Not an update, exciting news for upcoming writers and my thanks!

Hey guys! So I know I update every Saturday but I am really busy. I'm having a party on the 10th and I have to prepare for it and I'm a huge procrastinator. Sorry guys but I will update either next Saturday or the Saturday after that. I hope you all can forgive me. Thanks!

There is a contest out there for promoting stories for upcoming writers who don't get the recognition they deserve. (DawnStarling) moderates this contest and she wants upcoming writers to get the recognition they deserve. It's not complicated at all to join and just read her book on the contest it has all the contest details. Join if you want recognition and remember the sooner you join the sooner you get recognized.

Also I want to thank you all for the 500+ reads this book obtained. This was my goal and it was all thanks to you guys I reached it. I teared up a bit I must say. My first book ever and I feel great about it. Best Birthday Gift Ever :)

Keep Reading!!
