Chapter 7 - Cold Pancakes

I wake to the buzzing sound of the stupid alarm clock. I hate that thing but it always manages to wake me up. I look at my phone January 8. I attempt to get up but I feel stuck I can't get up.I use all my energy to sweep my feet over and plant them on the floor. A shiver is sent up my leg the floor is so cold I squint my eyes and I see in the corner my slippers. I start to walk over to them and when I move my leg hurt. I remembered the fight so I lifted my pant leg and I saw a big purple bruise. I muttered some curse words and walked like someone who had something shoved up their butt. I slipped my slippers on and felt the relief sweep over me. Its thursday and I don't have to go to school because of the fight. Mom phoned the school telling them how I couldn't go. A flipping four-day weekend. Why am I up so early then? I can't go back to sleep because once I'm up there is no way I can go back to sleep unless there is some music playing. Classical music is the best for falling asleep in my opinion. I don't care for sleeping anymore so I don't bother finding Mozart or Bach instead I change into sweats and an over sized hoodie. I like wearing these on weekends because that's when I don't care about what I wear because I will be home watching YouTube videos like crazy. I brush my teeth and put my hair in a braid and walk downstairs slowly using only one hand to hold the railing and using one foot to walk isn't easy. Balance is hard when your right hand is useless and your left leg refuses to be touched by anything. It takes about five minutes for me to get downstairs which should usually take me ten seconds. I limp over to the table and see my mom and dad cooking pancakes. I smile and come from behind them and wrap my arms around their necks wincing at the pain in my hand and my left leg having to tiptoe.

"How are my wonderful parents this fine morning?" I manage to say as I lower myself slowly and back up some.

"Morning Sarah" dad says facing away from me still cooking pancakes.

"Morning Sarah why are you up so early, you know you don't have to go to school today" Mom looks at me confused.

"I know just wanted to get up early." I look at her making a small smile.

"Sarah we were just discussing your punishment" my dad says turning around. I frown


"Yes, we will talk about it over pancakes" my dad says as he grabs a plate of steaming blackberry pancakes my favorite. I basically limp over to the cabinets and grab the plates and utensils and set the table like I always have to do when we eat together. I sit down and just watch as my parents put the pancakes down and get butter and syrup on the table. They sit down and we all get our share of pancakes. After I grab the pancakes I just look at my dad staring at me.

"Sarah Rose Brooks" He says and I wince. When he says my full name I know I am in trouble.

"Look at yourself, broken hand, bruised leg, cut forehead, and who knows what else. You just like putting yourself out there don't you? Your punishment is-"

It was set in stone I was to go every wednesday afternoon and sunday morning to the school and do campus clean- up for four weeks. My dad was very good friends with the principal, Apparently they went to the same high school together which I think is creepy especially when my dad invites him over for whatever major sports is on tv. Mr.Sanchez always manages to find me in the hallways and always says he can't wait for this weekend. That's why I am the coolest person at my school. I didn't even look at my mom and I gave my dad the death stare for two seconds. After hearing my sentence I didn't even look at the pancakes before me, I just got up and limped to my room. I just fell on my bed with my arms and legs spread like a starfish, looking up at the ceiling. I always looked at my ceiling when I was upset or mad the glow in the dark stars always made me feel better. I remember my grandmother saying "The stars will always be there for you," and that's true they are always up in the sky and will stay there forever. I smile remembering my grandmothers words and that's when sleep took me.

I wake up to hair that needs to be tamed and a tray of pancakes on the night stand with a message. You should eat - xoxo mom. I simper knowing mom is always the one who tries to make the best of my punishment as possible. I eat my pancakes fast because I was really hungry. Then I brush my teeth and lay in my bed. I get my phone and look at the notifications.

Jason - Good Morning will miss yah at school!

Jason - Bored in Mr. Peter's class -.-

Jason - Sarah?

Jason - SARAH!!!

Jason - HELLO!!!!

Sarah - Hey sorry was asleep

Jason - Oh :P

Sarah - ...

Jason - Whats up

Sarah - Got my death sentence this morning i:

Jason - O.o What is your punishment?

Sarah - I have to do campus clean up for 4 weeks on wed afternoons and sun mornings -.-

Jason - Seriously??

Sarah - No I just decided to make that up for no reason i:

Jason - Hardy Har Har well that punishment is gruesome

Sarah - Yes I know its horrible

Sarah - Jason?

Sarah - Ha Ha Peters stole your phone tml
