Chapter 15

mads: hey guys !

y: hello

mads: so what are you guys doing

y: getting food, duh, c'mon babe

jaden: let's go baby

you both gave mads a death stare and she rolled her eyes you guys finished buying everything and went to your apartment

y: shit my stuff is at the dorms

jaden: nope, I moved everything and brought back everything, even every piece of paper

y: where is it ?

jaden: in the closet c'mon

he opened the closet and literally all your stuff was there, your clothes were all neatly folded and everything was there. You grabbed your school books and pencil case and white board and more to your tiny office that you shared with jaden, it had 2 desks and it was very comfortable.

jaden: So do you like it ?

y: I love it !

jaden: well c'mon let's go to sleep

you smiled and went to your room and put on a movie. The movie wasn't even halfway through and you were already sleeping and Jaden was too.

all of a sudden you get woken up by Jaden screaming and moving around. you saw that he was still sleeping, he was having a nightmare

y: jaden ! baby ! jaden ! wake up !

he woke up crying

y: i'm here i'm here, it was just a dream

jaden: but it wasn't

y: what ?

jaden: y/n this is something I have never told anyone, only my mom knows. Okay so when I was 9 my dad was out in a bar and he messed with the wrong people, two days later those guys went to our house looking for him but he was in another bar, drinking. So since they didn't find him, they grabbed my mom. I heard her screaming so I went downstairs. I tried to fight them off but I was 9 years old. Since that night I have had these nightmares, I barely sleep because of them. It that day, it just repeats itself and I feel it, like it's actually happening again. although I didn't have them when we slept together, you cured them

y: and today ?

jaden: I don't know but it's better having 1 nightmare a week that every night

you smiled

y: thanks for telling me this, it means a lot

Jaden hugged you and put his head on your chest. He fell asleep with you playing with his hair the next morning. You wake up early and go to your home office to fill in the paper sheets for the internship at Atlantic records.

jaden: why are you up so early

y: early ? it's 1pm

jaden: come on, I made breakfast

you smiled and went to the kitchen with him

y: what did you make ?

jaden: croissants with cheese and ham, they're really good, try them

you smiled and took a bite

y: woah jaden they're really good !

jaden: told ya

he smiled

jaden: So ready for the wedding today ?

y: yes I am

you smiled and he kissed you. After a while you started getting ready. You wore this

jaden: you look stunning, and that dress, I just wanna rip it off

y: maybe after the wedding

you winked and he eye rolled saying

jaden: mmm yes !

you laughed and you guys took a picture

jaden: now the empty frame can be put to use, we can put this pic

y: yes !

you smiled and then you guys went to the wedding

jaden: I can't believe you're actually making me to this

y: it's a wedding reception, not a jail sentence

he laughed

karen: look who is here ( karen is curtis's mom, you met her a few chapters ago)

hardin: you too

karen: hi y/n

y: hi karen !

karen: jaden it means a lot for you to be here

jaden: congratulations ( he said smiling)

karen: thanks

john: hey jaden ( john is jaden's dad )

jaden: um hey

john: y/n, nice to see you

karen: umm so y/n, curtis told us that your in his literature class, so are you an english major ?

y: umm I would love to but I think if I wanna be employed maybe business or econ

john: I heard you like writing music, I have a friend that owns a record label

jaden: you mean atlantic records ?

john: yes

jaden: I already called and their giving her a paid internship

john: that's good

karen: so umm, have fun guys

you hugged him and were close to his mouth, you guys were face to face

y: c'mon babe, let's just have fun

jaden: I can't

y: why not ?

jaden: I promised to be on my best behavior

y: you dirty boy

he smiled and you both went to the dance floor and started dancing

jaden: you got some moves girl !

y: talk about you ! cmon move that booty !

Jaden started to twerk. you started to twerk to but jaden grabbed your butt and covered it with his hands

jaden: sorry but this is mine

you laughed

You hear a small bell and turn around to see John wanting to make a speech so you went and sat down

john: thank you all for coming, tonight we celebrate great good fortune and her name is Karen, the love of my life and frankly she saved my life. I'm suddenly blessed with a new bride, a new life and not just one but two amazing sons, Jaden and Curtis. I remember a long time ago when my biggest pleasure was to listen to jaden sing and play his guitar. He left me in tears of joy...

jaden turns around and tells you

jaden: that's not the man I grew up with, my father was a drunk, and nothing more

y: at least he is trying which is more my father ever did, people change

jaden: clearly, but it still doesn't change what happened

you held his hand

jaden: that's my dad, the beloved chancellor Hossler now let's enjoy and have fun !

everyone clapped john went to to guys

john: I don't think you can still sing those songs

y: not the way you remember them

y: umm I would love to have a dance with your amazing son

john; of course

he smiled and left, you grabbed jaden's hand and went to the dance floor

jaden: you're really making me slow dance ?

y: yeah, cmon, put your hand on my hip

he smiled and did what you said, after a while you laid on his chest and just swung back and forth

jaden: I lo-

y: what ?

jaden: I loved the punch, c'mon let's go and get some

you laughed and went for some punch

y: wanna go home ?

jaden smiles

y: what ?

jaden: I just loved hearing you say home

y: well home is wherever you are


A/N- Hope you like it and pls vote and comment
