Judah Skye Mizrahi
Mannhhattan New York
Tuesday 12:55 am
Dec 1st.

Judah rolled his eyes as he flipped through channels on Hulu live TV, Nothing but early charlie brown christmas movies, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Friday after next was available.

Judah never understood the history of Christmas nor the importance of it since Christianity wasn't a religion that he practiced. Nonetheless, December 25th was just like any other day for him and his family.

Although Jonah practiced Christianity, he and their father Creed didn't celebrate Christmas by gifting gifts instead they went around preaching in the New York streets.

He said it was "god speaking through them". When Jonah and Monet started a family they decided that they would be celebrating Christmas by gift-giving with their children. Judah would stop by on Christmas Eve to place his gifts for his niece and nephew under the tree when they were sleeping.

He avoided all interactions with Aaliyah and Corey because he was embarrassed. He didn't want them to remember him as the hyped-out uncle, instead, he wanted to be the fun uncle and the uncle they came to him when their parents said no.

Under Judah's whole facade, he wanted the white picket fence love or "The American fairytale." He wasn't sure if he was capable of it though.

Judah sighed as he escaped his thoughts and rolled over onto his stomach. He was getting hungry, which annoyed him because he knew Jonah and Monet wouldn't be okay with him popping up in the middle of the night.

Instead, he huffed as he stood up to find his keys and coat. So he could make his way to the nearest waffle house. He ignored Roy's whines as he exited his home and entered his car.

19 minutes later, Judah was entering the 24-hour open Waffle house. He was greeted by an older lady with salt and pepper-toned hair.

Judah stepped up to order his food, he tapped his phone against the scanner and took hold of his receipt.

Judah strolled over to an open booth that appeared to be freshly wiped down with dawn dish soap and bleach.

His attention slowly retreated to the door as he heard the signature wind chimes. A male who looked no younger than Judah walked in and glanced around.

He and Judah made eye contact before Judah looked away, he was weirded out. He wasn't gay and had zero intentions of giving the man that idea.

Judah unlocked his phone as he sulked into his booth further, his legs slightly swinging apart as he became very impatient and uncomfortable.

He tried to ignore the feeling of being watched but he couldn't shake the feeling. He wanted to look up and ask the Male why he was staring but didn't have the energy nor the care for it. He just felt weirded out.

"This seat taken?" A voice called out causing Judah to pause from watching Instagram reels. He looked up to the male, who had just walked in a couple of minutes ago.

Judah ignored him, looking back down hoping that he got the hint. "I'm going to take that as a no," He spoke and Judah could feel him sliding into the booth across from him.

Judah huffed getting ready to stand up. "Chill, I ain't trynna do you nun bad. You just look sad and it's the holidays, nobody should be sad near the holidays," He quickly spoke catching Judah's attention.

Judah just stared at him with a hard mug. "You talk or what?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

Judah nodded sliding his phone into his pocket, the male chuckled as he let his eyebrows back down.

"You not from here, are you?" Judah asked as he noticed he didn't have an upstate accent. Plus Northeners weren't approachable.

He shook his head no. "I'm from Atlanta," He explained making Judah nod his head. Judah's leg began to bounce now he was hungry, frustrated, and tired.

"Can I tell you something?" The male asked, Judah stared at him curiously before hesitantly nodding his head.

"You look like a Darkskin Pooter," He spoke making Judah laugh as it caught him off guard. It was true, Judah did look crazy a lot like Pooter-- the Instagram star.

"Wanna know who you look like?" Judah questioned placing his hands in his lap. The male nodded his head yes eagerly.

"You look crazy alike' like Sean Combs Jr," Judah spoke referring to the famous rapper known as King Combs or diddy's son.

"Yeah, I heard that one before," He shook his head fake disappointed. "Order for Juggy!" The women yelled making Judah spring out of his seat.

"Order for Elijahhh!" The women coiencidently called out again. Judah chuckled as he noticed that Elijah hadn't disclosed his name the whole time they spent talking and Judah hadn't noticed.

"See you' round," Judah clasped their hands together and let go with a snap after.

"When niggas say that it means to have a good life 'cause they ain't gone see you again," Elijah joked, Judah responded with a laugh.

"On some real shit. You probably won't," Judah replied.

"Ight see you later man," Elijah shook him up once more before they both headed out of the Waffle House and went their separate ways towards their cars.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New York
Wednesday 1:00 p.m.
Dec 2nd.

Judah rolled his eyes as he slipped out of Mrs. Jillian's arms. "Mama, leave that grown man alone!" Monet fussed at her mother just for her to get waved off.

Mrs. Jillian always found a way to touch Judah in any physical way and it was starting to creep him out. Judah never found himself fond over elders simpy because they were just weird.

Judah trailed to the downstairs guest room that he'd previously slept in. He walked in turning on the light and stepping out his shoes.

He neatly placed them by the closet door and found himself sulking in the warm sheets.

He knew he should have taken them off at the front door but he was just too tired and lazy. Judah felt like he had just closed his eyes when he heard small knocks.

He stood up with a sigh to open the door, It was clear that he wasn't expecting to see Monet, from the way that he mugged her precense as she stood by the door with a bucket of hair supplies.

Today Judah was supposed to be taking family Christmas pictures with Jonah and his family so that Monet could mail them to her family, friends and others.

"You're not getting in my pictures looking like this," Monet spoke reaching up to toy with his ponytail of curls.

They looked better than normal since he rubbed some curl cream through them, but gave up on detangling because it wasn't going right and his scalp was becoming tender.

