Imagine: He flirts with another girl (Zayn)

Your POV

You and Zayn had decided to go out clubbing to celebrate his new solo album that he had just released.

You were happy for him but you felt as though you both should just celebrate at home but Zayn wasn't having it.

He insisted that you both go out to a club and you being the supportive girlfriend you are, you agreed.

"I'm ready" you said after you slipped on your heels.

You honestly looked bomb af.

"Great let's go" Zayn said and then you left.

When you arrived at the club there was paparazzi everywhere.

It was very new to you. They mainly followed you guys because you were Zayn's first real girlfriend ever since he ended the engagement with Perrie.

So far, you both have been going strong for the past 5 months.

"I'll go get us drinks" Zayn said once you got seated in a booth.

You nodded towards him and he darted off.

When he came back he had your usual vodka with a splash of coke and his sex on the beach.

You drowned your drink, as did he and then you both decided to go dance.

While you were dancing you noticed the female attention Zayn was getting.

You didn't mind much because he was a beautiful man and people were going to stare.

"I'm going to the ladies room" you said and then hurried to the closest bathroom.

You wiped the swear off your head and then fixed your eye shadow and eyeliner.

You added a bit more of your red lip stick and then left the small bathroom.

While you were walking back to where you'd left Zayn you noticed a platinum blonde stole your spot.

You furrowed your eyebrows and walked further into the crowd.

You could easily see Zayn leaned up against the girl, whispering things into her ear.

You could tell that they weren't the most appropriate by the look on the girls face.

There was no denying that your were extremely mad.

You marched over to the blonde and Zayn and ripped his head from her ear.

"Sorry I was here first" the blonde said.

You rolled your eyes and gave her the middle finger.

"nah, bitch. I've been here for the last 5 months... You're a little late." I said. She huffed and walked away.

Zayn looked at you and then pulled on a lazy smile.

"That was hot" he said but you flipped him off and headed for the club's doors.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked from behind you.

You gave him the middle finger and then yelled,

"Go fuck yourself" and then left.
