Chapter 5 - Samantha Brewer

I walk out, closed the door and I saw Jason walking out as well. He wears a red beanie with a grey hoodie and sweats. I am wearing a dark blue jacket and jeans with a white v-neck. I hand him one in a half pancakes and a bottle of orange juice knowing he slept in and the sweats confirmed it.

“How did you sleep last night Jason?” I say laughing softly.

“Horrible, I stayed up until like three in the morning trying to finish my essay for economics” Jason says biting into the pancake.

“I told you should have taken those notes Mr. Brown wrote out.” I say taking a drink of orange juice

“Yea well I was doing something else and remind me to tell your mom that these pancakes are excellent” taking another bite of the pancake.

“You could of asked to borrow my notes and I will for sure remember that” I say biting into a pancake.

“I was on the way home but you didn’t walk with me and I forgot again” Taking a drink of orange juice.

“What day is it?” I say finishing off my pancake.

“January 7th why?” Jason says finishing his pancake off along with his orange juice.

“Just wondering” I say finishing my orange juice.

“Almost to the school now I can see it” Jason says pointing at the building ahead.

“Great I have to go to calculus again” I say and look at Jason because I can see that he is grinning.

“Why are you grinning?”

“You’re going to calculus so that means you will see your knight in shining armor” He says laughing softly.

“I don’t know why you keep thinking of him as my lover”

“Because he is anyways I have to go”

“Ok Jason cya at lunch” I call out to him as he scurries towards the school. I laugh and take my phone out. 7:45 I bite my lip and walk across the street, I can't be late for calculus. I walk to school and I see her. Samantha Brewer, I absolutely hate her. She always finds a way to make me feel miserable. Once when I was turning in a project and this was no ordinary project I put my blood and sweat into this one she goes ahead and smears her lipstick all over it. It's not like that was an easy clean up it went all over the page. I complained to the teacher but of course not the teacher decides to take Samantha’s side. She tells the teacher that I smeared the make up on my paper myself and blamed her. I told the teacher why would I do that but that was no match for Samantha’s fake tears. Saying I am bullying her and such so I got a warning. I could not take it and I got a B- on my paper that so deserved an A+ it's all because of that lipstick, and that clown got a pity A+. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists as I walked past her remembering what she did. I am surprised she hasn’t done anything else to me. As I am walking past her she puts her leg in front of mine and I trip falling to the ground. I laid there for a bit gathering what just happened. I had it with this monster I get up, drop my backpack on the floor and punch her in the face. She recoils and then hits me in the stomach tears forming in my eyes. I punch her in the face again hitting her nose hearing her nose break makes me smirk. She is tearing up with blood on her face and she kicks my shin. I fall down again holding my shin and she kicks me in the forehead. I fall back and I get up quickly, jumping on her and put my hands around her throat ready to choke her. That's when I hear Edward and Jason yelling my name suddenly I feel someone grabbing me pulling me away from Samantha and I see Edward pulling Samantha up.  I try to get free so I can hit her again but Jason shouts,

“No more Sarah” I look at Samantha and I scowl at her and she scowls back but then puts an innocent face on. I look around and there is a group of students looking at us. Jason pulls me back and Samantha turns around, looks at Edward and cries into his arms wow I have seen better fake cries.

“Did you see what she did to me?” Samantha says pointing me out to Edward tears running down her face.

“She hit me for no reason and she messed up my face.”  She says holding her nose

“Like it wasn’t even messed up before, I just gave you a free facelift and I have seen my cousin fake cry better than you and she is two” I say shouting at her trying and to escape Jason’s hands so I can give her a fistful.

“Edward please save me from her she is going to hurt me” She says trying to back up pointing at me.

“Oh please like you haven’t seen it coming for you always getting your way, you ruined my project, put water in my shoes, popped my soccer ball last year and a million other things.” I shout at her wiggling around trying to escape.

“I would not hurt a hair on your head Sarah, Edward you trust me right?” Flashing her lashes, making a pouty face. Edward looks at her and let's go walking over to me. He motions for us to leave I look at him and nod, I should probably leave before a teacher sees what happened and Samantha gets on my nerves again but I was too late.

“Go and walk off like the cowards that you are” Samantha says. I had enough, I turned around and fast walks over to her leaving her no time to react. I punch her hard and she falls to the floor holding her nose crying. I walk out with Jason and Edward they helping me walk over to Edward’s car.

“I don't like her at all always tormenting anyone she can get ahold of” Jason says crossly.

“I hate how she always finds a way to pick on me” I say with a tone of annoyance.

“I don’t like how she treated you” Edward says not looking at me and opens the front passenger door and takes out the first aid kit out of the glove compartment then closes the door. He walks around and opens the back door motioning me to sit down. I sit down in the back seat with my feet out the door. Edward is dabbing an antibacterial wipe on my forehead because I have a cut from Samantha kicking my forehead and I wince at the alcohol burning at my cut. Then he lifts my pant leg to see my shin and I could already see the discoloration. He looks at me with a small frown and he grabs an ice pack from his first aid kit.

“Hold this ice pack on your shin to help, you're going to have a bruise for sure.” He says looking at me. I nodded

“Thanks for helping me once again Edward and how do you know how to do all of this? ” I looks at him smiling.

“No problem anytime you need medical attention I will help out and my dad is a doctor he taught me lots of things” He said smiling.

“It must be world war three in your head right now, the locker bang and Samantha’s shoe must be killer” Jason says looking at me laughing. I laugh as well and I look at Jason grinning at me. I look at him resting his elbow on the car door watching the procedure. I wonder why he is grinning and I look at Edward. He is holding my hand examining the knuckles furrowing his eyebrows. I look at my knuckles surprised and remember that I punched Samantha a few times. I know what he is thinking about Edward is holding my hand. Edward looks at me,

“You broke your knuckles if you curl up your fist and don't see a knuckle it is broken”

I make a fist and I don't see one of my knuckles.

"Yea its broken for sure, sorry" Edward says softly.

“Gosh Sarah you hit her so hard you broke your own knuckles” Jason looked at me.

I just stare at my knuckles speechless. I have never broken or sprained anything before.

“Lets go to my house I have a splint you can wear this will be good enough for now" Edward says taking out some gauze and wraps it around my knuckles.

"Remind me not to fight for the remote with you Sarah" Jason says jokingly. Jason walks to the front seat and Edward gets into the driver's seat and we drive off.
