Chapter 6 - The Splint

I call my mom

“Hey mom” I say trying to be nice because I know what she will be like when she hears I got into a fight.

“Hey Sarah shouldn’t you be in school right now?” sounding suspicious.

“Yea about that-”

“What did you do this time Jason?” my mom yells into the phone so Jason can hear.

“Phone’s for you Jason” I say giggling giving him the phone.

“Mrs. Brooks I swear I didn’t do anything this is all about Sarah here starting a fi-” I punch Jason’s shoulder and grab the phone back.

“What did you do Sarah!” mom is practically yelling in the phone. I press the phone against my thigh and muffle curses, ugh I am so dead.

“Mom I am not deaf and I might have gotten into a fight but-”

“Are you okay?”

“Um, broken knuckles, cut forehead, and bruised shin sounds okay right?” I say scared of what she will say.

“That is not okay, what’s wrong with you are you bleeding do I have to get you to a hospital because-”

“No mom its fine, a friend Edward is his name wrapped my hand up, stopped the bleeding from my forehead and gave me an ice pack for my bruised shin.”

“Who is Edward?”

“Um just a friend but we are going to his house to get a splint to wear over my knuckles to wear and help heal my knuckles”

“That’s very nice of him and I will call the school in for the school saying you won’t be in today and tell Jason’s mom”

“Thanks Mrs. B” Jason yells over. I wonder how he even heard.

“Yea, thanks mom cya later”

“Still doesn’t mean that you’re not going to be in trouble”

“Yea yea yea” I sigh and hang up.

“Ok we are here” Edward says pulling into the driveway. It's a rather larger house compared to mine, coffee brown walls with black trim, big windows with a chimney and a nice, big, green lawn. I step out of the car and shut it then follow Edward in towards the house along with Jason. Edward opens the door and a wind of fragrances hit me it smells so good.

“You guys wait here I will get it” He says as he jogs upstairs.

“Okay” Jason and I say in unison and we elbow each other laughing.

We wait about five minutes talking about Mr. Smith’s math test and how hard it was.

“Got it found it in my brother's room” He says jogging down the stairs.

“No offense but is it even clean” I say trying not to sound rude

“Yes its clean” Edward says laughing.

“Ok good and thanks for all of this” I say smiling. Edward takes my hand and puts the splint on.


“Oh sorry there, now it's on”

I look at the splint and see the name Brandon.

“Tell Brandon thanks for the splint” I say jokingly

Edward just looks down and turns away.

“Oh um,-”

“I should drop you both off”. He says walking towards the door.

“Edward sor-” Edward turns around and says

“Its fine”

I sigh and walk forward Jason walking behind. Jason closes the door and we both walk towards the car and get in. The car ride was very silent and finally we were parked at my house.

“Thanks for everything Edward and sorry again” I say solemnly

“Its fine Sarah” Edward says making a small smile.

“Thanks for the ride Edward and for helping little Sarah here” Jason says shaking Edwards hand.

“No problem anytime” Edward says laughing softly still keeping his glum face.

He drives off and Jason and I go our separate ways after waving to each other and saying good night. I get into the

house and I see my mom waiting. Arms cross looking at my stern, her eyes soften when she sees my face. I look at her and  I see my dad walk in. They look at me like I am a kicked kitten.

“Sarah how-” my dad says before I interrupt

“Dad I am fine really I am. Edward helped me out and I just really want to go to bed right now” I say just looking at them.

“Ok Sarah take these painkillers to take away the pain.” mom says holding out the pill bottle.

“We will talk about this tomorrow Sarah” dad says looking me in the eye. His brown eyes soften but still show that he means it.

“I know thanks good night” I sigh and make a small smile. I walk up the the stairs go to my room and go to sleep.


Hey Guys sorry about such a short chapter but this week was really really busy. I had little time to work. Next week will be busy also but I will try my hardest to get the chapter in. Thanks for all the reads you guys are the best. I hope you are enjoying the book so far.

