Akira Miyuka/ contest over!

Ok I have the winner contest is closed but theres always next time guys!


Akira Miyuka

Age: Naruto's age

Looks: She has long black/blue hair that has a single white strand as a birth mark, she has curves and "b" cup boobs (awkward...) almost "c" cup. She is short and kinda fragile looking, her skin tone is fair.

Family: Dead, The Miyuka clan was slaughtered

Friends:Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Kakashi-sensai, Guy-sensai, most people of the village she is polite too ,Anko, Gaara, Kankuro, Neji, and Temari

Kekkai gentai: Arashi shōkan-jutsu(storm summoning jutsu) and (Transformation jutsu ) Hentai-jutsu

Storm summoning ability: can summon storms and create them. Also changes along with her feelings and can change the weather

Transformation Jutsu: can change into any animal depends on her. Also animals naturally love her.

Rank: her kekkei genkai's make her dangerous so above jounin but stays genin with the others

Crush: doesn't have one.... Yet

Special jutsus: making storms, and transforming into animals, other hard jutsus that you may make her know would seem kinda easy for her, her specialty is ninjutsu taijutsu and she's a little above average at genjutsu.

Chakra type:water, earth, lightning

Chakra level: anbu but she can be weak at times because she is not fearless and still can't control her powers/kekkai genkai

Enemies: Orchimaru, Madara, Kabuto, Some of the Akastuki

Personality: Moody, fun loving, out going, brave, nice, random, likes playing with sharp objects, caring, protects those she loves even at the cost of her life.

Summoning(s): Wolves, Dragons, and Foxes (she can't summon all the animals because that requires quite a lot of chakra)

Weaknesses: Fire, she hates seeing fire, anything that brings a spark to her past, blood, she hates the sight of blood which doesn't help because she is a ninja

Back ground: Akira (or Aki) was beaten by her clan, but despite that she still smiled and loved them even if they did not love her back, when her Okaa-sama killed her clan before her eyes and then killed herself the smiling Angel was Gone and a fake smile replaced it all...

To this day Aki still smiles and is pure, but the smile is fake and Aki used to cut. She has many scars from her clan and herself. Aki also LOVES PULLING PRANKS AND MESSING WITH DUCK BUTT OR SASUKE! Hehe.She  is very strong but she can't control her powers and like everyone else has many weaknesses...

Eye color: Purple, the pupil is a lighter purple, but in the middle of her eyes a star (ninja star) is formed into a darker purple

ok! this character  belongs to @JusDancingAwesome so no stealing!

Hey I wanted to say sorry for not updating , I have become addicted to Quotev rps and haven't really been on, not even kidding when I opened the app I had 99+ notifications! I gotta be on here more often. So follow, comment and add to remind me to be on more even message me, I always follow back too soooo um yeah! Bye!
