Chapter 7

Jaden's comment actually pissed you off, why would he even comment that ! That night nessa stayed at beta gamma with josh and nick stayed in your bed with you. You guys cuddled and watched movies.

the next morning

nick: good morning babe

y: morning

nick: so any plans for today ?

y: we can go to the bonfire at night and we could get lunch with sway, you wanted to meet them didn't you ?

nick: That sounds perfect.

You guys hugged and got breakfast, watched some movies then you guys got ready for lunch with the sway boys. you wore this :

y: so you ready to go ?

nick: yeah c'mon

nick drove you guys to the frat house where you were gonna meet everyone

kio: so you do exist !

nick: yeah, nice to meet you, i'm nick

kio: kio

bryce: what up, i'm bryce, that's josh and nessa you already knew them, that's avani and anthony, that's blake and noah, that's quinton and cynthia, that's griffin and jaden

jaden: sup

nick: hey

y: this is awkward

you went to the kitchen to get yourself and nick a drink

jaden: hey

y: what do you want ?

jaden: jeez you got some attitude today

y: leave me alone

jaden: but-

y: jaden, please, I'm with my boyfriend, don't confuse me more than I already am

jaden: fine, your loss

y: my loss !? what does that even mean ! YOU TOLD ME I DON'T DATE!

jaden: I also told you to not believe everything I say

y: god you're an ass !

you left jaden in the kitchen alone. how is he always so calm in arguments god !I can't stand it !

kio: so nick you're a senior right ? y/n told us

nick: yeah, after I graduate im applying here so that I can stay with y/n

nick put his arm around you

nessa: so cute

jaden did a gag face and nessa kicked him in the shin under the table

jaden: nessa ! what was that for !?

josh: you know

he smirked at you and continued eating after dinner you guys continued talking for hours until it was finally time to head to the bonfire mads was all over jaden while jaden was just sitting there with a cup in his hand looking at the ground with his hood up, he looked.heartbroken, woah jaden ? heartbroken ?

mads: c'mon baby let's-

jaden: don't call me baby i'm not your boyfriend

mads rolled her eyes and went over to bryce, kio, griffin, cynthia quinton, nick and you

mads: how about a game of spin the bottle ?

you guys agreed. quinton landed on Cynthia, kio landed on another girl that you guys didn't know, and so did Griffin's, Nick spun the bottle and landed on you so you both kissed. Jaden was on the other side just watching creepily. It was Bryce's turn and it landed on you

y: umm can we skip ?

cynthia: Yeah

bryce: what ? no, rules are rules, cmon nick, it's just a game

nick: don't

bryce kept getting closer and closer to you

y: bryce, stop

nick: hey man ! stop !

All of a sudden Jaden stands up and tackles bryce and punches him in the face. Bryce got out of his grip and jaden was now on the bottom and bryce on top of him. Bryce punched jaden 2 times. Blake and noah separated them. Jaden had a tear in his eye, he looked at you and then started to walk away

blake: jaden ! where are you going !?

mads: babe !

y: don't call him babe

mads: you can't tell me what to call him

you rolled your eyes the bonfire wasn't as good as you thought it would be so you just went to your room with Nick to watch a movie. Nick fell asleep but you couldn't sleep after what happened at the bonfire your phone starts ringing, it was curtis

y: hey what's up!

curtis: can you come to my house

y: sure what happened are you okay ?

curtis: yeah i'm fine it's jaden

you hung up and changed into some jeans and a shirt and grabbed your bike and went to curtis's house you knocked on the door and curtis opened it

curtis: hey, umm can you talk to him. I know you hate him right now but please, he just showed up here and drank half the bottle of his dad's scotch and broke everything, my moms dishes, our lamp, everything

you nodded and your jaw dropped when you saw the huge mess in the house, dishes everywhere, broken glass on the floor

y: the house is a mess, he did this ?

curtis: yeah, it was all because his dad told jaden that he was marrying my mom and he doesn't want him to marry my mom so I think he came here to confront his dad but he is out for the weekend with my mom

you went outside and there he was drinking out of the bottle. when he saw you he stood up

jaden: how did you get here ?!

y: curtis called me


y: you leave him out of this jaden ! he was worried about you !

curtis left and you sat down in the table next to jaden

jaden: aww aren't you two so predictable, poor jaden is upset, so you two gang up on me to make me feel bad for breaking dishes, well I don't regret it

y: I thought you didn't drink

jaden: I don't until now, i guess. Don't patronize me you're no better than me

y:I never said I was better than you, I just wanna know what made you drink now

jaden: what does it matter to u ? Where is your boyfriend anyway?

y: he is back in my room, I just wanna help you jaden

jaden: help me ? (he chuckles ) if you wanna help me then leave

y: why won't u just tell me what's going on ?

jaden: my dad told me he was marrying Karen, I bet curtis knew a long time ago but he just decided to tell me now

y: I bet he had his reasons

jaden: you don't get it, he doesn't give a shit about me !I have talked to him 10 times in the past year. All he cares about is his perfect new wife, perfect new son and huge house

y: how old were you when he left ?

jaden: 10, but even before he left he was never around, he spent nights going bar to bar

your thought: my dad also left me when I was 10 and was a drunk, Jaden and I have more in common than I thought

y: I'm sorry that be left-

jaden: no !i don't need your pity !

y: it's not pity I was just trying to-

jaden: what ?

y: help you and be here for you

jaden: you're so pathetic, don't you see that I don't want you here !? Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I want anything to do with you. Yet here you are leaving your nice boyfriend who can actually stand being around you, to come here and try to help me ? that y/n, is the definition of pathetic

y: you don't mean that ?

your eyes started to get watery

jaden: I do though, go home.

he raised the bottle to lead you to the door and you grabbed the bottle and threw it to the yard

jaden: WHAT THE HELL !?

you turned around and walked to the door he ran behind you and grabbed your hand his face was inches from yours

jaden: where are you going ?

y: i'm going to hell curtis clean up the mess you made and then i'm going home !

jaden: why would you help him ?

y: because he, unlike you, deserves for someone to help him !


A/N- Hope you like it and pls vote and comment
