
**A few years later**

Jade let out a sigh of relief as she walked into her new home. Nothing too fancy. Just a simple two story house that she and her ten pokemon would be able to live in comfortably.

It was honestly a bit of a miracle that she was able to get this not too long after returning to Hoenn. Seemed like she underestimated just how much money that she had made doing contests. It only took several months of savings to get this house.

But maybe being able to afford something like this was a perk to being a Top Coordinator of Hoenn.

Leafeon, Delcatty, and Umbreon were curled up on the couch. The two eeveelutions fast asleep as Delcatty groomed their fur. Just one glance outside through the glass door and Togekiss and Azumarill could be found playing in the smaller kitty pool, happily splashing each other. In the larger one just next to it laid, Milotic. Enjoying the sun as she laid in her own private pool.

As Jade prepared her lunch, she heard the tv suddenly get turned on. She looked over her shoulder to see Mismagius with the remote.

"What's going on?"

The Ghost type gestured her head towards the screen. Confused, Jade walked forward. As soon as she left the kitchen, Garchomp stepped in, getting meals ready for his team.

As Jade walked closer, she saw that there was a contest going on. From what she could tell, it was somewhere in Sinnoh. Leafeon's ears twitched at the sound of the tv, opening one eye to see what was happening.

There they saw Rhyme on the screen, an Empoleon and Leafeon standing in front of her. It seemed like they had just missed whatever finishing move that they've done as the audience began to cheer as sparks of light showered down. Just on the other side was a defeated Grotle and Snorunt.

Lopuuny and Altaria rushed out of the room they were in upstairs just in time to see their old friend accept a ribbon.

Jade couldn't help but smile at the sight of it. 'So she figured out that she wanted to do contest.'

Shortly after, an interview started for Rhyme.

"And once again the battle princess has made another victory. It was only just a week ago that you won your second gym badge. Do you plan on becoming both our new Champion and Top Coordinator?"

Rhyme smiled sheepishly. "Maybe. I've just been trying a little bit of everything to see what I like and what I'm good at. I've only managed to narrow it down to gym battles and contests."

"Well your pokemon sure do look strong. And the little dance your Plusle and Minun pulled off in the appeal rounds. I'm sure they certainly have the potential to excel in both." the interviewer said. "But if I remember correctly..." he then turned his attention toward the young Leafeon sitting at Rhyme's side. "You called this little one Jade. Is there a meaning behind that name?"

"She's named after a good friend of mine." Rhyme explained patting her partner's head. "The one that kinda inspired me to go on this journey."

"I see. And if your friend is watching, what would you say to her."

It was then that Rhyme looked towards the camera. For a moment Jade thought that they were making eye contact through the screen.

"I haven't forgotten my promise Jade. And one day, I'll come find you and show you just how strong I've become face to face."

Jade stared at the tv for a few moments. Leafeon also a bit shocked by what just happened. Did this mean that he had a successor in a way? He looked up to see what his trainer was thinking. But all he saw was a smile form on her face.

"And we'll be ready when that time comes." she said to the screen, as if she was replying to Rhyme. Jade then looked over at all her pokemon. "Won't we guys?"

A unanimous and resounding agreement filled the room.

In due time, they would see what kind of skills their little friend had gotten when she finds them.
