The reason why

I don't own Naruto. Comment and tell me what you think.

Sorry for not updating I'll try to as often as I can!

                                                        (Jasmine/Serena's dream)

I was in a white room there was only one other person in the room with me it was a lady with white hair and ears like mine, she wore a icy blue kimono with hearts lining the bottom, her skin was a milky white color and had no flaws what so ever. As was observing her she turned around her eyes were a light baby blue that would make even the sky itself ashamed as they held a kindness that could not be faked,when just glancing at her you would believe that she was only a little  older than me but you could tell that she was much older as her eyes held a wisdom that even the Hokage himself had not lived long enough to obtain." Jasmine, welcome to your inner mind." inner mind? " um miss what do you mean my inner mind? Also who are you and how do you know my  name?" she smiled in a kind way as to not frighten me." I am the one who brought you and your sister here." oh well that's cool-wait sister?! " um miss what do you mean sister?" she has got to be kidding I don't have a sister." oh don't panic not an actual sister I mean your cousin Raven she is to be known as your sister in this world , I have made it so that if you two were to be tested like a blood test your blood line would be exactly the same ,same mother, same father it would make living in this world easier." ok I get it."hey since you brought us here who exactly are you?" I had to ask." I am Kamira the goddess of destiny,dreams, and wishes." hmmmm.

" Kamira why did you choose us out of all the people in our world why us?" I asked in all seriousness."you will find out in due time." she spoke with such authority there was no room for argument. "ok I have a few questions though." " go ahead and ask." So I did."Does Raven know?" "yes she does my clone is speaking with her now." Ok good." Ok here's a question I really wanted to ask cane and Raven have special power?" She seemed to think about it." Sure what power do you have in mind?" " can we have the ability to wish for anything but if we turn into "bad guys" we lose that power?" She thought about it and shrugged " sure she closed her eyes as she did I felt a slight tingly feeling spread throughout my body." There let me inform Raven." And she disappearing leaving smoke behind. After about 15 minutes she came back." There now it's about time for you girls to wake up."  Was the first thing she said." Ok but can we speak again." I asked." You may summon me." " ok thank you again for bringing us here." "you are welcome child now it's about time for you girls to wake up." and the world faded to black.

                 (dream over)

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed as yesterdays memories flooding my mind. I got up and headed to Rõzu's room , I finally reached her room about to knock as the door swung open revealing Rõzu ." morning" she said in a tired voice.

"Did you have the same dream?" I asked. " Yeah with the goddess lady?" She asked." Yeah" I said nodding. " Come on let's get some food!" She yelled suddenly full of energy. We headed downstairs in search of the kitchen. As soon as we got to the last step Ducky was there.

" What do you two bakas want?" Sasu-teme said." Ummmm Sasuke we just wanted to tell you  a girl with bubblegum pink hair where trying to get in through my window and a blond one was trying to get in through Rõzu's." I said. Raven looked at me and easily caught on." Yeah they kept saying stay away from my Sasuke-Kun?" She said. Sasuke was looking at us in horror." Also some other girls were on the ground cheering them on and we were planning on asking the Hokage for a um possibly safer housing situation." I said." That won't be necessary Ill figure it out but we have to meet up with Kakashi-sensei go get dressed."

So we all got dressed an ate then left to meet Kakashi.

Ok! I updated yay! So comment and tell me watcha thought.
