Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New york
Friday 7:19 pm.

Judah twisted the cap to the orange pill bottle and poured 3 unknown pills into the palm of his hand. Without thinking he tossed them into his mouth and swallowed them dry. Although there wasn't anything to be happy about, Judah still smiled at his reflection in the mirror.

The Ginger curls that crowned Judah's head were lengthy, reaching down to his mid-back. He knew that it was a shame that they have become matted and unkempt. His golden brown eyes, which used to have a delightful sparkle about them, seem to have dulled and now possess a faint red tinge, like he was on a forever high. He has neglected his once well-maintained bronze skin, and his beard had grown out months ago.

Despite any external distractions, Judah was always lost in his thoughts and impervious to interference. His stomach suddenly grumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. He reluctantly got up from his bed and retrieved his keys from his dresser.

He searched for his phone, he patted his jeans pockets and scanned the room. He realized that the only available payment option was Apple Pay since he had lost his wallet and debit card. He shook his head in frustration, but then remembered he had left his phone on the bathroom counter. He retrieved it and headed out of his room.

"Roy!" Judah shouted to his black and white Burnadoodle. Within moments, Roy came sprinting toward him at full speed. Judah then stooped down to place his harness around his body. and left his small house.

After unlocking the doors of his matte red Chrysler 300, Judah placed Roy in the passenger seat before settling into the driver's seat and backing out of his driveway.

Judah lacked cooking skills and only knew how to prepare noodles in the microwave. Additionally, his home lacked silverware and cookware. As a result, he frequently dined at fast food chains or visited his older brother's home, where his sister-in-law prepared soul food most nights. Judah made a habit of stopping by almost every day.

After driving for almost seven minutes, Judah decided to stop by his older brother Jonah's house and grab a to-go plate from his sister-in-law.

After a 28-minute drive, Judah arrived at his brother and sister-in-law's house and parked his car in the circular driveway. He entered their home without knocking and led Roy in, his comfort animal, by his side. Despite being meant for comfort, Roy was more of a friend to Judah, since he didn't have any friends besides his brother-- If that counted.

"Juggy!", his niece Aaliyah suddenly called out his family nickname name and ran towards him with all her might. While being too high to avoid her embrace, he wasn't able to dodge her. "Move, bastard." he maneuvered his legs out of her grip and muttered under his breath. A frown set on Aaliyah's face as she stood up with her lip quivering.

Judah sighed reaching into his pocket and grabbing a loose five-dollar bill, her daddy had her spoiled rotten and taught her that if she cried she was more likely to get what she wanted.

He approached the kitchen, he heard faint chatter. He entered the room and discovered his sister-in-law at the stove with an unfamiliar person that stood beside her.

Both of them had bronze skin, slim and curvy bodies, and long naturally curly hair. While one of them had her hair in a bun, the other's wild curls were well-maintained. It's safe to say that the unknown woman was truly beautiful.

Judah entered the kitchen, his sister-in-law, Monet briefly turned around to acknowledge him. "Hey Juggy, are you hungry?" she asked, setting down her phone. He felt the unfamiliar woman's eyes scanning him up and down, causing him to shield his face with a mug.

Judah often struggled with self-conscious thoughts about his appearance. While he recognized that he was, in fact, handsome, he didn't always feel that way. More often than not, he felt like he fell short of his potential. It was only when he was under the influence of pills that he could escape those negative thoughts and feel more confident in his skin, but right now those pills weren't working from her strong glare.

Judah simply nodded while avoiding the Women's stare but it was pretty hard since she had no shame in her stare. "You're doing it again," Monet whispered to the women but Judah could still hear her.

"Jonah's on his way back from picking up Corey," Monet announced while preparing Judah's plate.

Judah ignored Money with the irrelevant information he didn't ask for. Monet turned around and sat Judah's late in front of him. Before pulling the plate closer to him he pulled his phone out of his back pocket and sat it down.

"So juggy. this is my sister , Dylan this is Juggy," Money spoke up after a while of silence. Judah didn't mind the silence he loved it.

