chapter 8

Week after Barry came back to waverider it went to chaos Mick betrayed legends and join legion of doom as thawne went back in time to take Leonard snart aka captain cold now reality is change because of spear of destiny and everyone is separate rip and waverider is away no one knows where it is Sara and amaya is killer's for hire for Damien and Malcolm Mick helps Leonard Barry in the other hand knew everything.

Barry were actually in his own place trying find them he actually made himself mobile gideon for his ear he been tracking since then he found Ray in small basement "Ray palmer" he looked at Barry "who are you and what you want" "name Barry and reality in trouble you are genius and I need your help" say look at him confused "I'm not a genius" he said Barry scoffed and notice gun "what's this" "memory gun" Barry shot it at ray then once Barry stop ray saw Barry " thank you" "actually thank yourself now get rest" just then Mick and nate came in "mate Ray said Barry shot nate he remember then both Ray and nate bro hugged.

They talked away what been happening then door got kicked down they saw Sara and amaya dresses in leather jacket trousers and top

"Im not going lie I'm really turn on right now" Barry said he smirked Sara smiled just then they start to fight Barry and Sara fought Mick knocked amaya out Ray shot amaya "Sara listen this isn't real your working with a man that killed your sister listen to my voice Sara lance white canary legend" Barry said he was close to her he knocked her weapons off he kissed her hold her waist she felt relax in the kissed she saw memories of flashpoint and legends team arrow flash Kara her sister feeling happy she put arms around his neck and kiss back she open her mouth letting him put his tongue in her mouth then coughs came they broke apart "what was that" nate said "don't have time" said Barry.

They went to nate place which was his mother's basement "cosy" Barry said and smirked "how we suppose to get Jax and Stein" Sara said "Ray you worked there as a janitor is there any guards" "Yes one near door" "right amaya and Sara you go back to Damien and Malcolm and snart I come in incase trouble I can vibrate very fast turn myself invisible even while walking just say they got away make up some shite Mick Ray and nate will go to jax and Stein bring gun make sure no witness" "Mick stays here" said Sara "yeah he betrayed  us" Ray said "yet he took nate here becaise he knows he messed up like we all do this isn't the reality we want and if we want go back we have to work together or I will go lima heights on you and you don't want that" they nodded Sara took Barry hand over her waist and kissed him "let's go Allen" amaya Sara left Barry was with them Mick Ray and nate went to get firestorm.

Sara and amaya went back pretending to be nice to them but Damien felt something off "Sara come here" Sara walked over like ready to kill "What trophy us your favourite you got the flash Mr queen so many" "that's like asking what my favourite pair of shoes" Damien laughed "my favourite was name the black canary I will never forget her" he then turn to see Sara "it was so delicious killing her they told me i done it  before I can't even imagine getting old" just then Sara punch him but Damien had his powers "if I was going get reality I would want my powers" Sara nose start to bleed "I wouldn't do that" they hear voice Barry speed taking cold gun knocking Malcolm out then lighting at damien "where is thawne" "a speedster" Barry speed Sara and amaya to other half of star labs.

They met Ray Mick nate who brought back jax and Stein memories back men surround them Sara sees spear of destiny Damien Malcolm and snart came fighting them Barry knocked out the men with guns then red lightning came pinning Barry "still here I see Barry you can't win never can" Barry smirked not noticing cold gun he shot it at thawne "legends get do what you do best and save reality" Barry said Mick hand spear to amaya and start speaking in Arabic thawne got up and throw amaya to wall and grab the spear and put it in pit where is destroyed "noooo" said Barry he shot cold gun at thawne but he got out of the way and knocked gun out of Barry hand "say hello to Nora for me" thawne stab Barry in stomach right through "no Caitlin snow to heal you anymore" "you will lose thawne" Barry said then thawne speed off Sara went to him "Barry" she had tears Barry fell to ground holding his stomach.

Sara kissed him "thank you Barry for loving me both here and flashpoint" "what not to love" Barry smirked holding her hair with hand that had no blood "thank you loving someone who was broken and you fix don't lose sight past present laurel would be proud of you like I am lance Allen sorry can't make that Happen" he looked at team "look after sara" they nodded "give them hell" he died then Sara got angry and start fighting them with Mick nate firestorm and amaya and Ray "he was weak no more flash" snart said Mick used his heat gun and hit snart rest of legion doom left nate took them back to basement.

"There has to be way get spear back and barry" said Ray "there is we time travel" "Sara no we all know what happen look what he did with flashpoint" Sara had tears "I don't care Jax we need reset reality bring man I love back we were married in flashpoint I have memories we need find rip or waverider please guys we need Barry" Sara said holding her stomach eyes widen "Sara your pregnant" "yes wasn't plan but we need him" they nodded " any ideas where find rip" just then watch Barry had on Sara took gideon showed up "captain lance rip is in star labs cortex  in waverider they shrinked the ship" "I believe we know now" Sara said
