at nothing in perticular.

I love this book already!

‼️this story is completely fictional,
this story may not be copied, repeated, or rewritten, in any way, shape, or form.‼️