"Hi," Dylan spoke barely above a whisper with a small smile. Judah nodded his head at her.

Judah could see Dylan swiftly walking out of the kitchen as Her ass bounced with each step she took in her under-armor spandex shorts.

"Juggy! Really?" Monet slapped his arm causing him to smirk and eat a spoonful of baked maccaroni. "No harm no foul," He spoke and then laughed when Monet  popped him in his mouth.

Judah wasn't interested in pursuing women and didn't consider himself to be a lady's man. He knew that women only desired financial stability-- which it wasn't anything wrong with that he just wasn't the one. Sex, independence, and luxury items. Judah didn't care for any of that and yearned for genuine love, the kind that he didn't receive from his family.

"When are you going to let me comb this out?" Monet asked reaching over to grab his ponytail. Judah dodged her grip and shook his head no.

"Never again you always hurt me." He frowned toying with the ends of his curls. He loved his hair but always procrastinated when it came to maintaining it. "No your just a crybaby." She mugged him and walked out of the kitchen when she heard the door opening.

Moments later Jonah walked in with his son in his arms and his wife trailing behind him. "Nigga, don't you have a house?" Jonah Slicky joked while setting Corey onto the counter and grabbing his sippy cup to fill it up with juice.

"I do," Judah answered with a shrug. Before getting up, he considered himself finished with his food and grabbed another plastic plate and putting it on top. "You finna' leave?" Jonah asked noticing Judah moved around the kitchen.

Judah shrugged, he was feeling increasingly tired. He knew that if he stayed and slept over than his high would be lost and, he would be consumed by his conscious thoughts. To avoid being a burden on Jonah and his family, Judah decided to just leave.

"Yeah I'm gone head out," Judah announced not giving his brother a chance to respond before he left the kitchen quietly.

Before leaving, he found Roy and his plate of food and headed to his car. After placing Roy in the passenger seat, he settled into the driver's seat with his plate on his lap and started the car ready to head back to the comfort of his home.

Judah Skye Mizrahi
Manhattan New york
Sunday 9:28 Pm.

Judah hummed absentmindedly to himself, completely unaware of his actions as he swayed from side to side. Despite being high out of mind, he remained oblivious to the world around him. He couldn't bring himself to blink as he stared in nothing particular, his eyes became watery and soon water works fell down his face.

Judah's mind was active, but his physical body failed him. He found happiness in escaping to a serene place where no one could disturb him. But, not many were aware of Judah's struggle with his addiction to non-prescribed medication-- So who really would be bothering him? Those who only saw the surface of his life would feel sympathy for him without truly understanding his situation.

As the effects of the drugs started to fade, Judah blinked rapidly and reclined on his couch. Seeking comfort, Roy nestled under his arms to console him. While Roy was just a dog and unable to prevent Judah from taking pills, Judah preferred Roy as a friend rather than a service animal.

For five years, Judah and Roy had been following this routine that remained unchanged. Whenever Judah was overwhelmed by his emotions, Judah would consume three pills, experience a high, and eventually drift off into sleep with Roy faithfully beside him.

Before completely drifting off to sleep, Judah was abruptly awoken by a gentle buzz on his wrist. He knew it was his Apple watch reminding him to take Roy out for a walk. Judah had accidentally hit the snooze button on the initial alarm more than two hours ago. The icy winter air in New York added to his disdain for the season. Although he yearned for a warmer environment, he felt like he was a true native to his city. The idea of settling elsewhere didn't interest him.

Disregarding his thoughts, he stood up from his spot on the couch and went down the short hallway to his bedroom to retrieve his Celine coat and black Timberland boots. He paired them with his jeans and his Essential hoodie. Despite not having a haircut, he maintained an attractive appearance with a high bun.

"Let's go," Judah said with annoyance as he gestured for Roy to join him outside. Usually, Roy would be excited to go for a walk since Judah typically kept them confined to his small brick home.

Judah retrieved his phone from his coat pocket and quickly checked his notifications, most of which were random text emojis from Aaliyah on her Ipad. He dismissed her notifications and responded to messages from his employers while walking, occasionally glancing up to avoid colliding with anyone.

