In Konahagure

Hiiiiii!!!! I just wanted to tell y'all I'm trying to make my chapters longer so that's in case I don't update fast. Also gonna try not to put to many AN's. Oh also SOL's have started so yea but 7th grade hasn't started yet. Ok to the story. Oh I do not own Naruto.

We finally reached the gates and to my surprise (note the sarcasm) Izumo and Kotetzu were asleep. ¬_¬

(AN: the italics are Jasmine and Raven talking in their minds)

J= Jasmine       R= Raven

J:let's scream on 3,k?


We looked at each other.




"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We yelled right in their ears. They shot up faster than a bullet. While they were trying to find the source of the screams we were rolling around laughing it took a minute till they noticed us." State you name and reason for being in konaha." Izomu demanded." We want to speak to the Hokage about staying in this village and becoming ninja" I said." Ok I'll escort you to the building." He said ignoring the complaints coming from Kotetzu. As we headed towards the Hokage building I noticed everything was pretty much the same as the anime/ manga. When we finally reached the Hokage building both Raven and I yelled "FINALLY!" at the exact same time. Dude it felt like hours. As we enter Izumu led us to a door and knock." Come in." Was the Hokage's response. We entered the room filled with ANBU black ops everyone turned and faced us due to the unfamiliar chakra." Who are these young girls,  Izumo?" He asked." We can introduce ourselves." I said in a deadly tone causing all the ANBU to flinch but not the Hokage nor Raven. The Hokage laughed " ok then who are you girls?" He asked." I am Rõzu Uchiha -gasps from the group while I just stared at her like really- and this is my sister  Serena Uchiha." Cue more gasps from the others while I was smiling at the fact she said that we were sister." Y-you two are a part of the Uchiha clan?" The Hokage asked obviously not believing us. Hmm can we pretend we are uchihas? Ooooh let's see if I have the sharingan! I focused chakra into my eyes as I did things became clearer and sharpe.As I did I heard gasps, really people again? " Does this prove anything?" I asked the Hokage." Yes now where can you girls stay mmmmm... You can stay with-"

Cliffy! Yea I know we all hate them but I can try to promise this to be the only one sooo yea please tell me what y'all think about the story what's good and what I should change also I'll try to update as fast as I can I got to prepare for my SOL tests so I'll be a little slow
