Chapter 6

you guys started to eat when all of a sudden bryce and mads came to you guys

mads: hey

jaden: what do you want ?

mads: nothing

bryce: hey y/n

y: hey bryce

mads: so what were you guys talking about

jaden: we were just leaving

y: wait what ?

jaden: mads can you move so that I can get out of this booth

mads: why are you guys leaving

jaden: because we are, excuse me

mads: you're excused

she started to touch jaden's hair, he was taking her hands off him but she would just touch his hair again. He reached and grabbed his car keys and gave them to you

y: really ?

jaden: just give me a second i'll be right there

you rolled your eyes and went to the bar and waited for him, he talked for 5 mins and then went over to you

y: what was that all about ?

jaden: what was that ?

y: I knew you are embarrassed to be seen with me

jaden: no

y: you know I am gonna tell nick about us I just-

jaden: us ? what do you mean ?

you just stared at him confused, he seemed mad

jaden: if you wanna go and dump mr. high school then go ahead, but don't do it on my account

y: what ?

jaden: look it was fun, but I don't date

y: are you actually kidding me ?

he didn't say anything he didn't even look at you in the eyes you slammed his car keys in the counter and left

Jaden's POV

god why did I just say that, mads and bryce really get in my nerves. I just hurt her, I know I did, she is so sensitive and knowing that I hurt her just now, kills me, now what do I do ?

Your POV

you went to your room and decided to just sleep. You went to sleep very early and woke up the next day very early. You couldn't get jaden's words out of your head. "It was fun, but I don't date"

your thoughts: did he actually make me cheat on my boyfriend for nothing !?

curtis: hey you alright ?

y: yeah

curtis: what happened with jaden ? How did it go ?Β 

y: well.

you told him everything

curtis: he is such an ass

y: yeah, I was warned by a lot of people, nessa, josh, you, bryce, they all told me that he doesn't date Idk why I actually thought I could change that, I'm not enough

curtis: you are ! What are you talking about ?

y: Maybe i'm not, but i'm not gonna get him to get on my nerves so-

teacher: class is over

you said goodbye to curtis and went outside to head to your dorm but you saw nick standing there with a bouquet of roses

nick: surprise !

y: what !? What are you doing here ?

nick: I missed you

y: I missed you too

you hugged him

Jaden's POV

I was going outside of the building and I saw y/n hugging a guy, she seemed so close to him. why would she hug him like she actually cares about- oh wait he is mr high school ! so they're still together, why does it hurt seeing them together ? I don't understand ! I've never felt like that before, no girl has ever hurt me, I hurt them


I can't believe nick is here ! he definitely caught me by su- why is jaden looking at me wtf

y: cmon nick let's go to my dorm

you guys went to your dorm and you saw josh and nessa

nessa: omg hi ! I totally didn't know you were her boyfriend when I met you, I didn't properly introduce myself. I'm nessa, this is josh my boyfriend

josh: hey man

nessa: so wanna go to get lunch ? a double date ?

you nodded

nessa: oh shit, I totally forgot, we were going to lunch with mads, jaden and bryce, you guys can join us !

nick: sure- y

: actually we will just stay here, thanks for the invite though

nessa: no problem !

they said goodbye and you stayed with nick and made tik toks

[ dixie: u//nick:nick ]

your caption: I had to act like I don't dance because he doesn't


πŸ’¬: 88K

joshrichards: cuties

user: ahhh they're together !
^@user: did she visit Nick or did he visit her?
^@nickaustin: I wentπŸ₯°

nickaustin: love youπŸ’—

griffin: jaden watching this rn πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
^@jadenhossler: what ?! no

user: goals goals goals
^@user: I ship her with bryce
^@user: what !? no ! jaden !

kiocyrr: we have to meet you !
^@nickaustin: i'm down
^@user: ahhh sway is meeting y/n's bf !
^@y/n: I'm nervous



nick's caption: she didn't let me do it


lilhuddy: y/h good job !πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ€

alexwarren: you didn't tell us u had a gf!
^@nickaustin: I did tell chase thoughπŸ˜‚
^@kOuvr: she is gorgeous ! i can't wait to meet her !

user: literally goals

user: do they reply ??
^@nickaustin: hiπŸ§ΈπŸ’—
^@y/n: helloπŸ’—βœ¨
^@user: they both replied !

nessabarrett: cuties

y/n: ur mine !
^@nickaustin: and ur only mine
^@jadenhossler: hmmm
^@user: why did jaden reply to that ? @joshrichards TEATOK!


A/N- Hope you like it and pls vote and comment