"Come on because you really should be going to get a haircut with Jonah," Monet trailed them out of the guest room.

"I am my appointment at 2:15 Monet," Judah responded. "2:15?!" Monet exclaimed turning around to face Judah now visibly upset and stressed. Judah mugged her as Jonah approached them.

"Yes, 2:15 baby. We couldn't get in any earlier," Jonah replied as he snaked his arms around his wife's hips, momentarily calming her down.

"Babe the photographer is going to be here at 3:45, That's not enough time for me to get the kids dressed, and iron our clothes-- Possibly Juggys 'cause he's not getting into my picture like that. Wrinkly ass shirt," Monet ranted, she tugged on Judah's Lacoste polo that he sported along with Jonah, Eman, and Corey.

Judah flicked her off. His shirt was only wrinkly because he put it in the dryer since it was too big.

"He looks fine. He needs a chop and D' could possibly detangle his hair. She did mine pretty good last time and it didn't hurt," Jonah suggested watching as his wife's eyes lit up at the idea.

"I love you! I love you! I love you!" Monet exclaimed pulling her husband into a kiss, causing Judah to chuckle at her over joy.

Judah followed the smell of food to the kitchen and spotted both Dylan and Mrs. Jillian at the stove. Just like Monet, they both had curves in all the right places.

"You alright baby?" Mrs. Jillian questioned placing her right hand on his shoulder, Judah nodded as he turned back around to walk out the kitchen.

Out of respect for Monet, he didn't come high because he knew he'd be Juggy instead of Judah. He knew that the pictures were very important to her and he valued that.

"Juggy!" Monet screamed for him as he walked around the hallway and trailed himself into the living room.

"Take your shirt off so I can Iron it," Monet demanded, she didn't look up from her ironing board while ironing what looked to be Corey's shirt sinnce it was very miniture.

Judah complied taking his shirt off and handing it to her to iron for him. He fixed his white tee after to look right with his jeans.

"Bae get him. He running around shitty ass fuck," Jonah stressed chasing after a hysterical Corey,

"No, I'm busy! He get's it from you," Monet sternly spoke to her husband. Judah chuckled since he knew it was true. Jonah was very lactose and talorent.

Judah walked back to the guest room to grab his shoes. He was hungry now and not willing to wait until Mrs. Jillian was done cooking.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan, New York
Wednesday 2:31 pm.
Dec 2nd

"Move your head back more, please," Dylan guided his head onto her left leg as he sat in between her legs comfortably.

Judah continued watching glass bottles roll down the stairs on his phone as Dylan gently brushed through his ginger curls. He had a fresh cut and got his beard trimmed and nicely lined up, he felt good and looked even better.

He was grateful for Dylan taking into consideration that he was very tender headed and going against Monet's wishes to quickly get it done but Dylan had been going at a good pace and still managed to be gentle.

Judah had flinched only one time when Dylan's ring got stuck in his hair and she accidentally pulled it.

Judah looked up at Aaliyah for the third time as he assumed she came to ask what they were doing.

"Mommy says hurry up and the picture man is close by," Aaliyah announced and Judah was wrong.

"Go tell your mommy to shut up," Dylan jokingly spoke and Aaliyah ran off to wherever her mother was.

"I'm done," She spoke tapping his shoulder as she removed a towel from his shoulders that caught all the hair and product so it wouldn't stain his white tee.

"Thank you," Judah mumbled reaching into his front pocket. He handed Dylan a hundred-dollar bill and she happily took it with a smile.

Judah watched as Dylan fixed her strapless tube top shirt. Her boyfriend jeans hugging her waist perfectly and hung great over her YSL heels.

"Should I zip this?" Dylan's asked referring to the size zipper to her shirt. Judah pondered for a minute fully taking in the way her big curly hair paired with her outfit.

"No, leave it." Judah responded and began walking towards the light chattering in the living room where he assumed Monet was bossing everyone around.

"Oh great! Here's your shirt!" Monet proudly responded handing him his shirt. Judah unbuttoned his first two buttons so he could slip his head through without letting his slightly wet hair, stain his shirt.

Monet began positioning everyone how she wanted.

Judah stumbled back when Monet came over to slide Dylan directly in front of him.

"Juggy wrap your arm around her or something, Stop looking awkward," Monet joked. Judah rolled his eyes at her keeping her position. Monet took it upon herself to grab his arm to slide it under Dylan's and placed it on her lower hip.

She guided Dylan's hand to hold his face and she tilted Dylan's head to look up at him while Judah stared straight ahead.

"Okay okay," Monet squealed happily as she adjusted Corey in Mrs., Jillian arms.

Judah silently sulked as Dylan's thumb ever so gently rubbed his beard. "You okay?" Dylan questioned him.

Judah seemed a little off to her. He wasn't as hostile, he was relaxed and just in his own little world to sum it up.

"Yeah, you?" Judah replied finally looking down at Dylan, his staggering height allowed him to get a full 180 of her without moving around and he loved it.

Anywho. Judah wasn't too quite sure how he was supposed to respond so he responded how his brother would respond to his wife.

Dylan nodded her head yes as her thick lips spreaded further apart into a smile. Judah tuned back in when the camera man began giving instructions.

The Cameraman gave them a warning that the flash would be big before snapping multiple photos of the family.

Even though the pictures weren't important to Judah he was still glad that he showed up because the smile on his sister in laws face was worth it.

‼️this story is completely fictional,
this story may not be copied, repeated, or rewritten, in any way, shape, or form.‼️
