I just wanna cry

Hey guys.

This isn't an update, it's more like a rant and sob fest and I really needed someone to vent to.

So basically tomorrow I graduate 8th grade (i'm hella young Ik, i'm technically supposed to be in 9th going into 10th but my birthday is late) 

and when you graduate it's supposed to be a fun and happy time. I was like so happy about it and like so excited. 

The first thing that went wrong was that my dad decided that he wasn't going to come to my graduation. If you didn't know, he lives in Texas and he doesn't feel like making the drive until he absolutely has to.

I was okay with him not going because I don't even really talk to my dad, I have like no real connection with him. Yeah, I see him every summer but I never talk to him other than that.

But when my dad bailed I invited my sister. (note I only had 5 tickets to start)

I was in the middle of a huge problem because I had to invite my grandma and my mom and my sister but I also have three aunts who wanted to go. So I have been begging around and looking for someone with an extra ticket and I finally got one.

I kept telling my aunts (for months) the date of the graduation and that type of stuff and of course the day before one of the only days that would be focused around me (no one ever pays attention to me in my family. Like my birthday is never good because somehow I always end up crying because of either disappointment of being made to feel like shit) Everybody decides that they want to flake out on me.

Like my dad already isn't going, then my aunt D said she can't go and now my aunt M can't go. Like I understand my Aunt D's reason but my aunt M knew the date she knew all about this for months now.

I went through so much to make sure they could all go and now i'm sitting here crying because they just up and bailed on me.

And on top of that, my grandmother is trying to invite her friend (My brother's grandma- we have different mom's but same dad) and I honestly don't like that woman. My grandma keeps pressing and trying to get me to invite her but I refuse.

The only thing I learn today was that you can't trust anyone, not even family because they'll be the main ones to disappoint you.

That's all I ever feel when it comes to them. All they ever do is disappoint me and they never notice how much it effects me.
