Chapter 11 - Party

I wake up to the sunshine on my face making my face warm. I got out of bed and looked at my phone as I slowly walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Jan 10 Saturday. I brushed my teeth to relieve myself of the disgusting taste in my mouth. I put my slippers on and put my hair in a messy ponytail. I went downstairs and got my red and blue coffee cup. I smile as I pour my coffee remembering what Edward said about "my coffee addiction". I pour Vanilla crème in and brown sugar in. I make eggs with toast and then I hear a knock at the sliding glass door leading to the backyard. I look to see and it's Jason dressed in a blue plaid shirt with a black shirt under with jeans and converses. Converses are great. He looked excited to tell me something still tapping at the door even when I walk towards the door. I look at my PJs I wear but I shrug I really don't care. I unlock the door and motion him to come in. I go straight to my food now on the table. I kept my eye on my food, I was hungry. I took a bite of my eggs and that's when Jason said

"Hey wanna go to Adam's birthday party ?" I coughed and choked on the eggs in my mouth.

"Party, Jason, when have you been interested in high school parties? You know for a fact that they are nothing but trouble."

"Sarah, come on we have to live a little. Also, David is going!" I roll my eyes. David one of the "popular" ones at our school that Jason has had a huge crush on for a long time. Yes, we have popular students and yes Jason .

"Jason, are you really going to that party. They most likely will have drugs and alcohol knowing Adam."

"Yea I am, and I won't even touch a bottle or smoke, you know me not to do that"

"Yea I know just it seems intense" I laugh at that "Intense"

"You know what I mean by intense"

"Yea, I get it. Come on you should come along though I need my wing woman." He smiles as he laughs, I join him and smile.

"I will think about it" I say as I finish up my food and lean back in the chair sipping my coffee blissfully. I look back to him and he is smirking at me.

"What, can't you let me enjoy my coffee?"

"No, you should think about what your going to wear"

"I said and I quote from myself" I say making air quotes "I will think about it." Jason laughs and looks at me.

"Sarah, I know when you say I will think about you end up doing it"

"You're something Jason." I say and sigh.

"I guess I will go be your wingwoman" I laugh a bit at that.

"I knew it." He says grinning.

"Shush" I knew now there is no backing out on this. He would not let this live down if I didn't go. I got up and put my coffee cup to rest in the dishwasher. I will be back tomorrow to drink from it again I think to myself randomly.

"What do you want to do until then?"

"Well the party starts at 7ish so we can hang here and watch movies and eat snacks" Jason says excitedly. I smile sometimes he can be such a kid it's one of the reasons why he is my best friend.

"Okay I will start the popcorn and snacks and you look for a movie on Netflix."

"That's the whole movie?"

"Yes Jason"

"That wasn't a very good ending"

"I agree"

"Oh you should get ready its 6" He says as he looks at his phone. I roll my eyes and get up.

"I'm just going to wear casual clothes nothing special."

"Come on Sarah, I want to see you in a something more not casual."



"Fine, but don't expect over the top fanciness from me"

"You never do you're not girly like your other female counterparts at school."

"I will take that as a compliment now I need to go change." I say as I walk to the stairs. I climb the stairs quick and go to my room. I was deciding on putting something semi casual and semi party but then my mom came in out of nowhere.

"Sarah, I got to go home early and when I came home I saw Jason on his phone in the living room. I asked why aren't you with Sarah and he said you were changing for a party. So you need to find some better clothes to wear because this is probably your first high school party." Wow that is just embarrassing and why does it so happen she comes home at this time?

"Mom, I am just going to wear a nice shirt with white jeans and my converses nothing too fancy."

"Sarah I know you like converses so much but this time wear sandals with your outfit. Also I will put makeup on you."

"Woah woah woah, no converses and make up? You're crazy."

"Please, it's your first high school party I want it to be special. You're going to have a good time."I thought about it. One night of girliness, as much as I really don't want to, I don't want to ruin my mom's wish of doing her only daughter's makeup. Literally she has asked to do my make up but I always say no because I don't need it or like it much.

"Okay mom I'll do it but it's not over the top so don't cake my face in makeup."

"Yay thank you, I won't put too much." Sometimes I think my mom is more of a teenager than I am. I change into a light red chiffon top that has flowy mid length sleeves and the hem is as flowy as the sleeves. I put on white capris with a brown belt and slip on some sandals with a white flowy flower in the middle. Then I get a makeover: a light shade of red on my lips, blush, mascara, and eye liner. Mom went a bit overboard but I left it. If she saw me removing some of the makeup she would probably pounce on she and put it back on if she had to. I made a single braid on each side on my head and let the rest flow down. I was ready I guess, I got my phone and walked downstairs. Jason looked at me and jumped up from the couch and smiled.

