Chapter 19

y: I appreciate that you came here to apologize but it doesn't change what you did

jaden: if you let me, I know I can make it up to you because I love you y/n

y: I'll never be able to forget that you were using me

jaden: i'm sorry

y: I believe you

jaden: I love you, you're so special

y: I know that but I deserve better than being lied to

jaden: you do and i'm sorry, you're right, I am a liar and I hope that you can still see the good in me, please

y: im sorry, I just need time

jaden: it's okay

he leaned in for a kiss but you pushed him back

y: NO JADEN ! You can't just kiss me and think it'll all go away ! it doesn't work that way ! it doesn't make it better

jaden: okay okay i'm sorry

y: I think you should go

jaden: you said nothing could make you change the way you feel about me

y: what the hell did I know ?

jaden: look, there's gotta be a way we can work past this, I-I can't-I can't imagine my life without you, without your cute laugh without, without this heart, your good heart

he started to tear up again and you too

y: no, I can't, you're a totally different person now, I used to think about as a person that would never, ever hurt me, ever, and god now I can't stop rewatching the video in my head, it doesn't matter what you say or what you do jaden, it just changed everything..forever

jaden: this can't be it, I mean-

y: then how come it is ?

you turned around and closed the door. As soon as you did you laid your back on the door and melted down crying

josh: hey y/n are you okay

y: I- I-

josh: come here

he sat down next to you and pulled you in for a hug

josh: what happened ?

y: you know what I don't understand ?

josh: What ?

y: why if he hurt me what do I miss him ?

josh: because you love him

y: I don't understand, I don't wanna miss him, I don't wanna love him, but I do !I wanna stop !I don't wanna love him!

josh: it's not that easy

y: he had done me so wrong !I don't wanna love someone like that but I can't help it !I wanna stop

Josh: you deserve better and you can do better

y: you can say that I deserve better, that I could do better, I don't wanna do better I don't want anyone else, I don't want- I want him, I only want him, but I can't forgive him, he hurt me so bad, and I can't forgive him

josh: I understand y/n

y: why did I even go to the party, if I would've gone, the bet would've never happened and jaden and I would've just continued hating each other

josh: that's the thing about love, you don't see it coming, but it happens for a reason, he did love you y/n y: I know josh: cmon, get up

he got up and put his hand out for you, you held it and he helped you up.

josh: let's take your mind off things, what do you wanna do

y: umm I wanna go to sleep

he nodded and you went to bed 2 weeks passed and it was the night before your first day at the internship in Atlantic records

josh: So what time do you leave tomorrow ?

y:I gotta call an uber at 9 am

josh: nah, i'll drop you off, and pick you up, you just call me

y: okay

josh: sleep well

y: thanks, you too 

you went to sleep and the next day you wore this:

josh; ready to go ?

y: yeah

you guys got into josh's car and he drove you to the record label

y: thanks for dropping me off

josh: no problem, call me when to pick you up, just remember to call me because if you don't then I would probably forget and leave you here

you laughed and nodded you were kinda late so you ran to the lobby and ran to the elevador, as soon as you were about to reach it, it started closing

y: wait wait ! excuse me can you hold the elevator please !

it closed and you hit the elevator door


you turned around and it opened and you turned around to see a guy that was ur age looking at you. You got in

y: thank you

??: umm did you just call me an asshole ?

y: excuse me ?

??: you just called me an asshole

y: what ? no I didn't

??: really ?I think I just imagined that

y: guess so

??: you know I did try to hold the elevator door for you

y: sure you did, look i'm so sorry, it's my first day I just wanted to make an impression

??: well you certainly succeeded at that

the elevator door opens and you both got out

y: you work here ?

??: surprise

khíoe: y/n ! welcome to atlantic records

y: hi !

khloe: umm do you two know each other

??: you can say that

he smiles and you smiled back

khloe: so i'm gonna help you out here in atlantic records, come on let's meet chase, he is in his office-

( chase was the boss )


you saw him yelling at his phone

khloe: umm let's just do that later

you laughed and so did she she took you to your office and it was very pretty, although it was filled with papers

khloe: sorry for the mess we just don't work well with interns, chase always fires them

you had a worried face

khloe: don't worry, I got a good feeling about you, so all you gotta do is write some songs and then show them to him and he will give it to some of the artists to see if they like it

y: awesome !

khloe: oh and payton is a very nice guy, he is one of our artists

y: payton ?

khloe: the guy that you cake here with, the one of the elevador

y: oh what's his last name

khloe: payton moormeier

y: oh yeah

khloe: he is one of our artists and he is also one of our song writers so if you ever feel stuck he can help, his office is right next to yours

you nodded and she left. You started to clean your office and at the end it looked like this:


A/N- Hope you like it and pls vote and comment
