Requested: You have baby daddy drama (Zayn)

Kayla's POV

"Jordan put your shoes on. It's time to go to daddy's house" I yelled up to my 4 year old son.

This weekend Jordan goes to his father's house.

His father's name is Zayn Malik.

Zayn and I were together for a while in high school and at the beginning of his career. We had Jordan and we stayed together for another year after him.

We finally split up because we ended up not being able to stand each other.

We fought 24/7. We never did anything romantic and honestly we only had a relationship because of Jordan.

There wasn't a spark. There wasn't any love.

So that's why we are here today.

Zayn in newly engaged to a girl named Perrie Edwards and I have a wonderful boyfriend named Jackson.

Life was almost good except for when Zayn forgets to get Jordan on his weekends.

He forgot today so I have to, once again, miss a date with Jackson to go take Jordan across the city to his father's house.

(Skipping the car ride)

When we arrive to Zayn's house I got Jordan out the car and grabbed his night bag.

He had some McDonald fries and that helped keep him quiet.

I knocked on the door and waited until it opened to none other than Zayn Malik himself.

"Why are you here?" He asked. He sounded annoyed. Too bad.

"It's your weekend with Jordan. I'm already late for my date with Jackson so here" I said and handed him Jordan's bag.

"Um no. This weekend won't work. Perrie has an appointment to check on the baby. I can't next weekend either because I have interviews and Rehearsals and the weekend after that I leave for tour" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's either this weekend or no weekend." I said.

He narrowed his eyes.

"You can't take my kid from me." He said.

But honestly I think he could care less. He never sees Jordan and when he does he barely pays attention to him. It's always Perrie this and Perrie that.

Once he made Jordan eat peanuts as a snack because Perrie was craving them. Forgetting that Jordan is allergic to peanuts and had to rush him to the ER to get his stomach pumped.

I almost thought about taking away his rights then and there but I gave him one more chance.

"Let's face it. You are a shit dad. You don't even care if I take him away. My baby deserves more than you and Perrie. He deserves someone like Jackson." I said.

He scoffed.

"That's a complete lie. Jackson can't even be half the dad I am" He said.

"Oh such a shame. Jordan calls Jackson dad and what does he call you? Zaynie was it? So who does he feel more comfortable with as a father? It seems it's Jackson. You know what? Screw you. Jordan isn't your son anymore. He doesn't need you he needs me" I said and began to walk away.

When I got to the car I yelled.



Im the worst😂

This is actually pretty long. im proud
