Chapter 18

nick: no problem, y/n even if you broke my heart ( he let out a small chuckle) I still care about you

y:I care about you two

you guys hugged

mom: umm y/n I called residence and umm they don't have a dorm for you, they're all being used but they will have one the next semester

y: umm it's fine, i'll figure something out

mom: you always do

the weekend passed by quickly and you went back to ucla. You had no idea where you were gonna stay, you went to the frat house

kio: umm y/n I didn't know you were coming

y: yeah neither did I

kio: i'll call jaden and tell him to come ov-

y: no ! no

you laughed

y: umm i'm actually here cause I wanna talk to josh

kio: okay okay, umm JOSH ! COME DOWN HERE

josh: why ?!I told you that I don't wanna talk to anyone I just wanna talk to y/n but she doesn't answer my calls or-

y: hey j

osh: y/n!

y: umm can we talk

josh: yeah of course, come in

you smiled and you guys went to josh's room

y: so umm i've been thinking about you and-

josh: i'm so so sorry for not telling you, I tried, trust me, I really tried, I just didn't wanna hurt you

y: I understand, and I forgive you

josh: you have no idea how happy I am to hear that

y:I miss my best friend, I really need you

josh: i missed you too

he hugged you

y: one favor

josh: sure tell me

y: umm I don't have anywhere to stay

josh: how come ?

y: well when I moved in with Jaden I left my dorm and nessa got a new roommate and I don't wanna live with Jaden and they told me that they don't have a dorm available

josh: that's not a problem, if you wanna stay here i'm sure we can make room

y: thank you

josh: no need to thank me, want me to get the rest of your stuff from the apartment ?

y: please, I just don't wanna see him right now

josh: yeah don't worry i'll just tell kio and anthony to help me and we will be right back

you smiled

josh: umm you can use jaden's old room, it's empty, and you have a desk, a bed, closet and your own bathroom

y: thanks

he showed you to your room and he left to get your stuff they came back and you started to organize your stuff when all of a sudden you hear jaden

jaden: WHERE IS SHE !?

josh: GO ! NOW !

jaden: man please I wanna talk to her

josh: not today, please-

you went downstairs

josh: i'm sorry y/n I tried to stop him

y: it's okay

jaden: please can we talk ?

y: If I agree, will you please leave me alone

he nodded and you guys went outside

jaden: i'm so sorry I hurt you, but I love you, please, I can't be without you, please, these past few days have been hell for me


jaden: then forgive me, please I promise you I will never hurt you again, I need you

y: don't say that !

jaden: why ?!

y: because i'll come back to you !

jaden: And is that so bad ?

y: YES ! YOU PLAYED ME ! if you're here for me to give you a second chance then goodbye

you turned around but he grabbed your hand and turned you around

jaden: y/n please let me explain


you started to cry

y: I don't even know who you are !

jaden: you do, yes you do

y: I was just a game to you jaden

jaden: when you rejected me I thought that the bet was a good idea, when I made that bet I had no idea I was gonna fall in love with you

y: don't

jaden: y/n I lied about a lot of things-


jaden: I've lied about a lot of things but I have never lied to you, not once, about how I feel about you

you started to cry so bad

jaden: i'm so sorry, but I promise you that when I actually got to know you I felt so bad about the bet I wanted it to go away-

y: and what ? not tell me about it ? hoping that I wouldn't find out !?

jaden: I just felt like an asshole and I knew telling you was gonna hurt you-

y: when I think about how I defended you to my family ! Curtis! and the whole time you were just using me

jaden: I'm sorry i'm such an idiot. i am such an idiot, I am a jerk, but I swear I regret doing the bet

y:I gave you EVERYTHING ! and you just- you just played me, congratulations jaden, you fucked me, you didn't just actually fuck me, but fucked me emotionally !

jaden: I gotta say something, this thing of ours, I know what I've done, I broke your heart in a million ways and god I am so sorry for that, but something

jaden started crying

jaden: i'm sorry, i'm sorry, I was different're the only light i've ever known, you y/n

y: I believe that, I love you jaden but I can't forgive you, at least not now


A/N- Hope you like it and pls vote and comment
