
Me: So...I know we all hate finding a cool story and then finding it hasn't been updated in like a year -_- Not fun at all. Hopefully you all enjoy this though, I might update slowly , but hey, what can you do? I just started high school and I've got JV Practice everyday (Except weekends of course). Well anways... SASUKE DO THE HONORS!

Sasuke: Hn, Jasmine does not own Naruto and honestly she would probably have some odd Yaoi stuff going on here...

Me: That's... That's actually probably true... SASUNARU ALLL THE WAY! BUT GAARA ISH MINE!

Gaara: No... I'm not.

Me: What if I make cookies everyday for you?

Gaara: ... Maybe... Fine.

Me: YOSH I KNEW IT WOULD WORK! *snaps fingers making story start*

'So... Akira... Interesting...' I thought to myself. "Akira? Well, I'm jasmine and this is Rozu my... My sister." I said holding my hand out to her.

She just stared at it silently so I allowed it to drop down to my side. Gaara had glared slightly at me when I had held my hand out to her his sand moving a bit, but stopping when I dropped my hand.

I frowned before turning around. "They're here for the Chunnin exams. I'm going back to the house." I said quietly, a bit upset I had made Gaara angry.

Rozu sighed already knowing because of our bond. "I'll go wi-" she started , but I interrupted her. "I'll be fine, stay." I said doing quick hand signs and disappearing in a poof of smoke.

It was a petty thing to be upset over, but it hurt thinking I had upset one of the characters I looked up to. Sure he was a bit cruel at first, but he never wanted to be like this.

He was innocent once, but his village ruined him. I wish I could've been there to keep him happy. I let out a small sigh as I appeared in my room, I grabbed a few things I had picked up earlier and headed out to go train.

I headed out and found an empty training area. I decided on working on my aim for the day and began throwing my kunai at a target I had set up. I was out there for about four hours before I heard him speak.

"Who are you really?" Gaara asked. "I'm me. That's all you need to know for now , alright?" I said. ""I know I seem a bit suspicious, but everything I do from here on is for a good reason. I mean no disrespect." I said bowing my head a bit to show I was sincerely sorry.

He was silent for a moment before nodding. "Okay..." he said accepting my answer for now. I knew he'd only take that for now, but he'd be asking some time in the future and hopefully then I'll be able to answer.

Rave and I , I knew one of us would cave to someone we'd grow close to. Gaara had left in a swirl of sand after an awkward moment of silence. I decided it was late enough and headed back to the Uchiha Compound where I have no doubt I'll be questioned by Rõzu.

Once I entered I was tackled by a red blur. "ELMO!" I yelled as I fell to the ground. Rõzu laughed looking down at me. "Elmo? Really?" she asked still laughing.

"Yes, Elmo." I said shoving her off of me so I could get up. I reached down for her hand and yanked her up, she was in the air for a moment before landing. Someone cleared their throat and guess who it was? None other than the gravity defying Jonin himself.

He raised a brow- or both?- at us before sighing and shaking his head. The rest of team 7 were there as well. "You all will be partaking in the Chunin exams. You do not have to participate if you don't want to. It is your choice whether you want to or not." he said without his mask moving?

"What's under your mask?" I asked aloud. "A face." he bluntly stated. "Nahhh" I said sarcastically. "Also, Serena and Rõzu, you both have the options of not participating, going in alone or working with each other as only three man teams are permitted.
"Together." Rõzu and I said smiling at each other.

"You don't have to choose now as I said before." He said. I nodded and turned to leave with Rõzu following me up to my room. I shut the door once she was in and jumped onto my bed.

"I miss home." I said into the comforter. " I do too, but we have a chance to fix everything." She said. "What if we can't? We're just two idiots who loved a show." I said.

"Two idiots who managed to survive Gaara. Two idiots who didn't die within 2 minutes of being here. Two idiots Sasuke doesn't completely hate." She said proving her point.

"I guess..." I said. "We'll save everyone, Jasmine." she said speaking my real name for once. "It feels nice hearing that..." I said turning to face her. "Go ahead and get some sleep." she said getting up and turning the light off.

"Goodnight, Raven." I yawned out closing my eyes. "Goodnight, Jasmine." she said leaving and closing the door. It took a moment, but I slipped into the dream world quicker than ever.

I woke up to silence. Absolute silence. In a normal house that probably wouldn't be unusual, but we're at Sasuke's home. In an anime / manga. Where Rave and I are staying.

This house shouldn't be quiet. I slowly got up letting out a silent yawn as I did so. I attempted to tip toe , but the stupid floor was creaking with each step.

As I finally reached the door and pulled it open Raven's face appeared in front of me with a screech. I punched her on instinct then my eyes widened as I realized she wasn't getting up. After freaking out for a moment she got up laughing.

I was tempted to punch her again , but decided against it. "G-Good morning." she laughed out. I glared down at her before swiftly turning around and walking off. I could already tell she was pouting before she even got to me.

She ran in front of me and had me stop. She stared up at me knowing I'd end up cracking soon. After a beat had passed my lip twitched and she poked me making me burst out laughing and fall to the ground like an idiot.

She looked down at me laughing as well. After a moment someone cleared their throat capturing Raven and I's attention. It was Sasuke with a brow raised at us. "Hn." he said walking past us.

Raven held her hand out to me and I grabbed it pulling her down with me. "Hurry up." Sasuke said. "Exams are tomorrow, we need to train." he said turning to go to his room and change.

So... I know, I know, I know. It sucked. I'm sorry for how short it is , but I tried. Comment any thoughts on this and I'll try to post soon. Only one more part and the exams start next chapter!
