Prefrence: You/He wants a divorce (Louis and Harry only)

Sorry I haven't been posting any imagines or preferences lately. Not too long ago we found out that my mom has cancer and so she had to have a big surgery to get rid of it (breast cancer, the surgery was May 5th. They removed both of her breasts)  so I've been busy with that and school:) I just thought that I should update because i'm bored and it's the day before mother's day lol

"Why the fuck do you always snoop through my stuff?" Harry screamed at you but you rolled your eyes.

"Isn't it obvious, I don't fucking trust you anymore. You've already cheated on me twice and now that I look through this shit I see it's a third time." You screamed back whilst waving his phone around in your hand.

"Well if you weren't such a needy, annoying bitch than maybe I wouldn't feel the need to cheat on you." He replied and you shook your head, tears covering up your sight.

"Well fuck, If I'm such a fucking needy and annoying bitch than maybe we should get a fucking divorce." You screamed and threw his phone. He quickly raised his hand to, possibly slap you, and you crossed your arms.

"Slap me. I honestly dare you, just know that if you do it I will make sure you never see your daughter ever again." You said and his face fell. You smirked and ran up the stairs to your room and grabbed your suit case and started shoving clothing inside it.

"This is what you do, you always run away from your problems. You're pathetic!" He screamed up the stairs but you rolled your eyes and finished packing. You then went to your daughter's room and started packing her things. When you were done you quickly loaded them into your care and then grabbed your sleeping daughter from her room.

"You can't fucking take her from me. I will not tolerate it!" He yelled at you as if you were a child. You threw up your middle finger and then walked to the door.

"I'll be sending the divorce papers sometime this week." You said and then slammed the door.


"Fuuuuuuck." He moaned and you threw open the door. There he was, your 'perfect' husband, fucking your only sister.

"Shit, Y/N" He said and hopped out of bed. Your sister quickly covered her chest and looked at you with a shocked expression.

"Y-Y/N" Your sister stuttered but you were literally done.

"I fucking knew you were cheating on me but with my own goddamn sister?!?" You screamed and he was shaking his head at you.

"Babe, it wasn't anything special. It was just casual sex." He said but that made it worst for him.

"Casual? So you fucked her multiple times? Was I not enough for you? What the hell?" You questioned and he shook his head again.

"You were-no you are the best thing to me. I'm so fucking sorry baby I just... I don't know." He said and you wiped away a stray tear.

"What about our son?" You spoke, your voice cracking as you stalked. Tears were now rushing down your face.

"You haven't only hurt me but you hurt him. You betrayed him aswell. Did you even stop to think about him, our baby?" You asked and he looked down, a guilty expression took over his face.

"A-And you." You said whilst pointing to your sister.

"How could you? I told you that I thought he was cheating, I cried on your shoulder over it and all along you were the person he was fucking? Out of all people I thought that you have enough respect for me and love for me to not take him away from me." You sobbed to your sister and she sniffled and looked at you.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" She said and you shook your head.

"It's cool." You breathed and they both looked up at you. You slowly slid your ring off your finger and sat it on his bedside table and walked to your closet and grabbed a few clothing items and shoved them into a bag. You walked out and looked at the two.

"I'll be sending the divorce papers as soon as I get them. You two have a great fucking time together and never, and I mean never speak to me again." You said and then left the house to pick up your son from daycare and then on to find a place to stay.
