Imagine: He meets your parents (Niall)


You and Niall had been dating for about 5 months now. You guys had just started saying I love you and meeting each others friends.

You thought that you and Niall's relationship was at the point of where he should meet your parents.

You both talked about the idea for a week and Niall was ready.

When you both arrived at your old home Niall didn't seem worried at all.

You smiled and gave him a good luck kiss.

You rang the door bell and your mom happened to be the one who opened it.

"(Y/N) what a suprise. I thought you was in London" She said and smiled brightly at me.

Your family lived in good Ole Round Rock, Texas. You didn't have a southern accent and most people in round rock didn't.

You never told Niall until now.

"Well you must be Niall" Your mother said.

Her hands were on her hips and she smiled brightly at Niall.

Your mother was never one to judge so that was good on Nialler's behalf.

"Mmhmm. Nice to meet you Mrs. (Y/L/N)" He says and my mom smiles a bit brighter.

"Nah that makes me sound old call me (Y/M/N)" She said and Niall nodded.

When you entered the house you saw your dad watching american football on the television.

When he looked at you and Niall he smiled.

The only thing he said was...

"Well you both gonna come watch the game or not?"
