chapter 1

Barry just did flashpoint and he told his team what changed lot of them hated him Barry was sitting seat in star labs hanger after they defeated aliens with help of Kara team arrow and legends Barry never told anyone but he was married to Sara lance known white canary but she doesn't know either Kara went on stage "I think singing can help someone so Mr Allen come on up" Barry look at Kara then everyone looked at Barry "you can sing Barry" said felicity "old life" he said walking up stage.

Life's too short to even care at all oh
I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control
These fishes in the sea they're staring at me oh oh oh oh oh oh
A wet world aches for a beat of a drum, oh

If I could find a way to see this straight, I'd run away
To some fortune that I, I should have found by now
I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down, come down

Life's too short to even care at all oh
I'm coming up now coming up now out of the blue oh
These zombies in the park they're looking for my heart oh oh oh oh
A dark world aches for a splash of the sun oh oh

If I could find a way to see this straight, I'd run away
To some fortune that I, I should have found by now

And so I run to the things they said could restore me
Restore life the way it should be
I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down

Life's too short to even care at all oh
I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control
If I could find a way to see this straight, I'd run away
To some fortune that I, I should have found by now

And so I run to the things they said could restore me
Restore life the way it should be
I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down

One more spoon of cough syrup now whoa
One more spoon of cough syrup now whoa

Barry stop singing and got of the stage and walked beside Kara everyone clapped "that was amazing" said felicity "it was crap" said iris "listen Iris Barry did mistake stop being bitch" said Sara shocking  them and Barry but inside "why did he do flashpoint we could be there but Barry your selfish" Caitlin said Barry closed his eyes and clenched his fist "you wanna know because I'm selfish after all everything been my fault stupid future me couldn't save my mom if I died everyone fucking life be better i wouldn't had get bullied I wouldn't move my uncle would abused me I wouldn't been rape by my ex boyfriend I wouldn't be bi I would try be sucide I wouldn't watch zoom kill my dad or people you love and care because of me and I wouldn't watch thawne kill my wife and our daughter in flashpoint just to get me back home so I'm sorry everyone I'm burden I should off and myself but I should of knowing I don't deserve be happy so I'm done" Barry said and speed out.

Caitlin and Joe now felt bad but rest of team flash didn't care Kara looked at them "let me get him" she said and flew out and found Barry in his room taking tablets she speed him to bathroom telling him be sick which he does "you sound like hunter telling me because he would say I look fat" she hold him his head on her shoulder  "let's go back ok" he nodded they got up and speed back to hanger "Barry" Oliver said "I didn't mean for all that to reveil I understand if you feel uncomfortable to talk or see me I get it" Barry said looking to ground some felt wave sadness "Barry may I talk to you" Sara said he nodded they walked to waverider.

"Barry I asked the team about bringing you in here because I know team flash won't care but we do you don't need do mission but we I will help you so what you say" "thank you I might take that up if it's ok with you I need be away from them" he said looking at her eyes they walked out to see faces on him with knowing looks felicity hugged him Oliver hugged him too which surprised him "take care Barry" Barry nodded and said "I'm going pack" Barry Speed out Sara never told anyone real reason.

Barry came back with bag and another one not letting anyone see  what it in it Barry hugged Barry "Sebastian you take it easy be safe" she said "thanks Marley see you soon not another alien or earth crisis but fun" "can't wait" Barry said goodbye to Oliver felicity Barry looked at team flash Joe and Caitlin look sad Barry sighed and Jax took Barry to wave rider Sara went to Oliver and felicity "dont worry i will help him unlike his team" Sara said and glared at them she left to visit Barry.
