chapter 14

Barry and sara enter with Natalie in pram "morning everyone" barry said they smile "morning barry morning sara" said caitlin smiling barry went to pram he took natalie out hlolding her "joe would you like to babysit  Natalie tonight me and sara having date before  she goes back on waverider" they looked shocked "what about natalie and barry" said cisco "its ok we sort it out" Barry kissed  sara head she smile "ok sorry just had to ask" "its ok cisco i understand but we talk about it before i do anything" they nodded.

Barry and sara was in lounge changing natalie "i should really phone santana let her know im back and ok" he said she smile "yes before she hurt you" barry chuckle and nod "thank you sara" he said she looked at him "for what" he smile "for being amazing girlfriend giving me a daughter and loving me flashpoint letting me stay with you in time ship helping you" he looked natalie kissed her head she giggle "barry would you like to live in ship have her with us" sara said "maybe have my family with me so yes but after tonight as surprise" he smirked she kissed his cheek "i love you Bartholomew" he glared at her she laugh she lift Natalie in her arms "she has your eyes sara" she smile "lets go back to cortex" he said.

When they got back they saw olover and felicity "hey guys" barry said oliver and felicity hugged him "geez guys to rough since when did oliver give hug" barry said laughing "dont asked" he said serious "hey oliver can i talk to you for minute" barry asked he nodded barry kissed sara lips and took hold of natalie kissed her forehead "be good" he ticker her stomach she giggle ge hand her back to sara she smile.

Barry went to jittles with oliver "so oliver reason i asked is that you known sara long and hope we ok because im with her but thing is I'm going ask her marry me tonight i want you know" he asked looking at oliver seeing if he jealous or angry but nothing "you think i still love sara no i dont yes i care for her and even if i havent seen much due  to time travel but i know she loves you i see it and you love her i see it plus im with felicity and reason here to invite you all but wont happen till two months time" barry nodded  barry took box out showed him ring

Oliver smile "she will love it" barry smile "sorry had to ask about all because i love her and your my brother and i dont want things complicated" oliver nodded "it wont barry sara would sometime stay in star city at her dad and she missed you so much" barry chuckle "we should go back" barry said oliver just nod and stood up.

They enter star labs see natalie on caitlin lap "hey guys" barry said "hey barry" sara said going over kissed his lips "how is my sweet girl did she cry" barry asked walking over to caitlin to lift natalie up to his arms "hey" he kissed  her head "aren't you adorable" he said she made face barry knew he smell her back-end known she poo "yep that not going clear my nose" he said laughing joe saw how happy barry was "ill take her" sara said "ill go home make a bag for her tonight she stay with joe" she nodded "why what happening" felicity said "o me amd sara going on date" barry saw sara smile.
Barry went home to pack bag of natalie clothes and bottle of milk nappies and toy he went back to star labs.

Time skip
Barry and sara was in loft barry decorated the place he had lights dim wine dinner he was in table "sara lance you are light in my dark and just like santana blaine i owe you my life  i love you so much" he then took out guitar and start to play and sang
You and me by lifehouse

After  he played guitar sara had tears he had a bit he went on one knee and took out box "i know this might be quick and i know you probably heard but i love you so much sara lance will you marry me" she nod and went on her knees and kissed him "yes" he put the  ring on "i love it" he hugged  her "i did had to asked if he had any feelings i didnt want conflict between me and him he cares for you" she laughed kissed him "your all i need and natalie" "we get her tomorrow" he said she nodded kissed him led to bedroom.
