Chapter 20 Part 2

I levitate myself on top of the building I'm supposed to destroy. I should try flying with this telekinesis, just lifting myself up and down isn't enough, I think to myself.

I bring my mind back to the mission at hand. The funny part is that I can't teleport back to the Controller's facility. I can't remember anything about it, not even what the inside looked like, or the colour of the paint.

I'm sure the Controller did something to me when he turned into the woman with blonde hair. Telepathy maybe, but he did something to wipe my memory of the place, but not my memory of what happened there.

"It gives me a headache just thinking about it," I say whilst hovering over the building.

"Just thinking about what?" The Controller asks in an earpiece inside my mask.

"Did I say that aloud, nevermind I said anything," I say whilst lowering myself on the roof of the building. This is going to be fun, I've got a license to destroy.

I land on the roof of the building and look around but I don't see any cameras on the roof. That's a relief because that would mean I have to speed up things, the guards inside are watching these cameras.

If they spot anything suspicious, then they're going to call the for reinforcements. I'm sure they aren't going to call the police, what they are doing here is not exactly legal.

The police are not so scary but I don't want to appear as the bad guy in this situation. Would they even call the cops?

One question in my mind is, are there any mutated beasts inside here? I chose to attack the smallest research facilities first, I'll just go up to the bigger ones as if I am going up a ladder.

I don't know why the Controller didn't come, or send some of his men with me? He just wanted me to do it individually, not that I'm complaining.

I go invisible and start phasing into the roof the building. He stop phasing and levitate myself down but don't touch the ground.

"I may have forgotten to tell you this, but they might have weight sensors. The moment you step on that tile, the guards will be alerted," the Controller says on my earpiece.

"Well let's make this quick. You did say that the lab is below this compound right?"

"Yeah, have fun."

The room I'm in looks much like an office, this must be to throw people off. They'll think it's just a humble place of work, unaware of what happens below. The room is full of computers and tables and chairs, lemme play a trick on those guards, I think to himself.

I then levitate a computer up and down, and I wonder if they saw that. I do it again, but I take out water from those big water bottles. The ones you always find in offices, that everyone drinks out of with styrofoam cups.

I levitate the water out and the two cups up into the air. I have made sure that I'm doing this infront of the cameras.

I levitate the water into one of the cups, I then start turning the cup as if I were about to pour the water in it onto the other one. I turn the cup completely upside down, the water should have been all over the floor but I keep it in.

The two guards look at the screens on their monitors in horror. They have seen a lot of crazy things in their lives, but they have never seen anything like this.

They get up from their sits but still have their eyes glued to the screen. They watch as the water finally drops but it does so in slow motion, and the water still maintains the cup shape.

The water slowly moves into the cup below it. I then drop the cups and start flipping computers with my mind. I lift the tables and throw one table straight at a camera. The guards, in horror and surprise, don't know whether to go check what's happening or keep watching.

I destroy everything in sight, from the water dispenser, every pencil sharpner, and stapler. I never knew that destroying things would be this fun, papers hover into the air and get torn into pieces in midar.

The other guard touches one on the shoulder, and then looks at the camera, they look back at each other in unison then nod.

The two men tear their clothes apart, and start holding their heads in pain. I keep destroying the office until nothing is in sight.

I then hear the screams of old men and I cower, remembering the man in the black van. The screams then stop, and they are followed by two howls together in unison.

I am surprised at this, I know there are no forests anywhere near this place, and the howls came from somewhere inside the building.

"Wolves? There are no wolves in Carelin." The Controller says.

"So you heard that too? Did you say we are in Carelin? That's not so far from Mac," I say, "infact it's just near Mac, here I was thinking I was so far from home. When actually I'm in a neighbouring city."

"Where we are is not important, focus on the task at hand," the Controller says, he didn't want to reveal any information about their location but he accidentally did exactly that.

I start looking through walls in attempts to find what made the sound. This is disturbed by the lights going out, and I stop looking through things. In the darkness of the room I can see two pairs of eyes.

One thing with blue eyes and the other with goldish-yellow eyes. He is sure that these eyes aren't the eyes of humans, though they walk upright.

"We can smell you!" One of them shouts, "We know you're here," He says this whilst sniffing around on the floor.

My eyes then turn blue and I can see in the dark, everything is blue in colour.

Being invisible has helped me a lot so far, but what's the use, if they can smell me. The men come closer to my direction, "Your scent is stronger this side, whoever you are show yourself."

"You sound scared," I say, my voice sounding a lot deaper now that I'm wearing the mask.

"We are not afraid," they say in unison as the come closer to my direction. Their claws scratching across the surface as they slowly move closer.

I then feel a small darkness in his core creeping out. I want to fight more than anything now, and he doesn't know where it comes from. It feels a bit evil, all he wants to do is fight. I just feel myself disappearing into a place in my mind.

I fight back the feeling, I shake my head and focus on the oncoming wolves. I'm going to be in a lot of trouble if I'll first fight with myself before fighting the wolves.

I feel as if I'm being sucked into darkness, by a fluid. All this happens in my mind as I quickly shake it off again.
