Chapter 23

Time Skip 2 months later

Sara and Barry Planned everything Barry was going back to Central to send invites out it was 4 in the morning when Natalie cried "Babe can you" Sara asked sleepily "yeah honey I got it you go back to sleep" he kissed Sara's nose she smiles and he put the cover over her and went and got Natalie "hey princess" he whisper she was still Crying "I know what might help" he said and then he start to sing 

Barry sang still whispering she fell asleep and went back to bed once he lied on his back he felt arms around his waist a head on his chest"great singing babe" she said he kissed her head "imagine our little girl is 4 months old" he said she kissed his chest "yea now shush sleep" she said which he then did.

After breakfast Sara took Barry back to central city "well honey I will see you soon" he said and grab her waist and kissed her lips and then went hug his daughter "my beautiful girl look after mommy" he said kiss her head Natalie just smiled "bye Barry" Sara told him kiss his lips and then entered the pod to go back to Waverider Barry speed of to star labs "hello everyone" he said "Barry" said Cisco they hugged Caitlin then came over "where is Iris Wally Joe" he asked "Iris has her own business of online Joe at work and wally visiting Jesse" Said Cisco "so you had no one to help you two" Barry began to feel bad "Barry don't be feeling bad" said Caitlin he sigh "came here to give you these I have places to be star city Lima and then earth 38" he said they open the cards for the people "wow these are amazing design" Caitlin said "thanks more we know who coming the better have a pay for venue for after wedding" he said just then alarm went off "your probably busy" started Cisco "I am in trio back for mission who would I be joining vibe or Frost" he said "I will help" said Frost just changing from Caitlin "sup Frost" Barry smiled "speedster" she said with smile too.

The two heroes went in the field fighting robbers "nice moves flash" said Frost he smirked and wink both let cops take them away then "I will be back going to ohio" he said they nodded and speed away again.

Barry speed getting Santana and Blaine from the choir room to auditorium "What the hell" said Santana then saw a smirking Barry "sorry J Lo" he said chuckle "Sebastian" she whined "hello" he went over and hug her then Blaine "what you doing here is Sara ok or my niece" Santana asked "yes in all their fine great but here send this to you two you can bring Kurt and Brittney but also Santana would you like to sing songs for my wedding too might get Kara too and you too Blaine but I am sorry no Lady hummel can sing he not the best" he smirked "true" said Santana Barry laughed "fine but we would love to come" Blaine told Barry "same here Barry and I would love to sing if you have a list send it to me I will see what I can do" she said he nodded "I would love to stay but more places to be so come on give old enemy hug" he said they did "Barry" he heard turned see Rachel "Santana told you about my past" he asked she nodded "well maybe next time we catch up but again places to be also don't freak out Santana Blaine go near her" Barry said "why would I freak out" Rachel asked then BArry speed away her mouth dropped "we tell you how he got that and what been happen since he had powers" said Blaine.

Barry went into Star City into the arrow cave and Oliver Diggle Thea Dinah Laurel from earth 2 felicity "barry" said Felicity he smiled and went hug her Thea came hugged "hey barry what going on where Sara and Natalie" said Oliver "just here to send these for you our wedding invite" he said "ok" Oliver said he sees Laurel lance "are you" he asked then looked at Oliver "she from earth two" he then looked at Laurel "why is she doing here and does Sara know" he said "why you not like her" said dinah "she used to work for zoom and who zoom is zoom is the one killed my dad maybe two years but you never forget that but you hurt them I will come back and hurt you there is part of me you don't want mess with" he said to her scaring them a bit "woah barry we ok and no Sara doesn't know" said Felicity he nod "I am sorry for what I done i know that now" E-2 laurel said he nodded "here are wedding invites please sign so we know who going went to star labs Ohio you now to Kara earth short trip goodbye and sorry for what about to come" he said and speed away making paper fall "I need get paper weighs" said Felicity.

Barry ran fast to go to earth 38 and once he hit right mach he open breach and went through he landed in deo guns aim on him "easy I'm a friend" Barry said "Barry" said Kara coming in and hugging him "hey Kara" barry said "how you Sara and baby Natalie" she asked "we all good and you how is Marley rose" he smirked she laugh "yes and no fine" he looked at her "what guy should I hurt" he asked she smiled just then Alex Jonn and winn came over "Barry Allen" said Winn "hey winn I'm not staying long just speeding all day haven't done that long been to my old city then Ohio then star city and now here" he said "why running a lot and who are you" said Alex "Barry Allen I'm guessing your Kara sister Alex" he said hand out she nodded and shake back "why are you here Barry" said Kara "send you invite to me and Sara wedding planning for while also we need talk separate also I have one for you winn you can bring someone first time I was here when you two away I rather you winn than james your like Cisco if go you can see more alike fun guy be around" winn made move touch his heart "aw thanks man" barry put knuckle out "bro" he said Kara laughed winn knuckle touch Barry "sorry short visit but Kara let race" he said she nodded "bye Barry" said Winn "Winn Kara sister director Jones" he smirked "I never told you my name" said jonn "I'm smart" he said then Kara and barry speed out.

They at mountains where they first met after years apart "what you wanna talk about" she asked "I asked Santana if she can sing so did Blaine kinda had to he was standing but I said to Sara more aiming for her and you but yeah I want you to sing for me and Sara wedding" he asked "I would love to tell Sara same" she said he nodded both hug and he left again he was back in central only say goodbye and he text Sara to meet and she did in hanger.

"How you get on" she asked he kissed her "tired haven't run that long I need sleep baby" he said she smiled "well I asked amaya to look after natalie tonight in her room so I can give my fiance a massage" she said he nodded "how is everybody" she asked he sighed and tells her everything.