Judah was a music producer, and always placed his work at the top of his priorities. This ensured that his personal life never infringed on his professional responsibilities. Despite dedicating himself wholeheartedly to his dream job, he frequently sacrificed personal time to fulfill work obligations. Moreover, as he harbored ambitions of establishing his own record label, he knew his goal would require even more time and energy. Time was a luxury that Judah neither possessed nor tolerated.

Judah looked up briefly and continued his way, accompanied by Roy.

Roy walked alongside him with just a harness to comply with the law. Judah trusted that Roy would always stay close by his side, so he never needed to leash him.

Judah quickly regained his focus when he heard his phone ringing and promptly retrieved it from his pocket. Instead of receiving text messages filled with random emojis from Aaliyah, it was Jonah that was calling him. With hesitation, Judah answered the call and placed the phone against his ear.

"Wassup?" His voice sounded raspier than anticipated."Why haven't you been replying to my baby's texts?" Jonah queried while chuckling. Judah smacked his lips and joined in the laughter.

"How the fuck am I supposed to respond to emojis-- random ones at that?" Judah asked crossing the street with Roy. "Send some back duh, Juggy," Aaliyah spoke in an obvious tone. "I gotcha next time," Judah replied, lying straight through his flawless teeth.

"Right! or my Daddy's gonna beat yo' ass," Aaliyah said in response, Judah couldn't contain his laughter. He recognized that beneath Aaliyah's facade of being a spoiled brat around her mother, she shared the same traits as her father and uncle.

"Chill out foe' I tell yo' moms." Jonah teased his daughter. "Omg Daddy you're so fake and you just wanna end my life by telling Mommy. You wouldn't do that Corey!" Aaliyah exclaimed dramatically.

Judah laughed hysterically. "You coming over for Sunday dinner?" Jonah asked ignoring his daughter as she fussed. Judah shrugged but realized Jonah couldn't see him.

"Ion know, maybe. Who's all over there?" Judah questioned stopping as Roy peed.

"Monet mom, sister, and Eman," Jonah answered. Judah nodded and approved of the people at his brother's shared house for sunday dinner.

"I'll swing by," Judah said, before hanging up. His hand became numb from the freezing cold air. Throughout the rest of his trip home, Judah bobbed his head moderately to Lil Baby's album. If music were no longer available to the world, he wouldn't know what to do.

If that ever happened, he'd be forced to actually listen to his own thoughts, and that would be a really scary prospect.

He couldn't help but think of how difficult life would be without music. He enjoyed using it as an escape, and it was a constant source of solace and comfort. He shuddered at the thought of having to face his own thoughts without any distractions.

Sooner rather than later Judah walked into his house and bee-lined straight to his bedroom to prepare himself for another shower. Showers allowed him to calm down when he wasn't off pills. Showers were a form of self-care for Judah, as the warm water and steam helped him relax and clear his mind. He would often take a shower when he felt overwhelmed or anxious, as it was a way of calming himself without the need for medication.

Judah emerged from the shower 30 minutes later with his towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his long torso.

His father was an NBA prospect while standing at 6'8, Judah's mother was not but she was still quite tall at 5'8. As a result, Judah and Jonah were also very tall. Judah stood 6'5 alone without shoes and often he forgets how tall he is.

Judah never minded his stare in the mirror and rubbed Magic Johnson baby lotion all along his body. He then walked into his bedroom where he had previously laid his clothes out on his bed. He pulled on his Calvin Klein boxers, his red Polo jogging suit along with the matching jacket, Judah didn't forget his plain white tee underneath.

He wandered back into his closet while deciding what shoes to wear. Soon after leaving his closet with his black New balance 2002r, he walked out of his closet the along with his Nike socks, he placed his shoes on his feet and laced them how he preferred. He looked in the mirror last before he adjusted his hair out of his low bun and left his room.

"I'll be back in 3 hours tops," Judah spoke as soon as Roy trailed behind him.