"Your look nice S"

"Thanks, but thanks to you telling my mom she made me put sandals and makeup"

"Oh no the horror!" Jason said sarcastically holding back a laugh. I smack his shoulder and he starts laughing.

"Let's go before I change my mind"

"You can't and were going now".On the car ride over in Jason's parents car that they let him use he filled me in on what happened at school and such.

"I wish you were there to see all those things."

"I wish I could have but now I probably can my foot is better."

"Awesome and there's the house." You could notice this house from miles away. It was so obvious there was a party. I wonder how no one has told them to keep their volume down because I could hear the music perfectly clear. Jason miraculously found a spot to park and we went on over to the door. I was about to knock but Jason just opened the door.

"Sarah, even I know with parties like these you just walk in."


"I'm going to find David"

"I thought I was going to be your wingwoman."

"You are just want to talk to him alone"

"Ok I will just hang around the living room." I say walking in. Jason nods and walks towards the backyard disappearing from my view. I look around and I see a guy sitting alone on a chair. I walk towards him and breathe in and sit next to him. I think to myself I should try to be more sociable. I gather my bravery and say

"Hello" Sad huh? The guy looks at me and smiles.

"Hello there"

"Why are you all alone?"

"My boyfriend went to get drinks for us and never showed. I think he is drinking and I don't want to see him drunk."

"Oh wow"

"Yea, I am just sitting here bored waiting for this party to be over or for James to come stumbling back over to me so I can take him home."

"Wanna hang out with me?"

"Sure- What's your name?"

"Sarah" I say extending my hand for him to shake it.

"John" He says shaking it.

"So what do you want to do."

"Wanna go dance, a song that you can actually dance to just came on."

"Sure" I say getting off the chair. He got off his chair and walked towards the dance floor for tonight but known as the middle of the living room. He starts dancing and I start dancing. We laugh and dance crazily not caring what we looked like. I felt someone watching me but I didn't care to look. We danced for a couple of hours talking while dancing it was great. I stopped dancing and he did as soon as I.

"I'm tired of dancing but that was fun."

"I'm glad you stopped because if you kept going I would have passed out." he says with a laugh.

"I'm sure that would happen" I say laughing.

"Hey you danced good and it was fun."

"That was fun and you danced good as well."

"I have to go I think I see my boyfriend over there."

"Okay thanks for the night."

"Hey, I want to hang out with you again can I have your number?"

I ponder this. I do want to hang out with John again of course I do he seems like a cool guy.

"Sure" I say then tell him my number. He gives me his and says bye and walks off to his boyfriend. That's the last I see of him. I walk to the couch and then Samantha comes in with her group. She looks at me and tells her group something and they all laugh. Samantha stands before me and says

"Wow Sarah, you finally look like a girl, I always thought you were a guy." She said as she laughed with her friends. I looked down trying to get her out of sight.

"Aw, don't cry honesty hurts Sweetheart." She says with a laugh. I look up and stand to her.

"I'm not crying and you won't ever make me cry, you messed up Barbie doll." I say as I stomp towards her making her flinch and step back. I walked off and go to the bathroom to have alone time.I lock myself in and take deep breaths to calm myself. I walk out towards the living room I see someone walking towards me. I just think they must have to go to the bathroom so I step aside to let them through the small hallway but the figure stops in front of me. I see it's a guy, Adam.

"Hey" He says with the breath of alcohol.

"Hello and Happy BIrthday" I say nervously.

"Thank you, can I have a gift?"

"I- um-"

"It's fine, I know something you can do for me that would make my birthday extra special." He says as he steps closer to me. I look around and see no one around. I decide to make an escape I start to run but Adam grabs my hand and pulls me back. I start to try to scream for help but the music drowned my pleases for help. He covers my mouth and whispers in my ear.

"You're going to give me what I want." He says as he pulls me towards his room. I am pounding on the stairs with my feet and we reach his door. I see someone come up the stairs and lunge forward punching Adam square in the face. Adam lets me go and puts his hands over his face yelling. I look the person who punched Adam and saw it was Edward. I run million of questions through my mind despite the situation we are in. Adam looks back up and punches Edward. I hear his cry of pain and look back to Adam he punches the side of my face sending me to the floor. I look up and see him look over to Edward so from the floor I kick Adam in his junk making him fall to the floor. I look back to Edward blood flowing from his nose. I get up, grab his arm and run down the stairs. I look for Jason seeing him sit on the couch with a guy who put his arm around him Jason looked sad. He looks up and sees me and turns to the guy and says something slipping him a piece of paper. He gets up and goes to me quickly I say

"Jason we have to go now" I say as he nods at me with a now bruised cheek and to Edward with the broken nose. We quickly leave the house and pile into the car. I sit in the back with Edward we drive home.

Hey GUYS! I hope you enjoyed, remember to vote and comment! Thanks :)
