Jade hummed in thought as she studied what Rhyme had put in her hands as she explained one of the main differences between Hoenn contests and Sinnoh contests. They were back in Jubilife City and decided to grab something to eat before settling down for the night. "So...I put this over a pokeball and when I open it, this additional effect happens when I release my pokemon onto the arena?"

"Yep." Rhyme said, nodding her head. "Some are simple in design and others are more complicated. But in the end, it all just depends on what you think will best go with the pokemon that you send out."

"Well, considering this is my first time hearing about these, I should probably start with something simple then work my way up." Jade said.

"Oh, and during the Grand Festival, there are no Preliminary Rounds. Just the appeal and battle rounds. But everything else is the same. Grand Festival is under a double performance rule."

Jade nodded in understanding. "Got it. This shouldn't be too hard to keep up with. But now I should probably figure out who should start things off."

Immediately, Leafeon stepped up, volunteering to do it. Jade giggled and patted his head.

"Very well then. I guess since Delcatty started everything in Hoenn, you can start the first contest here."


 "I thought I told you that if you were going to choose to go on a journey with someone, choose someone good." a voice said. Jade and Rhyme turned to see a boy around the same age as Rhyme if not just a bit older with a Turtwig, standing not too far from them. He wore a plain black shirt with some jeans. From the looks of it, whatever happened or was happening between the boy and Rhyme wasn't positive as the young trainer crossed her arms. Though she couldn't help but notice that their hair color was almost the same shade.

"Well, I think I'm at least on the right track. After all, I didn't choose to travel with you." Rhyme countered.

Jade frowned a little at the sudden hostility so she sighed and stood up, approaching the boy. "Alright now, there's no need for all this hostility. If you're worried about what kind of people that Rhyme here is hanging around then I'd be more than willing to introduce myself." she then smiled and held out her hand for the boy to shake. "My name is Jade, a pokemon coordinator. What's your name?"

The boy narrowed his green eyes at the coordinator before smacking his hand away. "I don't need your fake kindness. Just drop the act 'cause it's not going to work on me."

"Fake kindness? What do you mean by that?"

The boy ignored her, walking past her before staring at Rhyme. "I guess if you're not going to listen then you're just going to learn the hard way. Don't say I didn't warn you when you finally figure out the truth."

"And I'm sure I don't have to say I told you so when you find out that not everything you think is true." Rhyme countered as she rolled her eyes. "Just leave me and my friend alone if you're not going to apologize for being so rude to her."

The boy simply huffed and walked off, leaving Jade confused about what had just happened.

"Uh...I'm guessing you two aren't friends."

Rhyme sighed. "That's my older brother Jason. Sorry that he spoke to you that way. For some reason, he hates coordinators and acts like...well that whenever there's one around."

"Well...not sure why he would hate someone just because they did something different with their pokemon but I guess it can't be helped. Let's just go back to the hotel room and get some rest. If you want, I can help you and Piplup train a bit."

Rhyme nodded, smiling a little as she followed Jade back to their room.


"Piplup, use Pound!"

"Leafeon, dodge and use Magical Leaf!"

Leafeon easily jumped out of the way of Piplup's attack before sending colorful leaves at the water starter. In response, Piplup shot his own bubbles to counter Leafeon's Magical Leaf, though they were smaller and weaker. Magical Leaf went through Piplup's attack, hitting the Penguin Pokemon and causing him to stumble and fall.

"Looks like your partner just learned Bubble," Jade noted. "He's improving quickly. Now Leafeon, let's finish this with Grass Whistle."

Leafeon took a breath before whistling a soothing melody.

"Quick Piplup, dodge it!" Rhyme shouted. Her partner tried to cover his ears but it was too late. The water starter yawned before falling to the ground, fast asleep.

"Alright, I think that's enough for your first practice battle," Jade said. "Leafeon, wake up our little friend here."

The Verdant Pokemon nodded and walked over to Piplup, using a Lum Berry that was given to him. Rhyme scooped up her partner in her arms the moment he woke up.

"Good job Piplup, you learned a new move." she praised. "Soon we'll be a force to be reckoned with."

"Lup!" Piplup nodded in agreement, filled with determination. If he was making this much progress and this was his first battle, then he would be strong before anyone knew it. In fact, people might miss his growth if they blinked so everyone better be watching closely.

Jade couldn't help but giggle at their enthusiasm. "You two certainly have grown closer in the few days that you've known each other. That's good." She then handed the new trainer an Oran Berry. "Here, this will help Piplup regain some of his strength."

Rhyme thanked Jade before feeding Piplup the Oran Berry. "Thanks for helping us train a little. I know that you probably wanna concentrate on the contest tomorrow."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all," Jade assured her. "It's been a little while since we battled so this helps me just as much as it helps you."

"Are you nervous?" Rhyme asked.

"A little," Jade admitted. It was then that Leafeon came over to his trainer's side, rubbing his cheek against her leg. In response, Jade scratched behind Leafeon's ears. "But there's nothing to worry about as long as we have each other. Right Leafeon?"



Leafeon (Ability: Leaf Guard) Leaf Blade, Nature Power, Magical Leaf, Grass Whistle

Delcatty (Ability: Cute Charm) Attract, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Safeguard


Piplup (Ability: Torrent) Pound, Growl, Bubble