Before leaving his house, he grabbed his Celine coat from the couch and his keys from the hook by the door. After he got in his car and started it, he turned on his heat to stay warm. After unzipping his coat so he wouldn't get too hot, he drove over to his brother's house. Since he visited so much, he knew the route already and the quickest ways to get there.

Twenty-eight minutes later Judah pulled into the circular driveway of his brothers' shared home. He noticed a couple of unfamiliar cars parked nearby, but continued his way inside of the house without knocking. Jonah and his family lived in a heavily gated community, so there was no reason to lock their doors.

"Oh my baby! How have you been handsome?" Jillian, Monet's mother asked, pulling Judah into an unexpected hug. Ms. Jillian was cool but she was really touchy and Judah didn't like that.

"I've been fine." He answered as he tried to wiggle out of the hug, but he could tell she was not planning to let him go anytime soon. Eventually, she released him and he gave a relieved sigh.

"It's nice to see you again." Judah lied with a convincing smile. Ms. Jillian smiled and ruffled his hair. She was always a little too affectionate with him, but he could tell she meant well. Judah felt a little awkward but managed to keep the smile on his face.

"Momma, Monet wants you in the kitchen." Dylan came from around the corner. Judah was surprised at the sight of her. She no longer had her curly hair in a messy bun instead it was in a half-up, half-down style with light baby hairs'. Her hips poked out of the denim skirt she wore along with a white button-up shirt and Chicago Bulls crew neck over it. On her feet were a pair of Givenchy shark boots. She looked pretty and foreign.

She didn't look up at him. Instead, Judah watched her walk down the long hallway leading to the living room where Judah assumed everyone else was. Judah gradually followed her. He watched as she sat next to Eman while Judah sat on the loveseat by himself.

"What's good?" Jonah questioned taking a seat beside him with Corey in his lap. "Same shit," Judah responded in a casual tone.

Judah felt warm soft and tiny hands touching his face, being taken a bit back at the random affection he snapped his head only for his face to soften at the sight of his nephew reaching for him.

Judah loved his Niece and Nephew but the medicated Juggy was different from sober Judah. "Ion know why my kids like yo' mean ass," Jonah playfully spoke setting Corey down on his feet and eventually he ran off to where ever.

"Guys, dinner is almost done so in the meantime let's play some family games!" Monet exclaimed as she stepped into the living room with a brown box of board games.

Judah continued to tune them out as he caught eyes over at Dylan. She was so interesting, he couldn't recall seeing her before and he had only heard her talk a couple of times. Judah was used to people who were more expressive and cheerful not sad and chill. Her introverted trait only made him wonder more about her. He liked calm people.

He became bored with just sitting on the couch while everyone engaged in the open conversation and board games.

Often Judah felt out of place like he was on the wrong planet. He didn't engage with people the same way others did or he found it hard to pick up on social cues since socializing had become even less of a necessity to him.

He stood up and hiked his pants up along with him and left the living room without a word. He was just here for the food but didn't want them to know that so he got dressed to at least look a little normal and not out of place.

Smaller footsteps could be heard behind him while he trailed outside to the backyard. A presence was near him and they sat down next to him.

Finally, after a long silence, Judah looked over to see Aaliyah already staring at him, unsure why she was so silent and staring at him, Judah was the first to look away.

"You're strange," He muttered zipping his coat back up since the wind began to pick up. Aaliyah broke her fascaed as she chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Mommy say's everyone is strange in their own way," She responded. "So you're strange too," Aaliyah added as she placed her tiny hands in her cardigan sweater.

Judah didn't respond as he stared out into the empty pool, It didn't have water in it but he just stared because it felt to good to look away.

"Baby? What are you doing out here?" Monet yelled from the side door holding a pair of oven mittens. Aaliyah pointed twoards Judah and stood up from her spot next to Judah's. She ran back towards the house and eventually made it safely back in with her mother.

Once again Judah was left alone to sulk in his thoughts. Out of respect Judah didn't come high but he was starting to dread his decision.

‼️this story is completely fictional,
this story may not be copied, repeated, or rewritten, in any way, shape, or form.‼️
