chapter 9

Sara still couldn't get over Barry death him saying give them hell team never saw Sara cry so bad even trying sleep but she sees Barry so she got up from basement and went outside she took the watch "gideon how are we suppose to get star labs" Sara said "I believe this message will help".

Hey Sara

Reason I'm recording this is because some thing inside me feels something going to  happen someone going die and hope I'm wrong but it's thawne he will try kill someone I care I wish it's not you but what I'm about to say is gideon will send you coordinates to place I stayed I have made some weapons for you and there pair of gloves can freeze thawne also I have small head gear for you and team while I was looking for all of you I was busy same time nate can turn back to steel and I have ray suit and amaya totume and as long use head gear firestorm can well merge I love you Sara hope you come back to me but your team is strong to fully give up even Mick despite what he think he has friends better family he never knew he needed snart that sacrifice was better trust me before he became back from past not person we met.

I love you Sara lance always will

She cried  then she felt arms around her to see it was  amaya "you doing ok" "just trying be strong" "we will get him back sara" Sara nodded "we should go to star labs soon get rip" amaya said "first we need go to were Barry live gideon give me coordinate Barry place" "right away captain lance"  gideon told Sara address for Barry place she went back and woke rest team up they headed to Barry place and saw what was there they all took what Barry left and felt glad have powers back or suits.

They enter star labs and saw waverider they took it and they left before anyone sees and went to an open field Ray use his atom suit to make wave rider back to normal size door open see rip they enter they went straight to Bridge "where Barry" rip said "thawne killed him" Sara said cold "what the plan" "get the spear be cause they destroy it so go back in time and stop everything from happening" Sara said going to captain seat "sara this can be dangerous" "it already is and I'm not letting my baby not have father" rip was shocked "wow sorry" "gideon set course for France 1916 again" "right away captain" "if we are need try avoid our other selves aswell" rip said

Team arrives in France and Ray manages to locate the blood Thawne knew of their plan and speeds in and takes the blood vial destroying it. He also rips out Ray's heart killing him Sara saw it all and angered with grief she tries to go after Thawne but Rip talks her out of it but Sara remembers rip isn't actually dead his past is still alive so Coming up with a new plan as part of the past Legends head to the cathedral Mick Nate and rip attempt to infiltrate the past waverider and acquire the Spear of Destiny so they can fix reality for themselves.

Once future legends and past legend meet they see that future Barry and Ray isn't there future sara sees past Barry and hugged him she doesn't care about timeline Barry chuckles hugs back "every thing will work out lance" he said she smiled still hopeful in him knowing he died "future me stop hugging my barry" past  Sara says future sara nodded they all went to stop legion of doom.

Time skip (sorry)
Both past and future legends stop legion of doom Barry defeated thawne now he knows Sara expecting he couldn't be happier after months being with legends made him better they all went rip left waverider he thank the team and Barry getting him back the start to celebrate for stopping legion of doom and now Sara being pregnant  at the end Barry had to go back to central city he was in Sara room she lying head at his neck leaving kisses "I'm glad future me change time because j can't bare lose you Barry I love you so so much rephrase that we love you" she said putting her hand on her stomach "can't wait but whatever you need me I'll be there for you and this one name it" Barry smiled  kissing her lips then went to stomach kissed it "you are going be love" he took Sara arms in his cuddle for the night no more bad people to harm them.
