Chapter 19 Part 2

I let out a fake smile as the Controller taps on my back, but it does it's job just fine, that is fooling the Controller. "Follow me," he says as he leaves the room.

I, not removing my eyes on the Controller, and what the Controller does. The Controller walks towards the door as I watch him, observing closely.

"Are you coming?" The Controller ask whilst finally turning his head to look back at me.

"Where are we going now?"

"I have a surprise for you," says the Controller, this scares mr a little, it makes him wonder what the Controller is talking about,it leaves me uncertain.

Whilst we are still walking down the hallway, he enters one of the doors on the sides and I follow cautiously. The room is surrounded by metallic drawers, that go from top to bottom.

They fill the room, and I am guessing that each and every drawer has documents that are important to the Controller.

He looks at the numbers on each of the silver drawers, he finally stops when when he reaches no. 273. He shapeshifts into Danny and then starts making himself taller, so he can reach the high drawer. He pulls it all out and then shrinks himself back to normal size.

"I'll take it by the look on your face that you've met this guy." The Controller says whilst taking out a briefcase from the shelf he took out.

"Relax, Shaun McGee, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it by now."

"I have no idea what you're taking about," I say, trying my best to sound convincing.

"Who is he?" I ask.

The Controller simply looks at me and opens the briefcase to reveal one the costumes his men wear. One of the spandex suits, but this one is different, besides the fact that it's black and the others are white.

It's fabric is a lot more thick and it feels somewhat like rubber, but it isn't quite rubber. "Don't worry it doesn't have a cape," he says jokingly. I lift up the costume and then grab the mask right next to it.

"The research facilities are filled with cameras, you're going to need this to keep your identity hidden or you'll have to sleep with one eye open at night. I forgot," he hits his head as if he forgot something crucial, "you don't sleep."

He then chuckles,"What are you waiting for," he points at the costume in front of Shaun, "try it on."

I slip off my clothing and slip into the costume, which seems big. It then decreases in size to fit me perfectly. I turnto look at the Controller shocked at the self adjusting outfit. "I used nano technology to design a suit that-"

"Spare me the geek talk," I say whilst admiring the abs and muscles this suit makes me have. I may not be muscular, but I admit I would look pretty good with muscles. I then slip on the mask and my costume is now complete, "I look like Venom, don't I?"

The Controller pinches the bridge of his nose whilst looking down. "No you don't I just knew you'd like the colour, how do you feel?" He asks.

"I feel like I could lift a whole car." I say whilst I keep flexing, I admire the muscles the suit makes him look like he has.

"Well you could, if you could focus on using the Boulder's ability, it would be no problem," the Controller says.

"Can I really like do that?" I ask doubting the words he has already heard being said twice today.

"Telekinesis, is not your ability, but your nanobots don't run out of tricks now do they. They always have something new to show you, let me guess, you can see clearly in the dark."

"No, I say."

"Well, you can he says. That's why we're going to attack at night, and we're turning of the lights, for them." He says then gives out a menacing laugh.

"I hope you like your new tights, I don't want to see McGhee ever in the news again. If you're ever going to appear in the news again, appear wearing that suit. The organization first laid its eyes on you, the day you first fought with my men, and they've been hunting you ever since."

"But at school, they had the chance to take me and they didn't." I say, whilst still a little confused.

"You weren't the mission," the Controller says, "the man didn't have any collars either, he was there to kill."

I didn't know that having superpowers would involve hiding from an evil organization that tortures and runs tests on people to figure out how they really worked.

If the Controller would have asked me before all this, if he would have asked me if I wanted superpowers. I would've agreed, but now that I have seen how life as a superhero is, I don't't like it.

It isn't fun living your whole life in fear, having to learn to control what's inside you or you'll hurt someone. Living with someone's blood on your hands, maybe I really should've died during the experiment. I've done really good so far, I think sarcastically.

Now I have a chance to save my friend, I got these powers for a reason. It's high time I showed them why.

I'll start by destroying those research labs, all three of them, and then I'll save my friend.

I don't want anyone to experience what happened to me, plus I don't want any more beasts wondering Mac. It's hard enough to fight off the beasts now, and I'm guessing there are just a few of them alive.

I can't bare to imagine an army of them terrorising Mac, but why Mac. Why is Mac the center for all these attacks? Why did they choose me, I can't help but think they were after him for a reason.

"Why me?" I ask.

"What do you mean boy?"

"Why'd you choose me?"

"It's a long story, and it's more complicated than you think," the Controller says smiling.

It is bad enough I was being hunted by the Controller, but now an organization I know nothing about.

I am however sure that the Controller knows a lot about them. He wouldn't however share his information with me, but I'm focusing more on saving my friend. I don't care about being hunted like weak prey, they do know that I might be a lot of things but I am not weak.

"Don't worry Josh, I'm coming for you."
