stuck with Duckymomo

hey hope ya'll are enjoying the story because it's actually really cool writing for you all. Please comment and tell me what you think about my story I want it to be as good as it can be. I don't own Naruto

I so called it! Your probably wondering what the heck I'm going on about well ya see the old man stuck us with Uchiha Susuke. After telling us he told Asuma to go get Sasuke. After a few minutes he enter without Asuma? Eh none of my business." Sasuke this is Serena and Rõzu Uchiha- " he was interrupted by Sasuke -_- "Uchiha? Yea   probably more enemy ninja trying to impersonate them again!" He yelled clearly not happy while glaring at us. Before the Hokage could interrupt I activated my Sharingan and glared at him." Sasuke...... Shut up or I'll kill you." After saying that I looked at Raven an we both started laughing till we fell down rolling around Wow I'm a poet and I didn't even know it-ok i'll stop before I get started. Sasuke was looking at me well mostly my eyes. "what thought I was going to be some annoying fan girl? thought wrong ,Baka." when I said baka his eyes widened even more wow he really thought I was gonna be a fan girl. " Lord Hokage, can you explain why me and my sister are stuck with Duckymomo here?" Raven asked the 3rd. " well since you are Uchihas it's only right for you to live at the Uchiha compound with Sasuke." I just stared at the old man while Raven was glaring at Sasuke did i forget to mention she hates him mostly because of the fact the he's in love with Naruto-nah just messing with ya she just hates him I just don't like all come on he left with the creepy pedo bear AKA Orochimoomoo . While I was ranting in my head I hadn't noticed that duckymomo had moved in front of me until I looked up.   "um  ducky ever hear of personal space?" I said taking two fingers and pushing his head away from me like Itachi did to him when they were younger. Obviously that hit a nerve but since we were in the precence of the Hokage he just glared and said "Hn". Raven and I both looked at him and smirked. " Sasuke hope you enjoyed your peace but living with us is gonna be crazy." Raven and I both said in synch." children you may leave now, here is 20,000 ryo now be on your way." ( 1 ryo = 10 yen=10 cents) " come on, bakas ."sasuke said shoving past us."sasuke I wouldn't be calling us idiots after all we have more knowledge than you and more skills." I said acting superior while he just glared at me."  oh yeah than whats 2+2?" "uhhhhhh 3? nah just kidding 4." he actually looked shocked what did he really think I was that stupid? I took my fist and slammed it down on his head like Sakura does to Naruto." BAKA! DID YOU REALLY THINK I WAS THAT STUPID!?!?!" I yelled at him while he was frozen in shock wooow he really thought I was gonna be a fan girl." now sasuke think before you act" I said ok maybe yelled. Sasuke just glare at me and stalked off and headed to what I assumed was his home. When we arrived he headed upstairs to one room and pointed at Raven " your room be quiet." he said/demanded. then headed towards another room " your room same goes for you  my rooms downstairs don't go there." he said and walked away. well isn't he bucket of sunshine I thought as I as I lied down in the surprisingly soft bed it had black silk sheets, black ,red pillows, and a black and red blanket. As I lied there I slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber.

there! I finally updated  hope it was good I had to erase a whole paragraph because it didn't seem right um comment, and vote if you guys want bye!
